By Brad Friedman on 7/16/2004, 2:51pm PT  

First they compare Democrats to Hitler in a campaign video on the Official Bush-Cheney website. (They edited the version of the ad they now have up to include a limp disclaimer at the front, and buried the ad itself deep into the website.)

And now, the Jefferson County, Kentucky Republican Party is handing out "Kerry is bin Laden's Man/Bush is My Man" signs at their rallies, just like the one hanging in the window of their headquarters in Louisville!

Their chairman, Jack Richardon IV, told Josh Marhsall (in a short blog item worth reading so you can see that this is no joke) that he makes "no apologies for it" and thinks "it's funny how the truth not only can be amusing but also make a point."

If you have any points, amusing or otherwise, to make to Jack, feel free to let him know at (502) 584-7111 or

Kudos to the BlueGrassRoots blog for the find and the good blogging in the name of a country that may someday again find itself truly united instead of divided by the likes of these sorts of people.

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