IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: California sues Big Oil over climate damages; Another investigation shows Big Oil execs plotted to deceive the public, discredit climate science, and delay action; PLUS: Mass protesters demand the end of the fossil fuel era as Climate Week and UN General Assembly get underway... All that and more in today's Green News Report!
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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): New study debunks anti-heat pump propaganda; Ohio to become manufacturing hub for electric flying taxis; Pepsi Tesla semi-truck proves long-range battery capability in real-world test; Biden to target industrial pollution in a 2nd Term, if he gets one; States are criminalizing climate/environmental protests; Dire warnings about Libya dams went unheeded; How a national macro-grid could accelerate the movement to electrify everything; Ohio injection wells suspended over 'imminent danger’ to drinking water'... PLUS: A summer light show dims: why are fireflies disappearing?... and much, MUCH more! ...
- VIDEO: Chevron CEO Pushes Back on California's Suit Against Big Oil (Bloomberg Law)
- Hurricane Lee landfalls in Nova Scotia:
- WSJ investigation reveals oil industry plotted to continue deceiving public about climate change:
- No paywall: Inside Exxon's Strategy to Downplay Climate Change (Wall St. Journal/MSN):
Exxon Mobil issued its first public statement that burning fossil fuels contributes to climate change in 2006, following years of denial. In public forums, the company argued that the risk of serious impact on the environment justified global action. Yet behind closed doors, Exxon took a very different tack: Its executives strategized over how to diminish concerns about warming temperatures, and they sought to muddle scientific findings that might hurt its oil-and-gas business...even after the company said it would stop funding think tanks and others that promoted climate-change denial. - Exxon minimized climate change internally after conceding that fossil fuels cause it (NPR)
- Exxon climate predictions were accurate decades ago. Still it sowed doubt (NPR)
- California sues Big Oil over climate deception and damages:
- California sues five major oil companies for 'decades-long campaign of deception' about climate change (LA Times):
In 1978, an internal Exxon memo stated that present "thinking holds that man has a time window of five to 10 years before the need for hard decisions regarding changes in energy strategies might become critical." - California sues 5 major oil companies, accuses them of deceiving public over the risks of fossil fuel use (CNN)
- California suit against Chevron, Exxon, Shell, others, alleges public deception on climate change (CNBC):
The state claims that this intentional cover-up has gone on since at least the 1970s and has delayed the public's response to climate change, exacerbating extreme natural disasters and incurring tens of billions of dollars in recovery costs. - VIDEO: CA Gov. Gavin Newsom explains why California is suing Big Oil (Center for Climate Integrity/Twitter)
- California state legislature passes landmark emissions transparency laws:
- Calif. Lawmakers Pass Groundbreaking Greenhouse Emissions Disclosure Bill (LA Times):
The bill would require the California Air Resources Board to adopt regulations by 2025 mandating public and private companies with more than $1 billion in annual revenues to begin publicly disclosing their emissions across three "scopes" in 2026. Scope three emissions reporting would start in 2027. - California Governor Newsom says he'll sign bill requiring large companies to report emissions (CNBC/MSN):
The law will make California the first location in the U.S. to require corporate carbon accounting, and comes as the the SEC is considering how to regulate corporate climate disclosures. - Briefing: What are Scope 3 emissions? (Carbon Trust)
- 2023 Climate Week Protest demands end to fossil fuel era:
- VIDEO: Tens of thousands march to kick off climate summit, demanding end to warming-causing fossil fuels (AP)
- Thousands march in New York to demand that Biden 'end fossil fuels' (NPR)
- Climate Week NYC: Here's what to watch (Axios)
- At Climate Week 2023, It's Optimism Versus Cataclysm (Newsweek/MSN)
- The Fight Against Climate Change Returns to the Streets. But this movement clearly needs to expand again. Bill McKibben, The New Yorker)
'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...
