"GOP Pollster: 'This Administration May be Over'"
(73 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 2:48 am PT...
This regime is alien to Americans.
Bush has tried to give American port authority to nations of the troubled mid-east, and now wants to allow them to own American military factories (link here), while at the same time spooking our own citizens and police into becoming paranoid (link here).
If only we had a time machine and could go back to the time before this worse regime of all time was "elected". Back to balanced budgets and government surplus, peacetime, and respect for our view of human rights.
We find ourselves in a twilight zone with a landscape where we are the torture nation, war mongering nation, soviet styled spy on citizens nation, and are disfigured with entire American cities wiped out and left that way by this regime.
This alien regime can't get gone too soon for me. Good riddance!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 5/7/2006 @ 3:22 am PT...
There's one problem with this analysis. IT presumes that cooperation with Congress and legislative initiatives are necessary for Bush to function. They aren't, and that's the biggest problem with his administration at the moment.
Bush doesn't need laws, either new ones or old ones. He just does what he wants as commander in chief. Invade Iraq? Done. Invade Iran? If he wants to. Torture prisoners? "We don't torture," but just to be sure they redefine the word. Spy on Americans? "That requires a warrant," says Bush, then goes ahead and spies on people without one.
With any other administration in memory, Mr. Tarrance's analysis would be relevant. With this one, it probably isn't.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 5/7/2006 @ 3:34 am PT...
There had GOT to be a tipping point at which the Republicans in congress are just too embarrassed to carry on.
Never mind.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 5:31 am PT...
RLM is right. It doesn't matter if Bush's approval rating goes to zero. The only possibility of stopping him lies in a mutiny by the military.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 5/7/2006 @ 6:31 am PT...
I too agree with RLM.
Even though Bush's administration has no political backing, this doesn't in any way put a stop to all the harm that they may continue to do.
I wish I knew an effective way to stop their hijacking of our whole Constitution and system of government.
I hope we can collectively raise enough awareness about the serious election problems so that we can at least have somewhat fairer elections. (Campaign finance reform and equal access to media--those will have to come next.)
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 6:52 am PT...
It's all over but the lying ...
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Shannon Williford
said on 5/7/2006 @ 6:58 am PT...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 7:04 am PT...
Next in 08, the pukes will will roll out Rudy and McCain
they'll be the apologists for this administration and party
The vote will be close against a Dem
Guess who will win?
(I guarantee it won't be a Green or an Indy, nor a Dem)
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 7:08 am PT...
I share the frustration of having to bear another destructive year or two of Bush incompetance. I cannot imagine the Congress or the poll numbers providing enough stimulus to preempt a full term of office.
That is in the Constitution, isn't it. We all seem to think it's a fine thing and the 4 yr election cycle has served us well. Pity it only takes a single Jerk to make us question the wisdom of the Founding Fathers.
Well, sometimes you go to the polls with the Constitution you have, not the one you need.
I think it will take some horribly ,visibly, plainly psychotic act by the Bush-Cheney-Condi-Rumsfeld Axis of Assholes to cause the people or Congress to terminate their tenure in office. That presumes, of course, there is time to see it coming and react. Torture and failure to defend a nation against terrorists or hurricanes hasn't been plain enough--I know, I know--- we need something altogether more stimulating and repulsive at the same time! Don Rumsfeld attends his next news conference nude--something like that. Bush captured on a photo taking a leak in the Rose Garden after a drunken orgy on the White House lawn. Hell, Cheney already shot someone in the face and nobody cared..... maybe Fox should open the news one day with Tony Snow saying (ala Dallas or St Elsewhere)--"it was all just a dream---a really bad dream..."
I wish.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 7:29 am PT...
Last month Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez of Democracy Now! interviewed John Dean & Daniel Ellsberg ---"Nixon, Wiretaps and Government Secrets"---about the parallels between the Nixon administration meltdown and our present situation. It's very much worth reading.
---the full transcript and audio of the interview are available from Democracy Now!.
At the very end they talked about the leaking of the NSA wiretap program:
Daniel Ellsberg:
"...And I'm saying to the people right now, whoever it was who put out that information about the illegal N.S.A. wiretaps...the secret torture camps and detention and kidnapping...was acting patriotically, courageously, in interest of their oath to the Constitution, and...their colleagues who didn't...were not upholding their oath...and they can learn from that example...
....I don't think they've gotten to the point of torturing Americans citizens yet, although notice that whereas the break-in to my psychiatrist's office would now be legal under the PATRIOT Act, as would the wiretapping, as far as the President sees it - I was overheard on warrantless wiretaps, that's legal in the President's eyes - some things are not yet legal. The attempt to incapacitate me are not yet legal. I would say to people who knew of that sort of thing, if they get found out, I hope they will call on me for their fundraising in their trials....I'll be happy to support them, just as Jack Anderson did support me. They're doing the right thing. That's what I'd love to say. And I want more people to do more of it...."
Good interview. I have one TINY beef with Juan Gonzalez, and I know I've beaten this dead horse before, when he says this:
"...And this issue of torture and especially of the continuing existence of Guantanamo as our own gulag, I think more than any single issue in the world, in terms of judicial circles and political circles, has most of the world outraged. Yet there doesn't seem to be still within the United States the kind of public outrage..."
I see & hear outrage all over the place, but it has a very small voice! Ordinary people have no megaphone, no podium, no bank of microphones, but THERE ARE A HELLUVALOT OF US! I want to plead with good people to NOT keep repeating what I believe is another neocon talking point: "There's no outrage...people don't care." NOT TRUE!!! STOP SAYING IT!!!
Ok, sorry. Small point, small rant.
And surprise! the smear campaign against Ray McGovern is of course already underway....from Gateway Pundit:
"Nutjob Ray McGovern Heckles Rummy" ('heckles'?? Other people heckled. McGovern was quiet, calm, reasonably polite. He asked questions. Anathema!!)
"Ray McGovern, the man who heckled Rummy on Thursday, has a trail of lunatic behavior a mile long..."
From (sez GP) The Jawa Report:
"...McGovern was part of a travelling hate-America freakshow featuring accused pedophile Scott Ritter, Iraqi anti-US propagandist Faiza Al-Arji (whose "A Family in Baghdad" blog actually comes from Jordan), and professional America-hater Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Global Exchange and Code Pink..."
So it goes.....
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Daily Kos will Ban U
said on 5/7/2006 @ 7:58 am PT...
Why don't Republicans Impeach Bush & co. ?
answer > because Republicans always put their " party " over their country .
Republicans = Cronyism , Incompetence , Treason , Deficits and War Crimes !
It's always been this way ! since Lincon .
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 5/7/2006 @ 8:15 am PT...
gwb is toast,..
would you like Wonder Bread,...
whole wheat,.. or pumpernickel ?
A nice sweet,.... honey or jelly spread on that ?
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 8:33 am PT...
It takes a while to admit you've been a sucker, a fool, a dupe. Leave it to the Beavers and the Cleavers. They're coming around.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 5/7/2006 @ 9:03 am PT...
It is going to take decades
to unscramble this bu$$$$h,..... MESS.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 10:10 am PT...
Doesn't matter if the GOP says "this Administrationis over" because until they IMPEACH him, he's still there making policy, his 'appointed' staff is going to other countries and having meetings, he's still burrying unprecidented amounts of information, he still lied us into a war in Iraq, and he's still at the helm of this sinking ship/blimp/train-wreck/whathaveyou.
