"The Delivery..."
(29 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Dr. Alan H. Levinson
said on 6/22/2005 @ 4:07 am PT...
Conyer's site is not taking comments at the moment...nor is the link to the video working. I am hopeful that this is the beginning of their attempt to change the site. They will soon require order to root out some of the disruptive bloggers, while leaving the door open for good debate with the opposition.
Go John Conyer's and Brad!!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Jeff J.
said on 6/22/2005 @ 4:08 am PT...
Wow! That was an impressive video of Congressman Conyers delivering his letter/petition to the White House. Looks like each of us had our own page because there must have been over 560,000 pages handed over. I counted 17 bundles & it took a few minutes to hand them all over. Though they probably all went right into the trash I was proud to know my name was on one of those pages & I felt like I was there delivering them myself when I watched the video.
Don't ignore us Mr. President because we're not going away.
Thanks for the link, Brad.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 5:24 am PT...
GARBAGE IN........GARBAGE OUT; recycled in 20 minutes at the White House.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 5:26 am PT...
Lt. Col. Joe Repya makes us proud to be Americans. He is a retired Army Reserve Officer who re-upped for active duty at age 58. He is now 59 and serving in Iraq. We wrote about him this past September in "Col. Repya reports for duty." This morning he writes from Camp Victory in Baghdad:
I was so upset when I read the Star Tribune's Editorial today that I sent off this letter below to the editor from my duty desk in Baghdad, Iraq. The voices of millions killed by Hitler, Stalin & Pol Pot are rising from their mass graves and demanding an apology. Durbin is wrong and the Star Tribune is wrong even more. Clearly they are not on our side! Soldiers over here keep asking me why America has forgotten 9-11. I keep telling them that the liberal media won't let the American people see the images of the murdered and tortured Iraqis we find every day over here. Please keep up the fight back home and I promise the American military will win the war over here!
Here is Col. Repya's letter to the editor of the Star Tribune:
Your editorial "Durbin's Message/US Must End Prisoner Abuse" proves beyond any doubt that the Star Tribune Editorial Staff has no idea of who we are fighting and why! As a soldier in Iraq, I was highly insulted by the comments of Senator Durbin and his pathetic excuse of being "misunderstood." So I offer a suggestion. Let's divide up these victims of "the hellhole America's military has created" at Guantanamo and allow them to spend a weekend at the homes of the Star Tribune Editorial Staff and Senator Durbin. America's military will anxiously await the report on the impression they will make on you and your families.
Joseph Repya
LTC, Aviation
101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)
Camp Victory South
Baghdad, Iraq
In a subsequent note this morning Col. Repya adds:
I do feel old around these kids. Your chest buttons would burst with pride at the job these young men and women are doing here. Did I mention it is a toasty 108 today? A cold front moved in and dropped it from last week's high of 118. Keep up the fight.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 6:09 am PT...
I'm so glad Rep. Conyers is with us, my praise and thanks for his patriotism and true support of our troops!
What's next.....let's go for it!
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 6:38 am PT...
That was awesome! I'm glad the cameras were rolling to record the shame of members of Congress being kept outside the gates. Too bad the White House Hooker wasn't with them, they'd have been welcomed with open arms.
"They understood that you didn't have to attack the fortress anymore. You could just surround it, make faces at the people inside and let them have nervous breakdowns and destroy themselves." --- Norman Mailer
Keep making faces!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 6:59 am PT...
If I were born an American, it would be people like John Conyers, who would give me the hope that in the not so distant future, I could once again be proudly identified as one!
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 7:13 am PT...
Jeff #2 - I don't doubt it all got shredded, but I'd be willing to bet it was all scanned first and stored in some database. RMN (shudder) probably wasn't the first president to keep an "enemies list" and he most assuredly wasn't the last. Still, I'm proud to have signed such a noble document, and can take some condolence in knowing that when we citizens of Bradville and Conyersville are rounded and incarcerated we'll be in glorious company. Keep up the good fight, all!
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 7:18 am PT...
I'm so glad to hear that. I always knew it was .
Some four letter words:
You get the idea...
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 7:19 am PT...
Those of us who know bush is a bald-faced liar only have to keep the faith and trust in the fact that "all things done in the dark will come to the light". The acts of a TRUE CHRISTIAN are to love thy neighbor as you love yourself. That includes everybody, not just people in your own so-called party.
God Bless the USA!!!!
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 7:20 am PT...
