...as of 9/20/04:
By Brad Friedman on 9/20/2004, 3:26pm PT  

Attacks by Insurgents per day:
80 avg.

Cities and Towns in Hostile Hands:

U.S. Military Dead:

U.S. Military Amputees, Wounded, Injured & Psychologically Disabled,
All now evacuated from Iraq:
27,450 est.

Iraqi Civilians Killed:
20,600 est.

Iraqi Military Killed (by end of "major hostilities"):
28,000 est.

Total Iraqis Killed (Civilian and Military):
48,600 est.

Population of Iraq:
25 million

Killed in the US on 9/11:

Population of US:
293 million

Stockpiles of WMD's found in Iraq so far:

Sources: Iraq Coalition Casuality Count, U.S. Dept. of Defense, McLaughlin Group

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