Get him and his appointees OUT of office NOW, or anything the GOP says is PURE BULLSHIT and an attempt to dodge their previous support for the Bushit. They are positioning for another stolen election by pretending "not to support bad guys", despite all the FACTS that show differently.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 5/7/2006 @ 11:06 am PT...
It's looking more and more as if impeachment is the only solution. Bush doesn't care about the laws Congress passes, because his "signing statements" give him (he thinks) the right to ignore whatever he doesn't like.
WaPo's publication of Tarrance's analysis, though, reveals a lot. WaPo and Tarrance obviously believe that nothing has really changed in Washington, i.e., if the president loses his authority with Congress, his presidency will have failed.
Very inside-the-Beltway reasoning, and inverted.
Bush's presidency is a failure, period. Congress hasn't asserted its authority over him, because its way of doing so (aside from holding hearings into executive branch misconduct) is to override Bush's vetoes. Bush has avoided this problem by not vetoing bills (the Constitutional procedure), instead by signing them while claiming he may ignore them.
Impeachment is the next step. Bush isn't going to change, no matter what his poll ratings or the consequences of his actions.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Roger Drowne EC
said on 5/7/2006 @ 11:55 am PT...
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
Scribes Unlimited
said on 5/7/2006 @ 12:05 pm PT...
Well, at least we can look forward to another dismal failure when General Hayden fails to get Senate approval to be the CIA's next top "Goss".
Hey, this is great! It's not often we can ridicule and laugh at Bush AHEAD of time.
We should take advantage of this.
Something scares me though.
Bush is trying to shake-up the CIA.
Bush is trying to blame the CIA for several debacles.
Bush stuck a dagger into the back of the CIA with the Plame leaking, putting many lives in danger and effectively putting an end to any weapons intelligence studies out of Iran.
JFK tried to shake-up the CIA, threatening to "split it apart in a thousand pieces".
JFK blamed the CIA for a failure to control things in the Bay of Pigs, resulting in Dulles' firing.
JFK stuck a dagger into the CIA by betraying them and the anti-Castro Cubans during the Bay of Pigs invasion by not delivering the promised air support; this resulted in many of the invaders being killed or captured.
Is lightning about to strike twice?
Do you REALLY think the CIA will allow themselves to be led by the MILITARY?
Why do I get the scariest feeling the worst for America is yet to come...
We'd better HOPE Hayden is tossed aside.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 5/7/2006 @ 12:31 pm PT...
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 5/7/2006 @ 12:48 pm PT...
Scribes Unlimited - Comment # 18
The Defence Department (Rummy) already controls 85% of total outlay of federal dollars expended towards intelligence. If Gen. Hayden is appointed/approved Dir. CIA - Rummy will have
the intelligence apparatus under his control. A dangerous thought indeed.
Iran here comes bu$$$hco - shock and awe.
Hayden Dir. of CIA - bad idea
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Truth Seeker
said on 5/7/2006 @ 1:04 pm PT...
You are correct. Every year of the BCFOL has been worse than the one before it. This will continue unless the Dems get some part of Congress. Either way, 2007 and 2008 will be ugly and nasty.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 1:07 pm PT...
I agree with Robert and Unirealist.
Lance Tarrance (and people like him...and there are many people like him) are living in a different era - a time of "politics as usual." We ain't in that time anymore, Mr Tarrance.
"Politics as usual" ended with the stolen election of 2000 and the Judicial Coup. Does Mr Tarrance also think that our "elections" since 2000 have all been legitimate? I guess he's not aware of the approaching e-voting trainwreck either. Mr Tarrance doesn't seem to have an understanding of who these people are and just how terribly evil these PNAC neocons and the Bush Crime Family are, and how evil they will be as the Bush Dictatorship is put more firmly in place with the help of the Republicrats, Democans and our fradulent voting system.
Mr Tarrance doesn't seem to have a clue that we are quickly heading into a full-blown Bush Dictatorship. Mr Tarrance is talking about poll numbers. Polls and poll numbers don't mean anything in a dictatorship other than something purely cosmetic.
Dictator Bush doesn't need to exert any influence over Capitol Hill when he can just ignore what they do, as he already has. He's already ignored over 750 laws they've passed and gotten away with it so far. The Congress may engage in some waste-of-time PR/BS "hearing" on the matter but in the end they'll probably cook up some justification that it's perfectly all right that Bush ignore any law(s) he so chooses. After all, the worthless Dems gave Bush Injustice Alito and Alito believes in the concept of the "unitary executive" so that could be brought into this as a justification for Dictator Bush doing as he damn well pleases. And there's no one to stop him:
Bush sidesteps hundreds of laws
I don't see these PNAC and Bush Crime Family people going anywhere regardless of poll numbers or as a result of so-called "elections."
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 1:11 pm PT...
It's not over t'il the "Fat Man" sings . . . . . Flush Limbowel . . .
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 1:17 pm PT...
Hello Truthseeker, regarding your comment #21
Even if the Pro-war Dead Democratic Party were to take back something in November (wishful thinking!, and they certainly DON'T deserve that reward), based on their performance as Bush enablers and accomplices since 2000, why do you think ANYTHING would change? As a rule, freshman members must stay in line with the more senior members and we already know how they behave: as a rubberstamp for Bush.
Related Link:
(And they've only gotten worse since Reich wrote this article and I've not heard Reich retract his comments)...
They Aren't 'Just Resting'
The Democratic Party is Dead
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
freedom and justice for all
said on 5/7/2006 @ 2:13 pm PT...
Doesn't matter what you or I think.... the Neocon's 30 year old plan for fascism continues to unfold ... and other options are available.
The Neocon-Republicans want the Dem's to drop there guard down. To "think" there on the road to recovery and the game is over. Not true.........
Truth is, we have Neocon plants on both sides of the fence. As Democrats, we need to focus on 2006 and 2008. We need to screen out the so called transplanted new (and old) Democrats whom in the past have supported the Neocon's and/or Republican programs. We need to dump the phony Liberman type Democrats. We need to establish a 3rd (or 4th) political party. We need pencil ballots for elections.
However, first of all .... we need to recognize fact verses fiction, major problems and/or "road blocks' to Democracy. We need to acknowledge that our government has been taken over by a "handful" of the super rich, big busness, radical Neocon's, phony Christian Right and Zionests. We need to recognise America's fight a never ending war in support of the world money machines, armament companies, phony Christian's and Israel. We've massacred over 250,000 innocent Iraq citizens and almost 2,500 of our military. We've injuried God only knows how many innocent Iraq women and children. Over 30,000 Americans are brain damaged or missing body parts such as hands, arms, legs etc.
Our US military continue to die to support phony groups and "Israels Middle East War".
Someone please explain to me why the USA give's a country the same size as the state of New Jersey with a population of 5 1/2 million people over 3 1/2 billion dollars every year in foreign aid???? Israel sits on one of the largest deposits of oil in the world and the USA suppies 1/3 of their annual operating budget. Why???????? This country receives more foreign aid then any other country in world. Why???????
This war needs to end "now". Charity begins at home and God knows we have many in the USA that need it "now".
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Scribes Unlimited
said on 5/7/2006 @ 3:34 pm PT...
A former founder of the PNAC in complete control of the spending for the CIA?
Dear God, that would be like the ultimate travesty to this nation.
Someone would kill Rummy just on principles.
I'm afraid it's going to take a massive act of violence to bring some sort of resemblance of peace and tranquility to this nation. Radical change has always been brought about doing things that way.
The question is, who's got the guts to set it all in motion? The ELF? The ACLU? The CIA?
And are we really ready for the severe repercussions that could have?
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 4:51 pm PT...
