w/ Brad & Desi
  w/ Brad & Desi
BMDs pose a new threat to democracy in all 50 states...
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VIDEO: 'Rise of the Tea Bags'
Brad interviews American patriots...
'Democracy's Gold Standard'
Hand-marked, hand-counted ballots...
GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal 2012...
The Secret Koch Brothers Tapes...
"Chickenhawk of the Moment"
(15 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 10/22/2004 @ 11:53 am PT...
But I thought she liked PIE!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Brian Duffy
said on 10/22/2004 @ 4:15 pm PT...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 10/23/2004 @ 5:01 am PT...
What a couple of pussies doing that to a woman giving a speech.
And here I thought the dems were the founts and advocate of free speech.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 10/23/2004 @ 5:02 am PT...
in honor of these guys calling themselves "al pieda" i purchased and had a nice slice of cherry pie yesterday. Her running from the stage was funny as hell. i guess its easy to decry the fact that her fellow right wingers didnt blow up the NY TImes but when it comes to a pie, now that's a WMD.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 10/23/2004 @ 5:02 am PT...
What a couple of pussies doing that to a woman giving a speech.
And here I thought the dems were the founts and advocates of free speech. Obvoiusly it is only when it is speech they like and with which they agree.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 10/23/2004 @ 12:23 pm PT...
Please explain how the pie throwing forestalled Coulter's freedom of speech? And explain how it is not ironic that a person who wants to forcibly convert Muslims or relishes the idea of McVeigh blowing up the Times has a leg to stand on when someone acts in a manner she desires apropos the freedom of others? Shame on you.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 10/23/2004 @ 12:51 pm PT...
Almost as funny as Castro falling on his face.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 10/23/2004 @ 9:18 pm PT...
Greg, if you think Ann Coulter is a woman deserving of your defense or interest you are wrong. I agree that no one deserves to have pie on his or her podium, but every movement has it's idiot, and she's theirs. She should be ignored, not paid $20,000 to say hurtful things...
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 10/24/2004 @ 10:39 am PT...
What Ann said about the event is hilarious. Two men (maybe men) missed! Two guys who may now get to spend time in jail where their stance on gay marriage will come in handy. Very funny stuff!
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 10/24/2004 @ 10:51 am PT...
This blog reminds me of Brad Blog's criticism of the right doing things to the left. I made the comment that both sides do it and the bloggers on this webpage asked for proof. This blog webpaqe owner has not yet written about the Democrats storming Republican headquarters in various states and firing bullets into them, etc. Here is a perfect example to criticize the Dems but nope, let's make fun of Ann Coulter. Greg, you are so right - hypocrites they are - all of them!
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 10/26/2004 @ 11:51 am PT...
I think it's obvious there are hypocrites and stupid people on the left and the right. Right Paul?
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 10/26/2004 @ 12:05 pm PT...
I have no interest in going to Republican, Libertarian, Green Party, or other I believe in X Party sites--why to you people troll the net looking for people who DON"T agree with you...with the sole purpose of instigating conflict by displaying your contrary opinions? You will not convince anyone on this site to change her beliefs, so why even visit it? Recently Brad said, in reference to a similar statement I made to a visitor, that the visitor was our friend and we should entertain his arguement though we didn't agree...Then the next night he laid in to him and called out his further bullshit (which I actually thought was way too harsh, but I digress). Point: though Brad entertained the visitor's differing opinion, he didn't really want to hear after a point...
You people, however, keep visiting this site picking fights. Let me say that again, longer--You are coming to a website that does not share your beliefs or values, and you are taking time out of your other web pursuits, in order to represent the opposing viewpoint to the view of the site. WHY? Why do you care? Believe me, I have no idea why you are here. Now, I won't speak for Jaime or Brad (anymore than I have done already), but I came to this site because it shares my beliefs. And I am looking for support in those beliefs, and a forum in which to vent. And a little civilized discourse (or even a little adversarial debate...) is always fun.
That is not, however, what you all are doing. Let me reiterate that you all are picking fights.
See, civilized discourse is civilized and suggestive of points of view that are divergent but discussed with a mind to finding the middle ground or just parsing the differences. Saying Ann Coulter said "blah, blah...I hope those queers get butt-raped in prison, because they support gay marriage rights" is not discourse. Do you see the distinction? 'Cause I could do this all day, or at least until the babies wake up from their naps--I got another 10--20 minutes.
I know--I have an extra $75; why not create www.troll-paul-greg-gregblog.com... and you can all have a little "we are so superior to those stupid, gay, female, liberal, educated, broke democrats blog." It'll be fun!
In other words, go fuck yourselves.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 10/26/2004 @ 12:59 pm PT...
Tempers getting a little hot this week?
I'll only jump in to comment on Elle's remarks to say that it's important for folks to see, hear and witness the opinions of folks like Troll, Greg and Paul.
It's a good idea for people to understand quite clearly what we're up against, and what so many Americans actually believe in this country due to an Administration who lies with regularity, hates with impunity, and a media who helps them do both.
That said, given what I see at many sites around the "Internets" discussion here *usually* manages to remain nearly civilized and offers many FACTS to those who may be fact challenged.
Yes, tempers are flaring, particularly right now. But over all, I'd like to think it's a decent expression of Democracy, where folks --- even Paul, Troll and Greg --- have the Right to be horribly Wrong.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 10/26/2004 @ 4:28 pm PT...
Brad--you are, of course, right to defend your site as a PLACE where democracy is expressed...but I thought it time to put up the old dukes. It is, after all, crunch time. And I think it is time for LIKE-minded folks to close ranks; not waste time trying to educate the other side. It's not like these guys are the mythical undecided voter.
The thing is that these guys are not being civilized. Earlier Greg tried to play the poor female card when he invoked Ann's sex to decry the pie throwing. But in the same sentence he used "pussies" to insult them--that's right: emasculation is the greatest form of insult, isn't it? Talk about hypocritical...One last thing before I leave...Their candidate actually said "internets" in the debate. Isn't the whole point of the internet that there is only one? So, vote away!
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 10/26/2004 @ 7:36 pm PT...
Elle said:
"I thought it time to put up the old dukes. It is, after all, crunch time."
And I salute, encourage and applaud your indomitable spirit of scrappiness! Put 'em up! Don't let me stop ya!
"And I think it is time for LIKE-minded folks to close ranks"; not waste time trying to educate the other side. It's not like these guys are the mythical undecided voter."
Don't be so sure. But more importantly, while they may not be the undecided voter, I know how many folks actually read this blog every day. I'll not presume to know if they are decideds yet or not, but an educated voter is Democracy's best chance.
Doubt that? Take a look at the education of the average Bush voter.
"The thing is that these guys are not being civilized."
You're right. I agree. Doesn't mean we need to sink to their level. Though, at "crunch time" it does make it a bit more fun, doesn't it? Don't let me stop ya!
And I'm glad you're on my side, Elle!