By Brad Friedman on 4/7/2004, 11:40pm PT  

9 great questions for Condi from Peter Bergen in Sunday's NY Times. And another 6 good ones from Scott Armstrong there as well.

Anticipating Bergen's #9, ahead of time, Reuters reports that Condi has "no plans to make a public apology" tomorrow. Oh, that's good. Humbling one's self can be so unseemly at a time like this.

As well, following the Bush Admin's penchant for flip-flopping on all things 9/11, it looks like they may be reversing course yet again regarding the speech she was to have given on 9/11. According to the Reuters report:

On the eve of her testimony, the White House reversed course and signaled it would cooperate with the commission's request to review a speech Rice had been due to deliver on the day of the Sept. 11 attacks touting missile defense as a priority rather than al Qaeda.

"We are cooperating with the commission fully," an administration official said when asked if the White House would provide the panel access to the speech.

Hmmm...they will let them "review" it. Does that mean they'll give it to them and we'll all get to see it? It was to have been a public speech after all. Or, like other documents from the Whitehouse (actual secret ones), will they be allowed to walk past it quicklky in the dark naked with a flashlight?

We'll find out tomorrow morning. They are, after all, "cooperating with the commission fully", so we can all look forward to that.

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