And for Old GI Joe in Baghdad - Sir, you may rest assured that not all Americans have forgotten 9/11 - and we're determined to get to the bottom of it, whatever the obstacles, however long it takes. I can't wait to see your reaction - then we'll know if you're a true patriot or a tired old automaton.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 7:28 am PT...
Oh, yeah. I left a couple important ones out.
Brad is a four letter word. So is Vote.
I just found out a friend is joining the Army and going to Iraq. I asked him who was right. The WH, who says that the insurgency is in the "final throes" or the commanders on the ground who say, "Not so fast."
He said, "The commanders on the ground in the shit."
I told him he had more balls than most young Republicans.
He replied, "Who said I was a Republican?"
I told him I never thought he was, but he was a damn fine American.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 7:29 am PT...
And that's a true account.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 7:44 am PT...
As to the opinions on 9/11 of GIs in Baghdad, an interview
with Dr. David Ray Griffin will be appearing in the August
issue of Hustler Magazine and this will no doubt be inspiring
barracks discussions world-wide. A lot of guys surely have
9/11 stories to tell, and some have Tora Bora stories too.
If I'd gone into Afghanistan to get Osama, the news that Goss
knows where he is and is doing nothing about it would really
get my goat!
The text of the interview appears here:
A .pdf with the diagrams and pictures of the buildings is here:
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 8:02 am PT...
On that day of the delivery, I was saddened to see no mention of it on either CBS Evening News or on NBC Nightly News.
There were multiple stories of the defeats and failures of El Presidente Shrub. But no mention of these letters (nor of Conyers' DSM meeting.)
It is disheartening to see the MSM continue its course of ignoring us. We need to do better, folks! We need to turn up the heat even more than we are already doing.
But what more can be done? Personally, I've been writing to my local media almost weekly, demanding attention be given on these issues.
All I ever receive is.... SILENCE
Or the occasional receipt form e-mail telling me they got my e-mail.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 8:14 am PT...
Whilst Conyers & Co are fighting the good fight, GWB's latest approval ratings are approaching terminal velocity!
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 8:33 am PT...
I don't post often, so bear with me, all. But I must address statements made - based on statements made - by statements made.
I address someone who calls himself JIMMO - who is intentionally a propagandist, a traitor and a low-life, co-conspirator in the overthrow of democracy.
I must also address a commanding officer who this hockey-puck has used to elevate his own disgraceful regurgitation of bile. The letter posted by said officer is but one of many who have been led to believe that those against this war are against our troops, our sons and daughters, our flesh and blood. (We of bake sales; of APO shipments; of tears that flow like rivers in stolen moments of privacy) The lie about those of us with a better idea has been reinforced by Armed Forces Radio scheduling the Rush Limbaugh Shou for a decade on our tax-dime - and by White House stenographers at the Star and Stripes. Can't blame them really, they get no real information - just like the rest of America.
The difference being - Jimmo only spews what is fed to him by those who could care less about him in the end. Jimmo you are going to be so ashamed when your time comes. I already forgive you. Cause I'm a libural, boy.
An officer in the field, however, is responsible for so much more, and his pride and concern for those under his charge should be moving to every American. Out there, with no end in sight, misrepresentations of what Americans are discovering about the lies that put him there, well, make him mad. He needs to get a handle - find someone, something to blame.
Lt. Col. Repya, sir, you have been lied to and cheated of your patriotism and your honor by the most deceitful cabal of draft dodgers and inherited-rich who have ever been elevated in any society since the Referendum. This crop of know-it-alls never had to worry about a day's rent, a doctor bill, a university class fee, or anything to do with their daily lives at all.
I am a combat veteran and can really feel your pain. If you want to contact me to learn what Sen. Durban really said and how important it is for any of your boys should they, God forbid, get captured; what the Most Honorable Sen. Conyers is really doing for your boys and their children's children; that liberalism is still a ten-letter word (because math is a science) - you can contact me at Get some leave time and we can do sushi. Or head on over to Ho Chi Min City with me for a nightcap and we can ask Georgie hisself about the DSM on his show-boat visit.
Hope he wears that Eisenhower jacket again... too cool.
JIMMO you need to enlist and pull you head out of your ass, so your mouth has a reason to smell so bad.
Sorry folks - I promise not to respond to the trash and false patriotism that may ensue.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 9:29 am PT...
You have earned the right to speak, anywhere, anytime, on any matter, in any fashion you deem fit.
Rock on.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 6/22/2005 @ 11:11 am PT...
Lt. Col. Repya's letter demonstrates clearly that he believes Iraq is the enemy who attacked us on 9/11.