Then how come the democratic leader said today that if the Dems get majority in Nov they will NOT IMPEACH!
They will "investigate"Bush!!! They are "investigating" Bush right now but he refuses to hand over documents they need--so that is a kangaroo court. If you impeach Bush he MUST hand the documents over.
Damn those Dem assholes!!
Stupid "Do-nothing Durbin" from Illinois CO-SPONSORED a resolution in 1999 to censure Clinton over his behavior in the Monica Lewinsky scandal--a member of HIS OWN PARTY while screaming "No one is above the law!"
NOW, he has the NERVE to refuse to join the censure of Bush--a member of the opposing party--- for breaking Constitutional law!
What an asswipe....and so is OBAMA:
And get this---I spoke to Obama's Washington office Thursday & asked why Obama refuses to support Feingold's censure of Bush: A man there told me that Obama "has not made up his mind yet about the censure" but that Obama is "considering the precedent it might set & also considering the legalities involved".
I told him that was not acceptable. Not to have an opinion & still be 'thinking' about it after all this time!
I don't know why Neil Young thinks Obama should run for President--he has not done anything yet as Senator--except lay low & try to get in position to run for President.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 5:07 pm PT...
Hello Freedom And Justice For All, regarding your post #25.
I do agree with you that we need to return to paper ballots/pencils. And I would add that the ballots should be counted with members of the public present.
However, under Jeb Bush, Florida has made it illegal to return to paper ballots/pencils.
As for the pro-war Dead Democratic Party, I don't know why anyone is wasting anymore of their time on them to tell you the truth.
Get rid of one neocon Lieberman-type and somebody else will just take his place.
I'll ask you what I asked another person: Why do you think ANYTHING would change IF the Dims were to take back anything in November based on their miserable and pathetic performance since 2000 as Bush's Enablers and Accomplices?
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Miss P.
said on 5/7/2006 @ 6:29 pm PT...
I think it would be dreadful for 2006 elections to hinge solely on "impeach bush." They will investigate and I find that admirable. Why try to crash a party yelling "you're either with us or against us" - haven't we had enough of that? Don't alienate that 32% - whoever the hell they are. Just let the facts come out in a legal forum - and hope they are as painfully detailed as the 9/11 news was.
On another note, Rumsfeld is in charge now. He's serving "at the pleasure of the President." Goss was Cheney's pick wasn't he?
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 6:52 pm PT...
Charlene, thank you for your comment #27 and for telling it like it is about these scum of the earth politicians.
Here's the exact quote from insipid Howard Dean:
"We've got some big things on our plate and we're going to need to deal with those before anybody starts talking about impeachment."
DNC Chair Dean blasts back at DeLay on ethics:
Howard Dean, what the hell is wrong with you? What is more important than impeaching these trashy people? You're going to let these international war criminals off the hook? (He is.) Is Tom DeLay correct in that there is rampant corruption among the Dims also? (Well, duh).
Now, will some people (including some people on here) STILL support the Dims in November even though Howard Dean has made this statement? Hell yeah. Of course they will. Some people love to be duped and gullible and believe in this DEAD, DEAD, DEAD party of corporate pimps and whores. Some people will support the Dims no matter what they continue to do FOR Bush and FOR the Repugs.
We need a second party, folks.
Have I told you how much I can't stand these people?
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 5/7/2006 @ 6:54 pm PT...
Does anyone realize, that what is happening, is exactly what would happen if a party stole power and wasn't voted in by the people? They would do whatever they wanted, and become less and less and less popular, and eventually, stealing the vote would backfire, with decades-long damage to their party.
Everything always even's out. Wasn't that a George Costanza/Seinfeld line? Everything always evens out?
Joan, I saw that Democracy NOW! with Dean and that other guy, it was great. What's great about Democracy NOW!, is that they will do an interview like that, for 20-30 minutes, always a long interview with someone who isn't getting any MSM airtime to really state their case.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
Miss P.
said on 5/7/2006 @ 8:26 pm PT...
Pardon me Josh, I don't know you very well. Actually I know you not at all.
Just from reading here however, I question your motives. I really do. I apologize in advance if I'm wrong but you seem to be mushing Democrats and Republicans together on issues that don't belong together. That's what's wrong with your picture.
I suppose if I were a closet-troll I'd try it the same way you do - I forget what it's called in creative writing but it was something about gaining credibility by agreeing with important issues and then riding the coat tails of that perceived gained credibility provide...bunk.
However, if anyone can vouch for Josh I'm all ears.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 9:12 pm PT...
What is the alternative? I agree we need a new, independent party but that ain't gonna happen right now so, the Dems is all we got. Stop trashing them for now and try to get them to do what we want which is put a check on the WH. Then we can start talking about putting an independent party up in '08. Or is Miss P. right?
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
Freedom and Justice for All
said on 5/7/2006 @ 9:39 pm PT...
Josh #28
I find it odd Jeb Bush bans pencils (and paper ballots) as that's about all his brother George is qualified to use.
Short term, the Democratic Party provides the only hope for salvation. Were talking about saving America and "Democracy". A third political party is needed but will take time to establish (unless worldwide depression occurs.
It isn't about Republicans verse's Democrats anymore. It's about saving Democracy and America. Both true Republicans and Democrat's need to band together to accomplish this task.
Again we need paper ballots and pencils. We need "serious" US Government regulation of all contributions for elections to stop big money from buying elections and favors. We need to eliminate all lobbyists and/or political power brokers. We need more of what Feingold started up north. Weekly meetings with the people each Congressman represents. Different towns each week and major cites several times a year. Congressman has to let the people speak and ask questions of them in no holds barred meetings. Dem's, Repub's and whomever all get a shot at the podium until the long meetings stop. Then Congressman have to act on that information to "rebuild trust" in our system of government and elections. Americans must be shown that Democracy does work.
It's "our government" not a handful of crazy Neocon's, radical religious groups, bought politicians and/or super rich elitists.
It's "our" government.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 10:07 pm PT...
Hello Freedom And Justice For All. Regarding your comment #34.
You are contradicting yourself. In your comment #34 you say that it's "our" government. But then in your comment #25 you said that it doesn't matter what you and I think.
If it were truly "our" government it would indeed matter what you and I think.
This government (under the illegitimate Bush regime) is **SUPPOSED** to be "our" government but the fact is that it is NOT and hasn't been since 2000 when the pro-war Dead Democratic Party laid down and let the Repugs steal the election. The Dims are SUPPOSED to be "our" party. They are NOT. Do you get it? Most of the time they have voted WITH the Repugs and FOR Bush since 2000. Come on people, you can do the research just as easily as I can. Your denial will not save you or protect you.
Democrats and Repugs can band together all they want. Go for it! I'm not a Democrat. I left that dead party after they laid down following the 2000 stolen "election" and I want no more to do with them. Period. I can't stand most of them!
And to Roger:
If a new independent party ain't going to happen right now, WHEN THE HELL IS IT???????????????? This is as BAD as it gets. We're an inch away (if that) from a Bush Dictatorship. Suck in your gut and just do it.
And I will trash the Dems all I want, thank you very much. They deserve every bit of it. They are part of the pro-war one-party system owned by corporations. Period.
And I don't really give a fig what Miss P. thinks about me quite frankly.
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 10:20 pm PT...
Roger #33
Independent party is a contradiction of terms.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 10:50 pm PT...
A clarification to my post #35:
"Our" government is SUPPOSED to be a government Of, By and For The People.
But it is NOT.
"Our" government under the illegitimate Bush regime is a government Of, By and For The Corporations with help from the pro-war and pro-corporate Dead Democratic Party.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 11:02 pm PT...
