While Dubya has been sitting on his ass playing "President" while doing nothing for four years to promote the development of automobiles that use alternative fuel sources --- even after 9/11 when it became crystal clear that we've spent enough blood and treasure in the Middle East --- the rest of the world is getting the jump on us.
So while Bush fiddles as Iraq burns, here comes China to do to us what the Japanese did to us back in the 70's and 80's. They've developed a car than runs on hydrogen peroxide! No doubt, this too is Bill Clinton's fault, like everything else.
The car emits only water vapor and oxygen. My favorite quote from the story; the developers would have made it look better, but they "only had three months to develop this."
In related news, crude sweet oil hit a record $55.33/barrel today. Up about $20/barrel from when Bush complained in 2000 that the Clinton/Gore Administration wasn't doing enough "jaw boning" with OPEC to get them to "open [their] spigots".
And oh, yeah, 1,101 U.S. troops have now been killed in Iraq.
(Thanks Desi for the tip!)