Even as Democrats Stay Mostly Silent While Thousands Are Illegally Purged from Voter Rolls...
By Brad Friedman on 10/18/2008, 6:51pm PT  

Rightwinger Laura Ingraham ably filled in for Bill O'Reilly in the "No Spin Zone" this week, by seeing her argument dismantled by constitutional attorney, prosecutor, and former (Republican-appointed) special counsel to the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, John Flannery on Fox "News."

Ingraham just couldn't believe there would be "all these reports" on the news about "massive voter fraud going on" all over the country, led by ACORN, if they weren't all true! (As we showed both here and at UK's Guardian, it's not true. It's a GOP hoax. More at our special coverage page here.)

Despite being in way over her head, having fallen for the hoax, Ingraham, naturally, played the loyal dead-ender and stuck to her empty guns. (Gosh, we hope there are no typos on Ingraham's own driver's license or voter registration, or she might find herself purged from the voting rolls entirely this November, as they're doing in Florida and so many other state, not mentioned on Fox "News," or even by the Democrats.)

The video follows below, along with further evisceration of Ingraham's "If this were happening to the benefit of the Republicans, the Democrats would be screaming fraud" argument...

You know Ingraham's argument is truly bankrupt when she's forced to cite GOP "voter fraud" hoaxster John Fund of the Wall Street Journal as a credible source of information on this stuff. (By the way, I'm scheduled to appear tomorrow, Sunday, on Fox "News" at 5:40pm ET, with Fund, unless he runs away as he did during a recent interview when I challenged him on his nonsense.)

"If this were happening to the benefit of the Republicans, the Democrats would be screaming fraud," Ingraham charges in the video above, with no evidence to support her claim.

Really? Would they be screaming, Laura? Perhaps in the DNC, no one can hear you scream. In fact they (and Fox, naturally) have been almost completely silent concerning most of the following reports that have been published over just the last coupla weeks:

Golly gee willikers, Laura, can ya hear all those Democrats screaming about all of the above? Almost all of which will inordinately affect Democratic voters "to the beneift of the Republicans"? Funny, I don't hear a thing.

Go check your voter registration now, people!

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