Hey, those 3000 are dead already...what will they care?
Another one from the rapidly growing 'Anything to Win' file...
By Brad Friedman on 9/15/2004, 4:10pm PT  

On Tuesday, at a campaign rally, according to AP, Dubya instructed his supporters:

"When you're out rounding up the vote, remind people that our economy has been through a lot. We've been through a recession. We had corporate scandals" and the Sept. 11 attacks, he said.

Well, sure enough, the supporters took him at his word as John Aravosis of AMERICABlog discovered today. He caught White Houes Deputy Asst. for Communications, Suzy DeFrancis lying to CNN earlier today:

"We had an attack on 9/11 where we lost over a million jobs in just about 3 months."

So John did some fact-checking on that. Here's what he found:

In a document entitled "Impact of the Events of September 11, 2001, on the Mass Layoff Statistics Data Series," the US Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics says that only 125,637 jobs were reported lost as a direct or indirect result of the attacks.

In the 18 weeks following the September 11 attacks (the weeks ending September 15 through January 12), employers reported 430 events involving 125,637 workers separated as a direct or indirect effect of the attacks. A majority of the layoff events took place in the weeks immediately following the attacks, and the number of new events has tapered off since then.

Yep, companies reported laying off only 125,000 people as a result of September 11, but now the White House is claiming it's 1 million.

CNN and the rest of the "Liberal" media continue to snooze on such blatant misrepresentations of the truth, even by Bush Administration Officials, as Bush and Friends continue to say anything to win.

Or in this case, as John puts it, "Bush is gonna milk those 3,000 deaths for everything they're worth." Indeed.

(AMERICAblog has more on this, so see his full story, as well as the one that follows it showing that the Bush Administration has quietly announced plans to cut --- yes, cut --- some $2.3 billion "from virtually all domestic programs not mandated by law, including education, homeland security and others central to Bush's campaign."!!!)

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