All right folks, not that we needed another example, but here is yet another example of what I mean by the pro-war Dead Democratic Party. It just keeps coming. There's just no let-up. The Dims are trying to out-do the Repugs again. What do these Dims have to do before some of you people realize what's going on? When are you going to wake up and stop wasting time by calling people "troll?" Use your time more wisely by doing a little research, why don't you? And then let's get together and figure out what will be the next new truly progressive political party in this country. Will it be a Labour Party, an Environmental Party? Come on, we don't have much time. It's time to shit or get off the damn pot!:
Look Who Backs Bush's Next War
By Joshua Frank
The Democratic Party is not going to stop a war with Iran. Not one prominent Dem opposes an invasion, Hillary Clinton and the rest of Democratic elite think that Bush should take a harder line with Tehran. Even the rising "progressive" star Barack Obama said he would favor "surgical" missile strikes against the country.
As Obama told the Chicago Tribune on September 26, 2004, "[T]he big question is going to be, if Iran is resistant to these pressures [to stop its nuclear program], including economic sanctions, which I hope will be imposed if they do not cooperate, at what point ... if any, are we going to take military action?"
He added, "[L]aunching some missile strikes into Iran is not the optimal position for us to be in" given the ongoing war in Iraq. "On the other hand, having a radical Muslim theocracy in possession of nuclear weapons is worse." Obama went on to argue that military strikes on Pakistan should not be ruled out if "violent Islamic extremists" were to "take over."
Senator John Kerry echoed this sentiment on May 29, 2004, when he told the Washington Post that the Bush Administration has not "been tough on the [Iran] issue … which is the issue of nuclear weaponry, and again just like I said with North Korea, you have to keep your eye on the target."
Even DNC chair hopeful Howard Dean, allegedly the liberal arm of the Democratic Party, concurs Bush has not been tough enough on Iran. The Forward quotes Dean as saying, "The United States has to ... take a much harder line on Iran and Saudi Arabia because they're funding terrorism."
In fact, while campaigning for president, Dean contended that President Bush had been far too soft on Iran. In a March appearance on CBS' Face The Nation, Dean even went so far as to say that "[President Bush] is beholden to the Saudis and the Iranians."
Foreign Policy expert Stephen Zunes wrote of the Democrats' platform in Foreign Policy in Focus on August 12, 2004:
"One possible target for American forces under a Kerry administration is Iran. The platform implies an American right to such military intervention by stating that 'a nuclear-armed Iran is an unacceptable risk to us and our allies.' No concern is expressed, however, about the already-existing nuclear arsenals of Iran's neighbor Pakistan or of nearby Israel. Iran has called for a nuclear-free zone in the region, which the Democrats appear to reject, apparently because it would require America's regional allies to get rid of their nuclear arsenals as well. The Democrats, like the Republicans, believe that instead of pushing for multilateral and verifiable arms control treaties, the United States can effectively impose a kind of nuclear apartheid, unilaterally determining which countries can have nuclear weapons and which countries cannot."
So are we really supposed to believe the Democrats will ever offer up any significant opposition to Bush's military dabbling in Iran?
Not unless by "opposition to" you mean "support for."
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 5/7/2006 @ 11:11 pm PT...
Very good posts Josh and everyone else. I'm disgusted with the democratic party at times as well. Lieberman can be tossed into the same trash can as Zell Miller, except he isn't quite as wacko. He's about as much a democratic as a duck is a goose.
However, I do have respect for "some" of the democratic politicians. Maybe the younger ones that aren't so entrenched in corruption and beholding to the lobbyists can offer some hope. The fellow from Wisconsin that had the balls to call for censorship, the new young congressman from Illinois, maybe Joe Biden, and there are probably a few others I'm overlooking. But holy cripes, that leaves a lot of them that aren't worth much support...except for the fact that they aren't repugs. That's a pretty poor platform to support.
I'm not sure if a third party will ever be the answer, because they will more than likely only divide the left into two camps. We DO need to hold our democratic leaders accountable and run their asses out of office if they show signs of corruption or complacency.
I'm disenchanted with our government as well. I think there are an awful lot of people that feel the same way that have just given up on government. I hate to do that because the future is pretty bleak if we do that.
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 5/8/2006 @ 1:23 am PT...
A third party might divide the left, but it could also divide the right.
Many right-wingers are civil libertarians, as distinct from liberals. They don't like governments that spy on their own citizens. They don't like starting wars overseas, especially when the country we attack wasn't threatening us. They want government out of our lives; some libertarians even dislike laws that restrict abortion rights, and that really divides the right.
A third-party candidate who stood for civil liberties, a balanced budget, a foreign policy respectful of other nations' sovereignty, an energy policy that didn't kowtow to the oil companies, and above all transparency and integrity from the president and vice president (yes, it's possible) would have one hell of a good chance in 2008. Feingold looks like the best possibility to me.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 4:00 am PT...
Hello Robert. Regarding your comment #40
You wrote:
"A third-party candidate...would have one hell of a good chance in 2008."
I would say respectfully, that you have the cart before the horse. What about the e-voting machines? No one stands a good chance in 2006 or 2008 EXCEPT a Repug, based on our stolen elections of 2000, 2002 and 2004.
A second party candidate might stand a good chance in 2008 IF the voters were voting on a truly legitimate and honest voting system. But as you well know, our current system selects Repugs so it's really a waste of time to work for a truly progressive candidate UNTIL the will of the voters can be honestly expressed on and with a fair and legitimate voting system.
I don't know why the hell Feingold continues to associate himself with the pro-war Dead Democratic Party. I really don't. Most of the party's corporate pimps and whores distance themselves from Feingold. I do have some problems with him - he has bought into this "war on terror" nonsense. And his stand for a censure of Bush was rather lame and it was also un-Constitutional. He should have called for impeachment. But yes, he's probably the best possibility at this time, if he would do the right thing and leave that pathetic party he's with. They certainly don't want him (especially the right-wing DLC trash) and I'd guess that many of them would just wish he would go away.
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 5:41 am PT...
Hey Josh
Why don't YOU run as an independent. You seem to have all the answers.
I've had concerns about many democrats as well as republicans which is why I'm registered independent. I'm not beholden to either party. I've never been a good follower which is why I have my own business. And I've always said that middle of the road, common sense Dems and Repubs with a sense of integrity and truly wanting to do right for the country should bolt their party and form an independent party. The trouble is convincing them to do it. Most have too much invested in the party to even consider it. The other way is to get a major campaign going to recruit new blood to run independent but who wants to get cut down by the slime balls that run political campaigns now? Find someone and I'll support them. Good luck. Better to get Joe Biden and Russ Feingold to go whole hog against this regime and round up dems to support them in their effort.
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 6:08 am PT...
The Old Turk #19
If you would use the "(CLICK HERE for help adding links in comments & much more!)" just above the edit box where you type in your posts, you would not screw up the format by having URLS that are too wide.
And you do not have to repeat the URL in the exposed portion ...
Could an ADMIN clean up the long URL in post # 19 ... ???
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 6:17 am PT...
Roger, Well said!
"I'm not beholden to either party. I've never been a good follower which is why I have my own business. And I've always said that middle of the road, common sense Dems and Repubs with a sense of integrity and truly wanting to do right for the country should bolt their party and form an independent party. The trouble is convincing them to do it."
As a fellow Independent I couldn't agree more, Problem is finding a candidate that can stand alone without having the party machine behind him. We just have to pick the gems out and support them. Be careful though! I voted for John McCain in the 2000 primaries when he seemed like a candidate with integrity. It makes me heartsick to see what he has become.
