A major defense in O'Reilly's case against Andrea Mackris' Sexual Harassment case against him is that Mackris didn't follow Fox's prescribed in-house procedures for making such complaints. O'Reilly's extortion suit against her spends the bulk of it's time describing just that. As if to say "if she didn't follow in-house procedures concerning sexual harassment in our work place, the charges can't be held against us!"
Well, more bad news for the "No Spinner". Mackris has amended her complaint to include details of complaints she registered with "top executives of News Corp. [Fox's Parent Company]" according to Newsday.
In a side note, I should point out that Drudge had a link last night to both that story, and another describing O'Reilly's legal team attempting to have Mackris release any tape recordings she may have to them. Today, the link to the latter story is still featured on Drudge, while he's removed the former that I quoted from above. Just in case you wonder where Drudge's concerns in this matter may be leaning.
Previous BRAD BLOG items on this story:
10/13/04: "Big Trouble for Fox and O'Reilly: A Fair and Balanced Look at Sexual Harassment charges against Bill O'Reilly"
10/13/04: "Bad Vibrations for Bill O'Reilly"
10/14/04: "O'Reilly - In Our Unresolved Problem Segment..."
10/19/04: "O'Reilly - In the Personal Story Segment Tonight..."