He might be a brave old guy, but he isn't very bright. That fiction was dismissed over two years ago, even before WMD. Not even Bush tries to sell it any longer. Honestly, if this the best the trolls can do, the argument is over. The only question remaining is, "When will the occupation be over?"
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 11:12 am PT...
Do you really think a bunch of civilian killing terrorists that attacked us on 9/11 are going to treat captured American soldiers any differently than they treated 3,000 CIVILIANS on that day by murdering them in cold blood?
Get a grip. Perhaps you are one of those lost Vietnam Veterans that still thinks it was a wasted mission to attempt to keep even a resemblance of Democracy in SE Asia. Indeed, I listened to a blathering liberal on Ed Schultz last night that actually thought that the fact Bush may visit Vietnam next year somehow PROVED to him that all is well in Vietnam and would have been well sooner had we just not gotten involved.
In other words: millions living in desparate condition in Communist nations or under ruthless thugs are NOT OUR BUSINESS.
So how many Cambodians were murdered after we abandoned Vietnam? How many Laotians? How many Hmong were murdered? How many Vietnamese were sent to "re-education" camps never to return? Why do the Hmong in America lash out at people that still say we did not belong in Vietnam? When will the Vietnamese people EVER get another chance at Democracy like they had in 1965? Oh, but you will say it does not matter: they are happy living in a Communist Hell.
I appreciate your service. I wish you and others would have taken the mission we were on more seriously because ten million or so men, women, and children would still be alive in that region and tens of millions might have had the luxury of Democracy in their country.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 11:18 am PT...
Another day in front of the courthouse today, protesting the war.
And yet again, I have been surprised by the honks, waves, and cheers. I live in a small midwest town, and when we started protesting... we got very little support and often outright hostility.
But every single week, it is getting better. People want the troops home safely and they can see right through all the Republican lies and propaganda. And, increasingly, they know the difference between supporting the troops and supporting the career ambitions of opportunistic politicians and greedy corporate punks.
The truth is winning. And people ARE reading the DSM on their own. Although Rush Limbaugh's take on the DSM is pretty funny (he claims not to know anything about it, its a waste of time, nothing new, etc. He continues on that old "anti-semitism" BS. And then concludes with vague speculations about a Michael Smith or Mike Smith who might have worked at CBS around the same time as "Rathergate" and whether or not this same Mike Smith might have broken the DSM story, too. Utter nonsense). And Condi's wacky explanations about our progress in Iraq are also pretty funny, too. And just about all the right wingers are creaming themselves over their lurid tales about Hillary's lesbianism... which they probably just plagiarized from Lynne Cheney's porno novel. I think they are all on mescaline or something...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 11:33 am PT...
You rock. I'm totally sick of these cowardly liars, too. They are so quick to tear anyone else down... just to serve their own ends. I will never forget what they did to Max Cleland. Totally Machiavellian... it has nothing to do with the America that I was taught to love and defend. We are supposed to be a nation driven by our virtues... a respect for the rights of our fellow citizens... a willingness to serve in a wide range of capacities for the public good.
And I wonder where the Swift Boat Vets are, now that Bush is practically messing himself to get into bed with Vietnam. AND then have the nerve to get all stern with Venezuela.... Venezuela? Did they ever kill any of our troops? Nope. Do they crack down on religion there? Nope.
To get back on topic. You are a fantastic writer and a truly decent human being, Pleiku. I hope you write to the paper alot. We need the perspective.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 11:49 am PT...
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 2:28 pm PT...
I'm afraid comments posted by one of our True American Patriots has gotten lost in the passage of timely posts on Bradblog. I want to call your attention here:
Introduction to one of our Wise Women and A True American Patriot
Please support Matilda Lipscomb.
Her website:Let's Talk Sense
We must listen to those who have learned so much. Matilda Lipscomb is now 85 yr.; former Navy; and not blinded by the right.
I hope she continues to post here.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 2:36 pm PT...
Oops --- tried to do this too fast --- forgive me for poor grammar.
Comments ... have, not has
Matilda is celebrating her 85th year as an American Patriot.
Let us all celebrate with Matilda!
Hooray! Happy 85th, Matilda!! Thanks for your dedicated work for this country, America, which so many of us love.
Why do the rightwingnuts hate America????
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 6/22/2005 @ 2:43 pm PT...
Honestly ... :duh:
In my link provided in #24 above --- "Introduction to one of our Wise Women and A True American Patriot" --- please scroll up to comments #52 & 53 to read Matilda Lipscomb's wonderful posts.
(I'm a lost cause today ... )
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 6/23/2005 @ 2:01 am PT...
pleiku69 - Well done.
