"CNN's Lou Dobbs on E-Voting:The Feds Finally Look Into Foreign Ownership of Sequoia Voting"
(11 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 7/25/2006 @ 9:31 pm PT...
Once again Thanks Lou for fighting the good fight!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/25/2006 @ 9:35 pm PT...
No kidding, BB2! Who's gonna be the one to step up and join him?
We gotta get Lou some help out there! Any ideas?
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
brock samson
said on 7/26/2006 @ 12:40 am PT...
At the risk of pointing out the obvious, is it not a little weird that suddenly an agency of the dictatorship is interested in looking into this potentially dem-titling vote-rig issue? Treasury "told Lou Dobbs" - huh? I know it is important to emphasize non-partisanship on this issue, but something smells fishy here (note the Chavez setup at end)
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 7/26/2006 @ 7:53 am PT...
Winter -
About 30 years ago I would have suggested Geraldo Rivera, but any more he has descended into the realm of the National Enquirer type of journalism.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/26/2006 @ 8:21 am PT...
Here's the thing to think about, with investigating Sequoia. They want to investigate Sequoia because the owners may be tied to Hugo Chavez. Since DIEBOLD and ES&S are just Republicans orchestrating elections, THAT'S OK!!!
The point is, and we've been saying all along, that ANYONE including terrorists can hack an American election. I guess it's OK if Republicans hack them, though??? That will get MSM attention...
The point is, all along, that ANYONE can hack an election, because the machines are not secure and don't pass vote security standards. Maybe it's good, if someone from another country hacks an American election.
What will they end up doing? ONLY BANNING SEQUOIA MACHINES!!! Not ALL the machines!!!
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 7/26/2006 @ 2:57 pm PT...
there is nothing fishy if you have been following Smartmatic from its Venezuela days. The bottom line is that Smartmatic was selected in a rigged bid process and then hijacked by the Venezuelan government for the purpose of developing and implementing an electronic voting solution that could be manipulated to alter votes and combined with fingerprint scanners to violate voter secrecy, determine voter preference and subsequently create retaliatory citizen databases used by government to deny those who voted against chavez government jobs, benefits, assistance, services, etc.: the infamous Tascon and Maisanta databases.
The machines used in Venezuela are modified bidirectional gaming/lottery terminals from Italy's Olivetti (MAEL 205).
Smartmatic acquired Sequoia using dirty money i.e. money laundering and if GOVUS really wanted to get technical they would apply Patriot Act against them.
The delusional Antonio Mugica buys Sequoia thinking the Venezuelan recall referendum is behind him and the purchase flys below GOVUS radar just like the recall referendum did because of many reasons, one being the focus on the middle east.
There has always being an ongoing effort to expose Smartmatic. We can see that CFIUS has its problems and reform is being sought.
Venezuela is two and a half hour flight from Miami and has the worlds largest overall reserves. We have a big problem whether we like it or not with the fascist tropical dictator.
What's sad is that the majority of society has been disenfranchised and hijacked by a 10% radical minority that can summon 50% support among the ignorant poor through heavy handouts and masterful populism by Chavez.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 7/26/2006 @ 5:07 pm PT...
I have been saying that a good hacker should hack the machines so that ALL incumbents and ALL Democratic and Republican candidates get 0 votes, and all votes register for only osbcure third party candidates. It may be the only way to wake up members of Congress to do something. I don't think any of them would sit still for having an election result which throws them all out of office. (Of course, only 1/3 of the Senate is up for election at one time, but the House is up for election every two years.)
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 7/26/2006 @ 7:05 pm PT...
the solution implemented in Venezuela would never be allowed in the US. The Chavez-controlled electoral council led by Jorge "Sigmund Fraud" Rodriguez committed the largest and most expensive electronic electoral fraud in history. It wasn't successful as it relied on secrecy which was maintined by force. Basic reviews of the system would start revealing problems. The Carter Center and OAS teams there at the time not up to the job plus Carter also played a role.
It's probably fact that Chavez had majority that day by only by a slim 2% margin. Chavez cheated that day and every day leading up to that day for a dirty 52%.
The difference was squeezed from the Smartmatic machines that were reprogrammed to flip their numbers.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 7/27/2006 @ 2:44 am PT...
I have my doubts about Chavez's ultimate plan (I really don't know much about him), but you have to admit he has outsmarted our numbskull leaders! Didn't they know he was buying our voting systems or were they too busy chasing down the medical marijuana patients and pornographers! I'm not joking, those were Ashcroft's priorities, even eclipsing gun sales to terrorists!
Chavez committed "the largest and most expensive electronic electoral fraud in history." Give me a break David!
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 7/27/2006 @ 3:30 am PT...
More likely Chavez overcame the largest and most expensive electronic electoral fraud in history... if anything of the sort was involved at all.
Ya can't just pop in here and make all these wild claims without backing them up. Give us some links. Back up your statements. We start getting pretty grouchy if you keep this stuff up.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 7/27/2006 @ 12:19 pm PT...
I believe David is a professional disinformation specialist/propagandist on behalf of the GOP and the Bush regime distracting people from more imminent dangers to our election system (I feel the same about Lou Dobbs for that matter). I am opposed to any election fraud coming from anywhere, just as everyone else who frequents this website. But there is abundant evidence linking the GOP to e-voting fraud, such as Wally O'Dell's statement to fellow Republicans, and campaign contribution data from e-voting company executives to the GOP. Where is any solid evidence linking the owner of Sequioa to Chavez? I have yet to see or hear anything but bold assertions coming from highly dubious sources.
Chavez is no dictator, either. He was duly elected by his people in what outside observors validated as a basically honest election. According to what I read, Chavez is very popular with his country's people, much more so than our president with his country's people.
David needs to "put up or shut up."