By Brad Friedman on 7/25/2008, 11:18am PT  

The headline from this post comes from Rep. Maurice Hinchey's (D-NY) testimony (he was one of more than a dozen, bi-partisan witnesses) during the extraordinary "not Impeachment" hearings still ongoing in the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.

We were up not long after dawn on this coast to catch the hearings in full and have been able to follow them with the exception of one hour when we had a radio commitment. In any case, it's still-ongoing, and well worth the watch on C-SPAN 1, for a change. If you can't get to a TV, you can catch it online here. I suspect we'll have more on it later today, as time allows. For those of you watching, feel free to "open thread" your thoughts on it here.

UPDATE 1:15pm PT: Phew. The six-hour session just concluded with Conyers stating that these were "the most important hearings we've held in the Judiciary in this session of Congress." We concur, but are thus left wondering what took 'em so long. As mentioned, hopefully more later on today's sobering and historic hearings (if we can overcome our sore wrist).

All six hours will be re-aired in full tonight (Friday) on C-SPAN beginning at 8pm ET.

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