I'm not sure what to make of this. But for some reason, it seems notable. From LA Weekly...
Funny, he doesn't sound like a Liberal when I accidentally see him on TV. Then again, neither does anyone in the Mainstream Media, but that doesn't stop the Right from telling us they are again and again.
He's certainly a smart guy, and astute enough to say in the interview about Fox News: "It's fascinating that they can go a whole year without mentioning Osama bin Laden. You're aware this is a Republican thing."
Okay...So perhaps he just overcompensates (like the Media) for his liberal tendencies. Perhaps the truth about both him and the media is found somewhere in this exchange:
LENO: I believe the media is in the pocket of the government, and they don't do their job. They have people like Michael Moore who do it for them.
Not to be snide, I think Leno's a very decent fellow, but perhaps he's in that same pocket, though perhaps more for the corporations (he does alot of private corporate gigs) who are his bread and butter, rather than the government. He denies it in the interview, but something's not adding up. And perhaps that's why Letterman and The Daily Show are doing Leno's job for him.
Credit nonetheless to him for sitting down and answering the questions.