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 6:45 am PT...
Josh You have to be joshing!
If only the Greens, Libertarians, Independents, etc. could get elected to congress. They can't show any record of that and so the sour grapes you puke around is counter productive.
It is not time for them to leave the minor leagues yet. Their province now is local election zones. That is where I always vote for them. But never in national elections. I am a realist that sees a republican dictatorship that must be stopped.
Americans say, at the polls, that they want democrats to take over the congress. That much we know.
If the other parties persist in being Bush enablers and accomplices by trying to play in the major league before it is time, then they are part of the problem and not the solution.
It is only the proper time when the American voting public says it is time. Not you Josh.
What the the Greens, Libertarians, Independents etc. as Bush enablers and accomplices have in common is an attack on the party the Americans want to put in power. Your attack on democrats is an attack on the American voting public.
The democrats are the chosen party to replace the republicans at this time, and so the Rovian philosophy expressed by Greens, Libertarians, Independents etc. as Bush enablers and accomplices who go against Americans, are part of the problem.
Rove is proud of you, but I am not. If you really cared about country over party you would sacrifice for your country in November.
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 6:51 am PT...
Hey Savantster!
Remember that long & heated exchange we had in the recent past re whether or not the Dems would impeach Bush if they got majority in Nov?
You said they would impeach Bush, if they could just get elected to majority, & that they haven't been able to do much to stop Republicans because they haven't had majority.
I said I WISH that were true, & I do--but all the evidence points to the Dems being just as corrupt as the Republicans (especially if they get into power by majority), & their past history of doing nothing shows they won't do anything in the future either--even if they get majority.
I was correct. The Dems came out & said so.
The thing is--if you impeach--Bush MUST turn over documents involved. If you only "investigate" Bush can stonewall & not turn documents involved over. Which is what he & Cheney have been doing so far--just refusing to turn the evidence over to the investigators. Also, impeachment means being sworn in to tell the truth--so that if Bush/Cheney lie they'll go to jail for perjury, instead of just lying with no consequences like they've been doing so far in the so-called "investigation".
All that is involved in the current so-called "investigation" is one side asking for documents & Bush saying no, you can't have them.
What the hell possible excuse could the Dems have for announcing no impeachment will be done?
If they were trying not to alienate the 32% that like Bush--why not just keep quiet about what they will do? Why give the other 66% that hate Bush a reason not to vote for them?
It's a crock.
And MissP comment #29, this answeres your points also.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 7:15 am PT...
Bush is going to invade Iran & start the draft.
He's consolidating his power even further by putting a military guy at the head of the CIA.
He's got our representatives--like phony, corrupt Obama--talking war with him.
The politicians are all in corruption together--both parties---it doesn't matter who gets elected with these phony electronic vote machines because whoever it is--they're going to screw us--they don't care about fairness or justice at all.
They just want to appear they care to voters.
Actually, "truth, justice & the American way" have ALL been trashed long ago by these bums. It's all become a joke to them.
They're a bunch of soul-less maggots--eating us alive.
Woe to America & the world.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 5/8/2006 @ 7:15 am PT...
For Josh: It goes without saying that any Independent candidate for president in 2008 would have to make election fraud a front-and-center issue. That in turn would mean declaring the the 2004 election was stolen. I thought that was implicit in my suggestion. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Feingold is in a difficult position. He's a registered Democrat and has enjoyed the party's support for every election run (he's needed it, because he always faces a tough fight). He can't start trashing the DNC or fellow Democrats. But he's savvy enough to distance himself from them sufficiently to run as an Independent.
I can hear the catcalls now. "A third-party candidate would hurt the Democrats." Not necessarily; look at Ross Perot in 1992 and Theodore Roosevelt in 1912. Perot and T.R. hurt the incumbents (Bush and Taft) more than they hurt Democratic challengers (Wilson and Clinton).
Ross Perot got 19% of the vote despite a dearth of political experience and a media that ridiculed him.
Feingold has plenty of experience and is hard to ridicule. He's a man of conscience, a real novelty in Washington. He could win; he really could.
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
Truth Seeker
said on 5/8/2006 @ 7:40 am PT...
As a historian, you know that the success of a third-party candidate is highly unlikely. Perot had the money but was not really close in the end. There are only two groups with the ability to fund a national campaign in 2008.
The Dems may be flawed but they have the social conscience that the country needs. With only two choices, even Charlene will know what choice to make.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 7:45 am PT...
I have the impression that Brad supports Howard Dean for '08, over Feingold.
Is that accurate, Brad? Why Dean & not Feingold?
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 5/8/2006 @ 8:34 am PT...
DREDD - Comment # 43
,... Thank You for the info about posting a link to this blog. I am kind of new to this computer
thing. My news sources used to be newspapers and
television news broadcasts but I tossed those sources into the trash heap,.. and got myself a laptop. Been at it about 9 months now,.. I am glad
I disciplined myself to make the transition,.. to this
marvelous electronic media medium. I have a voracious appetite for news,.. points,.. and counterpoints of opinions.
Anyways,.. thanks for the pointers,.. as I "bull in a
china shop" myself on this hi-tech roadway,.. by pounding these buttons on this keyboard. Sometimes I am not sure which button to push,...
a hint in often helpful.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
The Old Turk
said on 5/8/2006 @ 8:41 am PT...
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 8:47 am PT...
Don't use you head on the keyboard,..
use your fingers !
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
bluebear 2
said on 5/8/2006 @ 11:21 am PT...
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 11:37 am PT...
Hello Robert. Regarding your comment #48:
You wrote:
"For Josh: It goes without saying that any Independent candidate for president in 2008 would have to make election fraud a front-and-center issue. That in turn would mean declaring the the 2004 election was stolen. I thought that was implicit in my suggestion. Sorry for the misunderstanding."
But that's not what I said. That's only half-measures.
What I meant is that BEFORE working for ANY truly progressive candidate our election system must be restored to the pre-2000 system. That means putting all of these e-voting machines in the dump where they belong.
But making election fraud a front-and-center "issue" is only the beginning, which is no different than where we are NOW really in the big scheme of things. Making it an "issue" does NOT guarantee fair and legitimate elections and that's what I'm talking about. That's my point.
After ALL of this election mess is RESOLVED and we have a legitimate system back in place, THEN work for the progressive candidate. But until that time, all efforts for a truly progressive candidate are a waste of time because one can predict the outcome based on 2000, 2002 and 2004.
As for Ross Perot's 19%, he ran pre-2000. That's before our stolen elections began and these e-voting machines showed up. So bringing up Ross Perot is irrelevant in this context. Put his name in these e-voting machines and see how he fairs under our current fraudulent system!
Russ Feingold doesn't have a chance in hell under our current e-voting system. Not a chance in hell. That's wishful thinking.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 12:31 pm PT...
an interesting article.......
The biggest con: Democrats & Republicans work together to destroy America, part 1 of 3
Tibor S. Friedman
Online Journal Contributing Writer
America is being destroyed by enemies within and with the help of a corrupted Congress and dumbed down (through public education and the corporate media), apathetic, indifferent and lazy public. The window for action to reverse the fascist trend of the last 50 years is fast closing and only an awake and vigilant citizenry can begin to comprehend and take action against the coming totalitarian devastation we have allowed to manifest in our country.
September 11, with the perpetrators in the shadow government and clandestine operations, signaled the final stages from the NWO (New World Order) cabal that they are now in a flight forward end game. The elders in this ‘open conspiracy’ for global totalitarian control of the planet, its peoples and resources, David Rockefeller, George H.W. Bush, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, Prince Philip, the Rothschild’s, and the rest are pushing for some major advancement in their diabolical agenda before their mortal demise.
