(Please kill me when this is all over.)
By Brad Friedman on 10/23/2004, 10:57am PT  

Several great responses to Bush's lame wolf ad...

A great eagle/ostrich video ad from the DNC!

Fin's prescient and troubling "Lone Wolf" video ad (made at least a month ago!)

And finally, yes, it's true...www.WolfPacksForTruth.org (Hopefully Sinclair will soon give them time to tell their side of this important story.)

The Bush ad is lame, by the way, if only because the fear tactics he's using are all well and good and expected by now (and it's not particularly scary at that), but the "facts" they give about Kerry voting to "gut intelligence" have all been well debunked as nonsense months ago by FactCheck.org (See their article: "President claims 1995 Kerry plan would "gut" the intelligence services. It was a 1% cut, and key Republicans approved something similar.") Nonetheless, they they keep lying about them anyway. Never let a lie get in the way of a good old fashioned fear and smear, I guess.

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