By Brad Friedman on 8/20/2004, 12:18pm PT  

(Blogged by Brad from the road...)

Even as the Rightwingnuts try to apologize for everything from killing thousands of innocent men, women, children and babies in Iraq (see the Comments on this item wherein they justify the killing of tens of thousands of civilians, for instance) to the refusal to allow American's to see their own sitting President if they won't sign a loyality oath, or dare to wear a sticker on their shirt that supports the other candidate, the truth is, they get their marching orders from one man; Rush Limbaugh.

Rush sets not only the agenda for the entire marching band of Rightwing nutballs, but he is their "moral" and "spiritual" inspiration for justifying and apologizing for every appalling act committed against the people of the world, and of course, the Constitution of the United States of America.

Why do these folks despise everything that America stands for? I'll have to assume it's the love of power. How else to explain the moral depravity found in their inspirational leader as exemplified by this montage of Rush clips concerning Abu Ghraib?

Give it a listen!

Be prepared to be appalled. But perhaps it'll give you some idea of who these guys idolize, and how they feel justified spewing the sort of moral depravity that they do every day. If the most popular radio show in America has those sorts of things to say every day, it's little wonder that so do his fans.

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