Briefly, I will attempt to elaborate on three conclusions reached from my research: Democrats and Republicans are two home teams working for the same masters --- the enemies within; corporations and covernment (using the corporate media as their mind control tool) operate as one entity; and the New World Order (using the CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg, et al) is an open conspiracy to reduce the population of America (and the world), destroy American sovereignty and to create a totalitarian global government.
It will be useful to ask ourselves, while reading this, why our leaders --- both Democrats and Republicans alike --- after having sworn to uphold the Constitution and to protect America and the American people --- have deliberately worked together to destroy America and to what purpose have they made America a pariah in the world?
The Duopoly . . . Two sides of the same Coin
Genocidal chemtrail spraying across the US, begun about 1996-1998 by Democrat Bill Clinton, continues unabated today and the recent passing of the un-PATRIOT Act by the Senate, with an overwhelming 89-10 vote in spite of the refusal to enforce it by more than 440 cities and counties, are two examples of shared criminality by the duopoly. Although the list of bipartisan crimes against Americans (and the world) is endless they share the common agenda of destroying America and an allegiance to the global banking elites through their membership in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group. These groups form the trinity in the globalization of the world by members who are involved in the highest levels of government, industry, academia, military and the media.
Mordecai Zember’s list of the CFR 2005 membership reflects the cross-section of elites that control policy and propaganda in America today. Google also the list of members in the Trilateral Commission for 1973 and 2006; you will find Leonard Woodcock and John Sweeney on it --- leaders of the UAW and AFL-CIO, among others. How about Daniel Ellsberg being a member of the CFR? See “Sheep Dipping CFR style: The Kerry and Ellsberg Cases” for an interesting peek at the CIA.
As someone in the upcoming movie “From Freedom to Fascism” describes the duopoly, it is like the Gambinos and Genovese families who share the power and eat their gnocchi from the same plate. No offense to them; but this is how the system works as both parties advance the interests of the globalists, the International bankers and their corporate proxies. The politicians, who take their share of the plunder, are generally fronts who wrap themselves in the flag and patriotism as it serves their needs to accomplish their assignments received from their bosses behind the curtain --- the elites in the shadow government.
Staging Media Events and the Changing of the Guard
Meet the new boss; same as the old boss.
In America, the corporate media and their counterparts, the liberal gatekeepers, are preparing us for the changing of the guard. Remember six years into Bill Clinton’s neoliberal and globalist assault on Americans was the Monica sex circus that the media served up 24/7 to distract us from all the real serious crimes of the Clinton era. Which, in hindsight, seamlessly dovetailed with the Bush 2 agenda after his selection by the Supremes: the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) and the execution of 9/11, the illegal Afghan and Iraq wars (against non-threatening and, in the case of Iraq, sanction weakened, sovereign nations) and continued predator globalization (spreading ‘democracy’ via capitalism and so-called free trade).
The elites (manipulating the elections) chose Bush --- twice. Now, almost six years into the fascist Bush 2 era we are witnessing both parties criticizing Bush (giving the sheeple false hopes, again) even as the corporate media begin propping up Hillary or McCain (what maverick?) or Edwards (or other globalist tools) as ‘alternatives’ to the madness in Washington. One cannot run for or become president without the approval of the elites.
As Paul Joseph Watson warned us, ‘Hillary is the rat poison that will sink America.’ It matters not who is selected. The madness will continue unabated until America is totally destroyed for the international bankers and globalists and driven into the waiting arms of the UN --- created to institute a One World Government; achieving David Rockefeller’s long time dream and goal: controlling the world’s resources (monopoly) and the reduction of the world population through manipulated wars and bio-engineered diseases . . . and the enslavement of those that are allowed to remain to serve the elites.
We are and have been an occupied and fascist state --- the blending of corporations, banking and government. As Patrick Wood of the August Review, a research center for globalism, points out, ‘the Global Elite march in three essential columns: Corporate, Political and Academic.' Corporate determines the goals; Academia provides the white papers or propaganda for the Politicians to then sell to the unwitting citizens. Corporate media and all liberal gatekeepers are not only controlled by the CIA, but have members on their boards from all three groups to facilitate the manipulation of the desired public opinion. An example is a Carlyle (Bush family connected military industrial complex investment group) board member on the New York Times board; cross-pollination exists throughout the elite spectrum encompassing all aspects of finance and power. Everyone, those with their hands on the levers of power, is literally on the same page.
Welcome to the New World Order --- Ready or Not
David Rockefeller --- the godfather of the New World Order - a member of the Bilderbergers and the Council of Foreign Relations and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, thanked the media facilitators (most of whom are also members of one or more of these groups):
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years . . . It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated now and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries”
David Rockefeller gave this talk at the annual Bilderberg meeting in June 1991 held in Germany.
Alex Carey, an Australian scholar on propaganda techniques observed: "The 20th century has been characterized by three developments of great political importance: the growth of democracy, the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against democracy."
It is clear that what has been a long and deliberate process has become evermore sophisticated in its manipulation of Americans and the world. For at least 100 years, America has been occupied by the Rockefellers, the Morgan’s, the Rothschild’s and other international bankers who have used their wealth and power (and by their illegal creation of the Federal Reserve and Income Tax Acts in 1913) to subvert America and humanity, in general, for their own greedy and nefarious purposes --- the documentation exists and only connecting the dots is needed.
The late William Cooper, a former military intelligence officer and world-renowned researcher, said this about the New World Order, "They are bound together by blood oaths, a secret religion, and the promise of an elite status within regional government, or the world supra government. Their religion is based upon the Kabbalah, the Luciferian Philosophy, and the worship of the Sun. They are not bound by any oath or allegiance save their own. They are loyal to no government or People save their own. And they are Citizens of no country save their already in place secret world government. In their words, 'If you are not one of us you are nothing.' To garner some sense of 'feel' for the concept see the movie 'They Live.'
"It is a largely 'open' conspiracy, in that much of its membership, structure, methods, and operations, are matters of public record, however scattered and obscure. Its manner of coordination is atypical. Two nuclei --- the elite core of the Wall Street clique (orbiting the House of Rockefeller) and the elite core of the European financial clique (orbiting the House of Rothschild) --- coordinate this global conspiracy by waging psychological warfare on the rest of the conspirators, telling each no more than is necessary for him to fulfill his designated role, often with explicit recognition neither of his role, nor of the unarticulated rules that govern him.
"Thus, the overwhelming bulk of the conspirators do not know, but only suspect, that they are part of and in service to a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."
Further he added: . . . emerging realities in 2006, "There will be no individual Rights only privileges. These will be granted or denied at will by the world supra government. All property is to be owned by the State. There will be a redistribution of wealth. They plan to eliminate class differences and reduce the standard of living to a lower level in the advanced nations, such as the United States, and to a higher standard of living in the so-called third world nations.
"This leveling of the standard of living will be accomplished through a global economic collapse which is in its beginning stages. The economic collapse will fulfill the goal of Marx and Engle’s' Communist Manifesto mandating the elimination of the middle class. The graduated income tax was the first implementation of this process and is one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto. NAFTA and GATT (add now CAFTA and the pending FTAA) are a part of this process encouraging industry to move into third-world nations in order to exploit cheap labor.
"All existing religions will disappear. The only religion will be the state religion (humanism or illuminism).
"All County and State governments will be eliminated and replaced with regional government. These regional governments (Home Rule) are already in place. Regionalism is gradually taking control throughout America.
