"Conyers' Common Sense is Everywhere!"
(37 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Valley Girl
said on 5/16/2005 @ 4:02 pm PT...
Just an idea to throw out there: I checked out the TIA stuff on DU after seeing the links on Brad Blog. I see that Brad also commented later on, very quickly in fact, considering his re-entry issues. Maybe TIA could use some help dealing with us "dummies".
My post----------
"Election Fraud for Dummies"
I found this (your comments) via a post on Brad Blog. Pretty overwhelming. I've seen some of these data before, so I don't need to be convinced. BUT, have you thought about writing a pamphlet or short book called something like "Election Fraud for Dummies"? This is my first post here, and I haven't followed DU that much, so forgive me if you've already done this, or someone else has.
I have to use statistics occasionally and I am reasonably "numerate" (also "literate") but I had a hard time taking in all of the analyses- brain started glazing over. So, this is not the kind of stuff someone is likely to attempt to understand in any depth unless they have a knack for numbers and statistics, and is predisposed to believe the conclusion.
Apart from any other motives behind the lack of MSM coverage of election fraud, is it possible that most reporters are simply not numerate enough to "get it"? I wouldn't be surprised, considering that the average store clerk wouldn't be able to give correct change unless the register told them what to dole out. Lampley obviously has enough odds-making experience to see the woods for the trees, but he's rare.
Hence the idea "fraud for Dummies"-- choose a few key sets of poll numbers, and explain these data step by step in a way that any dummy could understand? So that it couldn't be ignored, even by the casual reader? Something to hand out to reporters, congressmen, etc. etc.
Thanks for you hard work.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 5/16/2005 @ 4:27 pm PT...
Fact: the exit polls said Kerry won the popular vote by 5 million, and the "final count" said Bush won by 3 million. ALL MSM articles about this discrepancy ASSUME the final count was correct, and their articles work backwards trying to persuade everyone that the exit polls were wrong, for the first time in history, I might add! Articles about this discrepancy DO NOT present debate from both sides, and DO NOT assume the exit polls were correct. But they ALL ASSUME the final count was correct, and work backwards. This is not journalism, it's propoganda. Exit polls are so reliable, that when the exit polls differed from the final count in the Ukraine, as they did here, our SAME MSM had 24×7 coverage of this discrepancy, THAT HAPPENED IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY!!! They did not, and have not, covered this story at all, IN OUR OWN COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 5/16/2005 @ 4:33 pm PT...
ALL discrepancies between the exit polls and the "final count" occured in precincts with computerized voting machines and optical scanners. Precincts with paper ballots, the exit polls matched the "final count." Go to to see the graph. This is not newsworthy in the American MSM. The runaway bride, Michael Jackson, Lacy Peterson, the latest kidnapping, are all stories covered by the MSM, and have no significance to our population. Now, the Newsweek story will occupy the MSM. Did you hear? The Iraq War is going bad because of Newsweek magazine!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 4:51 pm PT...
I guess I don't get it. I've been following this for months now. It appears to me that Mr. Conyers is on the very same committee as Feeney...has he ever ONCE asked Mr. Feeney about these allegations??? If he's such a champion, then why not step out of the box and simply ask the question??
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Dr. Alan H. Levinson
said on 5/16/2005 @ 5:03 pm PT...
Just sent this comment into Wolf Blitzer...that disgusting pig louse!
Dear Wolf (and the entire CNN staff),
Are you NUTS? The short-shrift commentary offered for such a potentially damaging British document was an embarrassment for CNN, yourself, and the entire news media. "The president may have manipulated the intelligence" sounds a bit more important than a former President's romp in the sack...yet receives insignificant concern. I will end my relationship with cable TV (and specifically CNN) rather than tolerate such lily-livered queasiness by our "trustworthy" reporters. What has the Bush administration done to reduce our journalists to sniveling morons? I, for one, am ashamed! I thought Russian newspapers were government owned, but I see that I was wrong!!
Dr. Alan H. Levinson
Holbrook, NY
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 5:20 pm PT...
Emma #4
I don't understand your comment. What committee are John Conyers & Feeney on, and which allegations are you referring to?
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 5:42 pm PT...
People have been talking about the effects of a corporate owned media for years. Now we are living the reality of not having a free press.
How Mass Media Fails Democracy, an interview with Robert McCheseny
- snip
But also, media owners play a role here. Our news media industry—at least the people who cover international and national politics with resources and lead the way for everyone else: AP, three or four major newspapers, CNN and a few of the television networks—consists of maybe twelve or fifteen major organizations covering these issues. It's a very small number, and these news media are increasingly the property of very large companies...much larger than the same companies were 20 or 30 years ago, even allowing for traditional growth in a market economy.
They are not disinterested parties in how the world works. General Electric, which owns NBC, is a corporation that does a significant amount of its business outside the United States, an amount that has grown dramatically in the last decade. It's the largest company in the world.
