By Brad Friedman on 6/9/2011, 9:06pm PT  

Had been saving this for a rainy day. But as professional scam-artist and serial philanderer Newt Gingrich's entire campaign staff resigned today en masse, the shelf life for this story may be as short as Newt's. Speculation has it he may not be around much longer than Monday's NH debate, so I guess I better run this right now!

Plus, I'm sick as a dog (summer cold), so should prolly stand down for a bit and get better quick cuz I gotta guest host the Mike Malloy Show again next week, and will probably need a voice to do it.

So, with that preamble...Man, do I miss Michael Moore's TV Nation. Here's a classic from 1995 and still fresh as the day it originally aired --- eh, Newt?

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