From unbroadcastable viral video, to Fox 'News' smackdown, to Fox network's primetime family line-up...
By Brad Friedman on 11/14/2010, 3:08pm PT  

As a much needed, momentary (if not complete, since Fox plays a role here, at both its broadcast TV network as well as its "news" channel) respite from politics this afternoon, it's been a hoot watching the evolution of Cee-Lo Green's instant, if unspeakable, Internet viral smash hit "Fuck You" song/video go from overnight viral sensation to timeless classic in a matter of months, despite the unbroadcastability of its main lyrical hook, and many other parts of the lyrics as well.

[Note: Other than the final, still-rockin' Gwyneth Paltrow version of the song posted below, the rest of these are likely NOT SAFE FOR WORK...depending on where you work, of course.]

It started in mid-August when, within hours, a low rent, if clever, lyrics-only version of the tune was posted as a Youtube video and almost immpediately went through the roof...

Just two weeks later, the above version was replaced by an "official" video of the tune, featuring Cee-Lo himself, in an upbeat, glossy, through-the-ages "fuck you" time-warp, with all of the original lyrics still intact...

Last Tuesday, Cee-Lo made his way onto The Colbert Report with the PG version of the song, furthered modified for Comedy Central basic cable broadcast with a special suggestion from Stephen Colbert. Along with replacing "Fuck You" with "Fox News," Cee-Lo also made a few more custom modifications to the first few stanzas:

"I saw you drivin' 'round town with the girl I love on Fox News/ Didn't see one politician that wasn't corrupt on Fox News And I got the blues/ The poor get poorer, the rich get richer. Ain't that some sh**? (Ain't that some sh**?) / I'm havin' pains in my chest because I'm so stressed from Fox News."

The live, modifed version absolutely killed. Unfortunately, only the first minute or so is available on the Internets...

...Apparently, Cee-Lo performed a live uncensored version for the Colbert audience off-air afterwards, and that's the only version the Colbert folks posted to their website...

Finally, as a testament to how damn good Cee-lo's tune and original recording was, the song makes its way onto Fox's broadcast TV network family show Glee this coming Tuesday, with both a race and sex change --- as belted with the mighty impressive pipes of guest star Gwyneth Paltrow --- and all of the "fucks," "shits," and "niggas" removed. And yet, the song still kills!...

If you've watched any, or all, of the videos above, good luck getting that tune out of your head for at least the next 24 hours. It's been in mine for months. Just be careful about which version you sing out loud at work tomorrow.

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