Found on The Register.Co.Uk
Finland's flawed e-voting scheme - blame the voters?
Ministry of Justice earns itself an Oscar Orwell
They used DRE's so what predictions could we have made?
Snippet 1...
"Voting was prematurely aborted for 232 voters (out of 12,000), or about two per cent of the electoral roll."
Snippet 2...
"Tuija Brax (green), the justice minister, said she was surprised by the incidents because the system, developed by TietoEnator, had been "tested, tested and tested again"."
I would love to cut n paste a lot more here, but it's better to just point to the URL...
The EFFI (Electronic Frontier Finland) also has released a report.
Last snippet, (Ahem) ...
"The voting results may be affected by multiple components of the e-voting system, and observing the counting process of ballots is impossible in the traditional sense."
Wow, Ya think?
So they have come to the same conclusion we here at Bradblog have, electronic signals are impossible to be observed!!! I think that EVM manufactures new mantra should be, "Wherever these electronic vote tabulation devices appear, errors, pain and problems are guaranteed to ensue."
Helsinki Finland, was Linus Torvalds's birthplace and stomping ground. For those who don't know, Linus created what we call LINUX. Be interesting to hear Linus's take on this, now that we know so much more about these unvalidatable electronic vote tabulation devices.
I know were all too busy to worry about Finland. But I thought it important to show another FAILURE because of these electronic vote tabulation devices. Hope your not mad at me.