"There will be no more cash. Trade will be accomplished by a system of computer credits with accounts accessed through debit cards or computer chip implants. The cards or implants will also serve as personal identification, drivers license, and etc. When this is completed the human race will be shackled to a computer in a never ending cycle of debt. No action or movement will ever again be private."
The Constitution for the United States of America and its Bill of Rights will be scrapped. A parliamentary form of government will take its place. All military forces and individuals are to be disarmed except for an internal police force which will carry only the minimum weapons needed to maintain internal order.
Although Cooper only lived to see a little more than a year of the Bush presidency, he was a firm advocate that President Clinton, although posing as a man of the people, was (and still is) in fact one of the biggest and most diabolical front men for the New World Order.
William Cooper, author of the classic, ‘Beyond a Pale Horse’ was killed on November 5, 2001, by authorities at his home in Arizona.
Globalization, free trade and ‘spreading democracy’ are Trojan horses for the NWO/International Bankers true predatory intent. The fact that America's downward financial spiral started in earnest shortly after the Trilateral Commission was founded by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Breszinksi in 1973 is not incidental. The very policies that brought us the "New International Economic Order" (their own phrase) have wrecked our country. Trilateral member and Democratic President Jimmy Carter had 19 Trilateral members (including VP Mondale and Breszinksi as national security adviser) in his administration in 1976 and began David Rockefeller’s mission to de-industrialize America. The elites in fact have bankrupted (sold off) and destroyed America by off-shoring critical manufacturing enterprises and knowledge and technologies, which is continuing and is now, 30 years later, almost complete as the Big 3 auto manufacturers have been designed to collapse, further eroding America’s independence and vitality.
The (State) Media Lies
Joel Skousen (on his site) wrote recently that the media are completely in lockstep with the USG. I would add that we have been under the greatest psychological operations ever in the history of man, involving all levels of media --- corporate media and liberal gatekeepers. Information is the coin of the realm and our minders would rather have us believing their fiction and not what we may find in our research on the Internet.
The media lies and manipulates perceptions as a matter of course --- and as corporate-owned organs of the power elite structure they serve only to protect the status quo and those in power in their quest towards creating a New World Order and protecting their international banking interests.
The CIA’s annex, the Washington Post, and best patron, the late Katherine Graham, once remarked the world is a dangerous place and that democracy operates best when some details are not shared with the population. The WP and the New York Times, the lead so called ‘premier’ papers, operate similarly and are conduits of propaganda for the Powers That Be and their security apparatuses, and provide the ‘copy’ for all the other press in the US. The Daily News and New York Post --- comic book versions of the news --- are dumbed down propaganda rags for the ‘common man’ with loud headlines, plenty of mindless celebrity gossip and partially naked women to distract. TV land (including PBS, C-SPAN) and radio (like NPR) mimics repetitively (through all news and Sunday talk shows) the same official fictions that are disseminated in the press. The evening news on all of the alphabet channels is eerily alike in format and content --- by design, of course.
Polls are used to fine tune messages/propaganda and are manipulated to reflect the desired public perception --- like the deliberate linkage of 9/11 and Iraq. Online CNN polls have been known to disappear after the results were not as expected --- suggesting that no matter the propaganda the public may not be buying it --- forcing the puppet meisters to recalibrate their propaganda efforts. The average citizen it is assumed will fall in line with the ‘majority’ view of a poll even though Joe Citizen has no way to confirm the poll. It is possible that the majority of people may consider that they are in the minority,.victims of the corporate media propaganda and poll manipulation, and remain silent about critical issues because of it.
The NWO and their political / media / clandestine operatives use a technique called Problem-Reaction-Solution where a situation is created for which the public demands a solution --- by orchestrating the problem and manipulating the reaction, a solution, originally desired, is effected. It accomplishes their goal while the public thinks they had some input. This process is repeated over and over and is evident in the current Immigrant demonstrations that have been organized by the elites at the top to foment unrest and division in America. Events are created and managed to accomplish the elite’s desired goals with the politicians and the corporate media as accomplices and facilitators --- all moving incrementally towards the creation of the New World Order.
Add to this the elite’s ownership of and control of media corporations, 40,000 lobbyists, hundreds of think tanks, the foundations, the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg and countless other groups that ‘control the dialogue’ and provide both parties (the duopoly) with mountains of propaganda to create distractions and wedge issues (abortion, gay marriage, illegal immigration, etc); or the latest ‘trivia news saturation’ (missing blondes, rapes at Duke, a Kennedy in rehab) while the greater issues of the day are conveniently disregarded. All this and more is arrayed against the lone American citizen struggling to understand what is happening to his country and the world. It is no wonder that the American citizen is not informed --- by design, of course.
Mark Twain once said that if one does not read the newspaper he is uninformed and misinformed if he does.
Nothing important gets into the corporate media unless officially created, sanctioned, approved or leaked on purpose.
Next: In Part 2, we will further explore the corporate media, liberal gatekeepers and how the news and views are controlled by the elite ruling class. Parts 2 and 3 will elaborate on some of the ways the New World Order and their proxies --- the Democrats and Republicans --- are destroying America.
Copyright © 1998-2006 Online Journal
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
bluebear 2
said on 5/8/2006 @ 1:14 pm PT...
I just bought 1,200 shares of Alcoa!
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 1:28 pm PT...
For the record, Ross Perot was well on his way to being elected President until he chose that crazy white-haired old fart that couldn't remember sh-t as his running mate.
Stop writing letters to your reps--it will do no good. They are in on the corruption & will only make noises like they might do something--but they will not.
Don't vote. You might as well wipe with that ballot, it's useless for anything else.
It's the people against the elite. At least we out-number them in guerilla war.
Push must come to shove before any progress can be made toward jerking these criminals that control our country out.
Power to the people!
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 1:38 pm PT...
serious question: Is it possible to write an open source code to be installed on the voting machines owned by the local governments? Could the code that is currently installed be deleted and a new opensource code be installed so it can be viewed by everyone to verify there is no hanky panky?
I need answers to these questions so I can bring this up at a meeting Wednesday night.
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 2:27 pm PT...
Hey Charlene, regarding your comment #58
Some wishful-thinking/delusional persons in DENIAL will probably rip you to shreds for your comments (just ignore them). But I appreciate what you wrote and absolutely agree with you. Thank you.
It's a waste of time to call or write these pro-war corporate pimps and whores in Congress. They don't give a fuk, unless of course your name is Perini, for example. For those who don't know: Perini is war-profiteer Dianne Feinstein's----A DEMOCRAT!...."Got to get the Dims in there in November"....oh piss off....give it a rest----
husband's company and The Feinstein's/Blums are making millions from Iraq and Afghanistan war contracts through his companies. Feinstein voted for BOTH wars. How convenient, eh? Now because she's up for re-election, the woman lies and says that Bush "misled" her on the reasons for attacking Iraq. Uh huh. He didn't "mislead" me Dianne. Why are you such a damn gullible fool? I've mentioned Dianne "I'm a war-profiteer" Feinstein several times on here but interestingly no one has said a word about that. (I don't think these Dim supporters want to talk about that, Charlene, because it doesn't make them look good, you know, plus they are in denial.)
And yes, why even bother voting considering the e-voting machines have loads of problems and are fradulent and hackable/easily rigged in the first damn place? Why participate in this phony charade called "democracy?" I've asked the same question.
The solution to this Bush Dictatorship is exactly as you say:
NOT through some charade called voting, as I'm sure you know Charlene.
