After Enron's collapse in 2001, Boy George acted as if he barely knew Ken Lay. "He was a supporter of Ann Richards in my run in 1994," said the Acting "President" (referring to Dubya there, not Darth Cheney) to the media at the time.
Never mind that Lay gave three times as much money to Dubya's candidacy during the time that he was "a supporter of Ann Richards".
Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act and the good folks at The Smoking Gun, many of the personal correspondence between close personal friend Ken Lay and the Misleader-in-Chief have finally been yanked out of the protective hands of the Bush Family Thugs down in Austin.
Here's just one of many notes, some very personal, others giving specific directions on which policies George W. Bush's number one contributor would like him to support.
Yes, they hardly knew each other.
In the meantime, though Lay has been indicted on 11 criminal counts, none of those counts deal with the theft of billions of American dollars through chicanery via "deregulation" of the energy industry. Some $71 Billion was bilked out of California alone in the Deregulation/"Energy Crisis" Hoax, as this report at scrupulously details. And the people of California are still waiting for the nearly $9 Billion in refunds from Enron that is being conveniently blocked by George W. and his Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that is supposed to keep this sort of thing from happening in the first place.
With Bush's FERC Commissioner being a personally hand-picked selection of that same "supporter of Ann Richards" however, California may be waiting for some time to see any of that stolen money back in our coffers. As well, the Bush Energy Plan (written in large part by Lay and other Enron Employees) still calls for the same type of energy deregulation across the country that worked so well in California. One of the many Smoking Gun Letters has Lay summing it up nicely for his 'Manchurian Candidate': "Deregulation is not the risk. Delay is."
Perhaps something will change sometime around January 21 of next year for some reason. It's the campaign contributions, Stupid.