BigTobacco - Keep up the good work in front of the courthouse. It matters.
Jimmo - You're a disgrace. Go join up to fight in the war you love so much. Otherwise, you're a coward.
For the record, in case I didn't mention it, John Conyers is a decorated Korean War vet. Unlike others in congress, he almost never (perhaps never ever) uses his service as a political tactic. Contrast that with that despicable Congressman from Indiana (I forget his name for the moment). And, of course, contrast it to the coward Jimmo who bloviates with bullshit, and won't support the troops enough to actually join them in the fight he loves so much.
For all of those vets who have posted here (and via Email in response) to wasted Americans like Jimmo, I thank you both for your kind words and your support for our country.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 6/23/2005 @ 6:15 pm PT...
The RNC continues to implode. [ More . . . ]
Now is the time for Republicans and Democrats to put aside their differences.
A common tyrant in the White House must be investigated and brought to justice.
These are not matters of petit politics. These are matters of criminal law.
The more they lash out, the more we learn. The more we know we are making progress. [ More . . . ]
Be brave. We outnumber them. [ More . . . ]
There is much you can do. [ More . . . ]
Keep blogging!
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 7/2/2005 @ 4:55 am PT...
Shame on you Brad - You know who filmed all those videos on Conyers site - you were standing right there introducing yourself to me while I was filming, everyone knew that I had flown all the way to DC from Hawaii to catch this incredibly historic event, and on my rent money to boot.
I filmed the entire Hearing & Rally (some footage of the Rally was supplied by FLux of as it overlapped with the Hearing - specifically the White House gate footage) and even offer them on my website as a two DVD set for a donation of $20 or more at - we've been fighting the media for years and you might want to bring us up once in a while as we know how to deal with these bastards.
Myself I've been on O'Reilly once, Scarborough twice (the second time he kissed my ass because he'd just shown my ARMY OF ONE ad - one of the 14 finalists in the MoveOn Bush in 30 Seconds contest - the time before that he threatened to turn off my microphone) and we cost Limbaugh MILLIONS with a boycott that removed Major Corps from his advertising budget, some within the same afternoon, others bailing later, like Red Lobster, See's Candies, Radio Shack, AmTrack, other biggies.
We got sued by Michael Savage for a half a million bucks and WON.
We forced CNN to put BACK 750 words they had redacted from a Hans Blix report the Same Afternoon.
Ask anybody who I am (and I saw you in the hearing with your thumb up at the same time I was doing it, and thought, "Hey, who's the cool guy that agrees with me and these congressmen?" )
You need to get to know us, and mention us if you really want to "become" or "takeback" the media.
We were on the web before anyone bringing in over 100 million hits in our first year based on the 50 flash animations created by myself and Stranger (I even won an award in Hollywood for animation) was banging the "We need to get the media back" drum.
Okay, so how about making it up to me by offering people on your site the chance to own a piece of history on TWO DVDs - the Hearing And the Rally with Interviews?
You'd be doing your fans a big favor, and we'll even donate 25% of the donations made to us for the DVD sent BACK TO BRADBLOG - we've done that with a lot of sites, don't know how you missed it.
And please give credit where credit is due - we both want to get the facts out so that the media can't spin them, and that's why I travelled 24 hours roundtrip to film the Hearing, etc and that's why I assume you were in the same Hearing room I was
If anyone thinks I'm dissing Brad here forget it, I'm not. I support all progressives, well, except for Bev Harris who's been thrown off of more major websites than I can count and given a proper red ass by Randi Rhodes on Air America Radio. In my book she has no credibility - If I were you I'd do more investigating before you quote her, you may be losing MANY more fans than you'd have otherwise.
It's VERY important that we don't bark up the wrong tree on the subject of Electronic Voting - I know, my wife and I spent a year on the road interviewing half of Washington DC and a mass of experts, Stars like our pal Janeane Garofalo, etc.
If you ever want to know how to make the elections fair you might want to check with us, we can tell you how - we'd show you the film "Electile Dysfunction" as it was supposed to be made, but alas it's in the Court System (tho someone seems to act like it's not, or is ignoring court papers) and we have to wait until the best man wins, as we do things honestly and are proud of our integrity, it's why we are respected by so many of our contacts.
Please don't mistake my passion for arrogance, I'm a pretty nice guy when you get to know me
But I think I can help you with some info here and there that will make your site ring with truth that cannot be disputed.
Write me so I can give you my number, we need to talk.
Keep fighting the good fight in the meantime,
Symbolman co founder of