For a comprehensive roundup of daily environmental news you can trust, see the Society of Environmental Journalists' Daily Headlines page
- New study debunks anti-heat pump propaganda (Oil Price Internationanl)
- Ohio, "birthplace" of aviation, to become [electric] "flying taxis" manufacturing hub (Axios)
- Pepsi Tesla Semi Truck Drives 1600 Miles Over Two Days in Real World Tests (Next Big Future)
- Biden to Target Industrial Pollution in a 2nd Term, If He Gets One (NY Times)
- States Are Criminalizing Environmental Protest (Sierra Magazine)
- Endangered Species Rule to Face Legal Challenges From All Sides (Bloomberg)
- Dire Warnings About Libya Dams Went Unheeded (NY Times)
- The US Electricity Transmission System Is in Gridlock: How a national macrogrid could accelerate the movement to electrify everything (Sierra Magazine)
- EPA Slow On Investigating Chemical Risk From Ohio Derailment: Emails (Huffington Post)
- EPA Rule for State Water Pollution Authority Destined for Court (Bloomberg)
- Preparing Homes For Wildfires Is Big Business That's Only Getting Started (NPR)
- From "Massive Squishings" To The Insect Apocalypse, Roads Cut Up Nature (NPR)
- Errors in coal company's federal carbon capture analysis warn of waste, says former official (Inside Climate News)
- Working From Home Now Has Another Powerful Benefit (Washington Post)
- Markey, AOC Ask Biden To Create Civilian Climate Corps By Executive Order (The Hill)
- Ohio Injection Wells Suspended Over 'Imminent Danger’ to Drinking Water' (Athens Independent)
- Now Available: 2,000 Rhinos, Free to Good Homes With Plenty of Space (NY Times)
- California lawsuit says oil giants deceived public on climate, seeks funds for storm damage (AP)
- 6 Governors Tell Biden Offshore Wind Projects Need US Help To Get Built (AP)
- A Summer Light Show Dims: Why Are Fireflies Disappearing? (Yale e360)
- The Summer From Hell Was Just A Warning (E&E News)
- Rising Temperatures Are Wreaking Havoc Year-Round (gift link, Bloomberg)
- Rough years ahead [as new El Nino arrives] (Nature)
- Complete Series: Farmers Under Attack for Supporting Clean Energy (Climate Crocks)
- These are the places most at risk from record-breaking heat waves as the planet warms (CNN)
- Building Steam in Lithium Valley (The American Prospect)
- Feeling Overwhelmed About Going All-Electric at Home? Here's How to Get Started (Inside Climate News)
- VIDEO: See what three degrees of global warming looks like (The Economist/YouTube)
- The 7 climate tipping points that could change the world forever (Grist)
- The 1977 White House climate memo that should have changed the world (Guardian UK)
- Four solutions to mitigate climate change, from the IPCC (Dr. Michael Mann, Penn Today)
- Environmental Sacrifice Zones: 8 Places We've Given Up-Probably Forever (Environmental Health Network)
- Feeling Hopeless About the Climate? Try Our 30-Day Action Plan (The Revelator)
- VIDEO: 2050: what happens if we ignore the climate crisis (Guardian UK)
- 99.9 percent Of Scientists Agree Climate Emergency Caused By Humans (Guardian UK)
- Climate Fund Choices for Investors Are Multiplying (Bloomberg/Yahoo)
- How climate change could undo 50 years of public health gains (Grist)
- Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration (Pro Publica)
- Exxon's Snake Oil: 100 years of deception (Columbia Journalism Review)
- VIDEO: A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (The Intercept)
- What genuine, no-bullshit ambition on climate change would look like: How to hit the most stringent targets, with no loopholes. (David Roberts, Vox)
- A Global Shift To Sustainability Would Save Us $26 Trillion (Vox)
- Project Drawdown: 100 Solutions to Reverse Global Warming (Drawdown.org)
- An Optimist's Guide to Solving Climate Change and Saving the World (Vice)
- The great nutrient collapse: The atmosphere is literally changing the food we eat, for the worse. And almost nobody is paying attention. (Politico)
- The world's bleak climate situation, in 3 charts: We've got a long way to go and a short time to get there. (Vox)
- The Climate Risks We Face (NY Times):
To stabilize global temperature, net carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced to zero. The window of time is rapidly closing to reduce emissions and limit warming to no more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels, the goal set in the Paris climate accord. The further we push the climate system beyond historical conditions, the greater the risks of potentially unforeseen and even catastrophic changes to the climate - so every reduction in emissions helps. - The Uninhabitable Earth: When will climate change make earth too hot for humans? (New York Magazine):
Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak - sooner than you think. - A beginner's guide to the debate over 100% renewable energy (Vox):
Clean-energy enthusiasts frequently claim that we can go bigger, that it's possible for the whole world to run on renewables - we merely lack the "political will." So, is it true? Do we know how get to an all-renewables system? Not yet. Not really.