"GOP Christmapocracy..."
(10 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 12/25/2007 @ 4:53 pm PT...
Huckabee stood in front of all America in the debates and LIED proclaiming he was the only one on stage with a theology degree. HE DOES NOT HAVE A THEOLOGY DEGREE. Using religion to pander for votes, calling himself an evangelical christian out of one side of his mouth while lying out of the other.
He drinks a different kind of Jesus juice alright.
He is bought and paid for -
More principled and honest Huck -
Like when he was governor, if you dont agree. expect to be silenced. Not accepting any negative comments.
When you look at the candidates, ask yourself this question. Why is this person running for office? They will all pretty much say the same thing. "Too save the country"
Then, when you get to Ron Paul remember unlike ALL other candidates - Never voted himself a pay raise, never taken a gov paid junkett, doesn't participate in the gov pension program, gives part of his staffing budget back to treasury every year, wont take corporate or lobbyist money, won't take federal election campaign matching funds all the other candidates do. hmmm, what the heck is he doing in congress and why is he running then? Not to mention, right on iraq, right on patriot act, right on Iran, righ on economics ( ...hmmmm
Just a thought.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 12/26/2007 @ 4:12 am PT...
Myths are built into the fibre of our culture, and like sunrise in the morning, they seem naturally true.
They are difficult to unlodge, and even the scientists and doctors believe myths at times.
"Do you believe in Santa Clause" is a test young kids put upon each other, a rite of passing, to determine if the one hanging with them has passed from the land of myth into the land of special knowledge.
As they swallow new and more mature myths to blend back into the Amurkan land of myth.
It is the largest business in Amurka.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 12/26/2007 @ 4:37 am PT...
A great man once said, that when fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross. And that great man was ME! (actually I can't remember who said it)
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 12/26/2007 @ 5:06 am PT...
One bradblog hero reveals that myths are the most powerful of entitities in Amurka:
Goodman’s “Democracy Now” on Dec. 20, Conyers said the U.S. news media has become such a problem that any Democratic attempt to hold the President and Vice President accountable might end up achieving the opposite result.
“There is a very stark reality that with the corporatization of the media, we could end up with turning people, who should be documented in history as making many profound errors and violating the Constitution, from villains into victims,” the Michigan Democrat said.
(Conyers's Myth?, emphasis added). We can't impeach war criminals, obstruction of justice criminals, contempt criminals, or perjury criminals in the United States because the "free press" would not like it?
Sounds like a powerful thoughtcrime John ... war is peace, freedom is slavery, impeachment is treason ...
Never mind, there are much more dangerous things to think about, like "is there a war on christmas".
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Perry Logan
said on 12/26/2007 @ 5:29 am PT...
We'll see you on the street, Michelle.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 12/26/2007 @ 11:05 am PT...
Michelle Malkin is trueblue to her principles in being a heartless human (supposedly, at least) being.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 12/27/2007 @ 5:05 am PT...
Michelle Malkin will be seen a lot more once the bushies buy up all of the MSM:
Longtime associates of President George W. Bush are consolidating their hold on American media with a string of recent purchases, RAW STORY can report.
(Raw Story).
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 12/27/2007 @ 9:56 pm PT...
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 12/27/2007 @ 10:03 pm PT...
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 12/27/2007 @ 10:33 pm PT...