Only non-traditional measures will begin to restore this country to a Government Of, By and For The People. Period.
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 2:43 pm PT...
Josh & Charlene
I pronounce you Commander and Chief.
Fight nice.
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 3:04 pm PT...
in many of your posts you've talked about people being in denial. they are. i'm with you on this. i've worked in the mental health field and denial is a very comfortable, safe place for many people in our society. many people really fight to stay in their denial. lots of resistance. i saw this over and over in my work. denial is also very difficult to change and for some it's impossible, as i've noticed in some responses to your posts. no matter what truth or facts you express in your posts and no matter how many times you express it, if people don't want to hear it, they won't. that's the denial.
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 4:29 pm PT...
Mike #62
Good job.
You are paroled.
Be good, or your ass is coming back and Josh and Charlene will not be as nice this time.
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 4:48 pm PT...
Mike, regarding your comment #62. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Now speaking of the War Profiteer and Bush Enabler, Dianne "I'm really a Repug" Feinstein:
Dianne Feinstein as Neo Con - Lauds Appointment of Michael Hayden
QUOTE: As I anticipated the segment I prayed that Feinstein would be able to stand up to Cavuto and make her points. It never occurred to me that she'd be a stronger Hayden supporter than many in Bush's own party. Feinstein, you did the Republicans proud!
Are you Denial-based Dim supporters proud of your beloved Bush-Enabler Feinstein? Hmmmmmmmm? I swear, it just gets worse with every passing day with these scum of the earth politicians (which some of you blindly support).
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 9:31 pm PT...
Well, I see that NONE, not a one of you Dim supporters have STILL said a peep about your beloved war-profiteer and Bush-Enabler Feinstein. Do you think that by not talking about her and her corruption and the fact that this damnable woman has war blood all over her hands, will just make it go away?
Your silence will not protect you.
If you were objective and not so blatantly partisan, you Dims would be railing against her. But all I've read from people on here re Feinstein is: Silence.
Some of you people remind me of fundamentalist Christians who are of the mentality that they must never criticize "their own" or their church or their god. Some of you take the same approach with your politics and your unconditional support for the pro-war Dead Democratic Party.
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
said on 5/8/2006 @ 9:32 pm PT...
Well, I see that NONE, not a one of you Dim supporters have STILL said a peep about your beloved war-profiteer and Bush-Enabler Feinstein. Do you think that by not talking about her and her corruption and the fact that this damnable woman has war blood all over her hands, will just make it go away?
Your silence will not protect you.
If you were objective and not so blatantly partisan, you Dims would be railing against her. But all I've read from people on here re Feinstein is: Silence.
Some of you people remind me of fundamentalist Christians who are of the mentality that they must never criticize "their own" or their church or their god. Some of you take the same approach with your politics and your unconditional support for the pro-war Dead Democratic Party.
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 5/9/2006 @ 3:08 am PT...
That's why we need a third party, Josh. Democrats can't go after Bush on Iraq, except the way Hillary does, by criticizing his tactics and conduct of the war (which isn't a war, by the way).
It reminds me of the Savings & Loan scandal. Everbody was up in arms until it was revealed that the Keating Five included both Democrats and Republicans, including two heroes (Glenn and McCain). End of Capitol Hill outrage. "Let's move on." And the taxpayers get screwed again by an inside-the-Beltway bailout of crooked S & L's.
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
said on 5/9/2006 @ 6:15 am PT...
Josh, Charlene and all the other ragers against the machine,
We aren't in denial about anything (most of us anyway). We get that the system is corrupt and both parties are to blame. That's the way of the machine. But the only way to fix it civilly is from the inside. If it can't be fixed that way then outright revolution and civil war is the answer and I think everyone agrees that no one wants another civil war. Get rid of the e-vote machines? That's what this blog is all about. It's one of the few bringing attention to the problem and everyone here agrees with that (except, of course, Ricky and Mike J.). As far as Feinstein is concerned, I was surprized at her comments on Sunday and I'm not a great enthusiast for the woman. Don't know her record that well but anyone that gives any credit to Bush and his cronies and supports this administration in any way is not good in my book. That's why Feingold should be supported, for now. Let's find the ones that WILL do something to get rid of this corrupting influence and start getting some traction. Then we can find others outside the system, but for now, we have to work inside it.
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
said on 5/9/2006 @ 6:19 am PT...
"Go get 'em Josh!" (KKKarl Rove)
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
said on 5/9/2006 @ 11:34 pm PT...
If the Revolution WERE to begin.....
the perfect time & the perfect place to make a bold statement with civil disobedience that resonates with the people would be the Nov elections.
Looks like one patriotic 61 year old man recently in the news has already begun his own personal Revolt against Diebold.....Power to the People!
Hitting every polling place at the same time all over the country...hopefully near the end of the day...Oh Wow.
I don't have the nerve to do it though.
But what a beautiful way to show Bush, fellow citizens, & the world our opinion of his voting system & his government.
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2006 @ 5:09 am PT...
So what do you suggest? I'm all for staging a national protest against e-vote machines, for impeachment and against the monetary influence in Washington. I've never organized a protest so I can't do it. But I'll be there if anyone or any organization gets it together. Other than that, I don't know what to do other than give the dems one last chance at redemption. If they don't do something positive for the country I think EVERYONE will be in the streets.
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2006 @ 12:13 pm PT...
Comment #68 Roger
We are not going to get "traction" by playing nice in response to their criminal & murderous behavior.
Optimism & denial keep you from grasping the magnitude of what has occurred in this country & from realizing the enemy is NOT giving the power back to us without a real fight.
Would you go ask the Godfather to stop his criminal & murderous behavior & give up his power?
Because that would be foolish.
Which is why it's foolish to think working "the system" will accomplish anything except keep us busy.
Meanwhile, they continue to wreak havoc all over the world, ruin our country, & shit on all of us!
Next they are going to declare war in Iran & begin the draft, etc. etc. etc..what the hell are we going to do about it?
They WANT us to think the system will work so we'll continue to keep TRYING & TRYING to get them to change.
They probably sit around laughing about it--how easy it is to keep us all under their thumb.
It's foolish to play nice because it's not effective.
We are trained to believe the system will work---but, in this case, it won't! It's different now than it ever was before.
Democracy cannot work with total corruption.
We must make them VERY uncomfortable to effect change.
We have to make their lives so uncomfortable, that they'd rather get out than continue to keep power.
It takes a lot of 'not being nice' to bring that about.
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2006 @ 12:15 pm PT...
Comment #68 Roger
We are not going to get "traction" by playing nice in response to their criminal & murderous behavior.
Optimism & denial keep you from grasping the magnitude of what has occurred in this country & from realizing the enemy is NOT giving the power back to us without a real fight.
Would you go ask the Godfather to stop his criminal & murderous behavior & give up his power?
Because that would be foolish.
Which is why it's foolish to think working "the system" will accomplish anything except keep us busy.
Meanwhile, they continue to wreak havoc all over the world, ruin our country, & shit on all of us!
Next they are going to declare war in Iran & begin the draft, etc. etc. etc..what the hell are we going to do about it?
They WANT us to think the system will work so we'll continue to keep TRYING & TRYING to get them to change.
They probably sit around laughing about it--how easy it is to keep us all under their thumb.
It's foolish to play nice because it's not effective.
We are trained to believe the system will work---but, in this case, it won't! It's different now than it ever was before.
Democracy cannot work with total corruption.
We must make them VERY uncomfortable to effect change.
We have to make their lives so uncomfortable, that they'd rather get out than continue to keep power.
It takes a lot of 'not being nice' to bring that about.