(Blogged by Brad from the road...)
It's pushing 100 something here on the parking lot of "Rich's Sew & Vac" store in Salem, Oregon where we're hijacking some wireless internet from the parking lot! Catching up after 5 days or so in the woods with no access (see the previous post for more info on our whereabouts).
It looks like the "President" and the Soon-to-be-President are dogging us all the way up Interstate 5! We blew through Central Point, OR yesterday just an hour or so before Kerry was to speak, then up through Eugene where he next spoke, and today both Kerry and Bush are speaking in Portland where we will be shortly. Tix to Kerry's rally sounded dull, and would slow us from our appointed rounds, but getting to a Bush rally on the otherhand would be worth slowing down for!
Unfortunately, it turns out the Bush's rally is for "Party Supporters/Business Leaders Only". In other words, no actual Americans allowed. Not open to the public. Another fake rally for the Bushies. Oh, well.
I tried to quickly catch up on comments and the items posted by the Guest Bloggers, and noted that our BRAD BLOG Commenter (and our resident Canadian friend) Johanna had some concerns about who might win this fall. Lemme tell ya, from out here on the road, in supposedly "conservative" Oregon, all I see is Kerry/Edwards signs and bumper stickers. For whatever that's worth. I saw only one sign of Bush support so far: A big painted trailer with a burnt out forest and the text "Kerry = Death to the West". Whatever that may mean.
In the meantime, Extremist Conservative Talk Radio (the only thing one can get as they speed through the country) would let you think that things are wonderful for the Bushies. They are lying. But that is their job. Barring any big new events (terrorist attack, Debate blunder, October Bin Laden Surprise), I'm still smelling Kerry blow-out in November. But I understand Johanna's feelings. I think she's voicing "fears" rather than real concern based on anything in particular. Unless she's listening and watching the Extremist and "Liberal" Media in any case, in which case, that's exactly what they'd like you to believe.
Here's a quickie for you Fake Conservatives out there: Pete Peterson's Running on Empty: How The Democratic and Republican Parties Are Bankrupting Our Future and What Americans Can Do About It. Peterson was Reagan's head of the Federal Reserve, and he's blowing the whistle on the "Conservative's" absurd No Tax and Spend policies that are sure to bankrupt this country in about five years or so. Those Tax Cutting Voodoo Economists (like BRAD BLOG Commentor Paul) are living with their heads in the sand if they think these Tax Cuts are good for this country, as opposed to just good for getting folks elected. He's got plenty criticism for Dems, as well, but unfortunately they're not the ones who control every house of Congress and the Whitehouse and are managing to spend us into oblivion while cutting the tax base and leaving the bill for our kids and grandkids.
But I've already said too much today, and we need to hit the highway again. So check out the book for yourself!
See ya next from....wherever! Thanks everyone for keeping up the good fun here while I'm gone! It's especially fun while I'm gone, ain't it?!