These companies, without exception, all strongly benefit from the sort of neoliberal globalization policies the US government pushes, that the World Trade Organization, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are [implementing], NAFTA...they benefit greatly by that. They also benefit greatly by having the US government play the job of enforcing global political etiquette, so that the world operates the way that the US thinks it ought to.
So, you have a real conflict of interest with your media system that covers these sorts of events being owned by institutions that have a distinct self-interest that these policies go in a certain direction. How can we count on them to cover issues of the US role in the world, the nature of the global political economy, with the sort of fairness that journalism demands for a free society?
This is an issue that hasn't been raised at all, but it is absolutely is at the bottom of all of this. How far could NBC go in analyzing the nature of our global political economy, the inequality it creates, or this corruption of the way decisions are made due to corporate power around the world?
Theoretically, professional journalists will tell you, "Sure, we can do that. No one's stopping us." But the proof is in the pudding—we don't see those sorts of stories. This is something that our society is going to have to come to terms with if we're at all serious about having a viable media system.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 6:34 pm PT...
yet more proof that we need to support Brad, Raw Story and Indy media in general...
Podvin on the Media
Many Americans have wondered how George W. Bush can be blatantly corrupt, yet receive such positive coverage from the media - the same media that spent the previous eight years so desperate to uncover presidential scandals that it felt compelled to invent some. With the recent deregulation of the broadcasting industry by the Federal Communications Commission, the mystery has been solved.
The answer is money.
On October 25, 2001, MakeThemAccountable reported on a deal that had been made in 2000 between political advisor Karl Rove and Jack Welch, who was then Chairman of General Electric. The arrangement involved a quid pro quo in which the mainstream media agreed to run interference for the Bush campaign with the understanding that a new Republican administration would eliminate regulations on communications conglomerates.
In exchange for faithfully executing their part of the most pernicious alliance in American history, the multinational media companies have recently received the latest installment of a multi-billion dollar kickback:
June 2, 2003 In a bitter split along party lines, the Republican majority of the Federal Communications Commission — led by Chairman Michael K. Powell — voted 3 to 2 to relax rules that prevented TV stations from merging with local newspapers and restricted how many stations one company could own, both nationally and locally.
The pact between Rove and Welch has resulted in a massive redistribution of wealth and power. For the amoral profiteers of Corporate America, there is greater influence over government than ever. For the average citizen, there is taxation without representation.
Political candidates who are not servants of Big Business can now expect to be confronted by an even more outrageous gauntlet of lies than Al Gore faced in the 2000 presidential contest. During that campaign and the Florida recount, the media upheld its end of the Rove/Welch agreement by smearing the Democratic nominee with a non-stop barrage of false allegations. At the same time, corporate journalists turned a blind eye to Bush’s extensive personal corruption and record of abject failure as a National Guardsman, as a businessman, and then as governor of Texas.
Since taking office, Bush has continued to receive a reportorial free ride....
... Bush has been scandal-proofed; in the absence of investigative reporting, there can be no scandals.
Avarice is not good for journalism. Unrestrained greed on the part of the owners of the fourth estate produces a de facto oligarchy in which the most powerful elements of society are allowed to operate without fear of having their graft exposed. A lack of vigilant oversight by the media has enabled the theft of a presidential election, the looting of the Treasury, and the shredding of the Bill of Rights. Bush is not president in the way that Lincoln or FDR was president – he is the transfer agent for the Fortune 500, and he receives the tender loving care accorded to the goose that lays the golden eggs.
This is not a conspiracy - it is a lust for cash. There is no need for threats or secret memos in order to enforce discipline upon corporate journalists - they fully understand the consequences of placing themselves in conflict with the economic objectives of their employers. The general public may not have noticed that rising journalistic star Ashleigh Banfield was recently demoted by General Electric after she told the unacceptable truth about the mainstream media’s deceitfully pro-Bush coverage during the Iraq War. However, all of the other reporters who work for General Electric certainly noticed, as did all of the reporters who work for competing news organizations. The Banfield incident serves as a reminder that, in corporate newsrooms, deviation from the party line will not be tolerated.
It isn’t moral, and it isn’t honest, but it is multinational corporate journalism, and unless there is a change of occupant in the White House, it will soon be the only kind of journalism we have left.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 7:23 pm PT...
EMMA::Please explain your coment,about JOHN CONYERS and Feeney being on the same commitee.Don't know what you are talking about.Seems to me you have it in for Conyers.Hard to believe,he's one of the best elected Congressman MI. has ever had.If he wasn't he would never have held offices for 37 yrs.He most admired by many for all his hard,dedicated work..
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 5/16/2005 @ 7:49 pm PT...
Conyers and Feeney are both members of the House Judiciary Committee, are they not?
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 7:58 pm PT...
everywhere yea right
" US 'backed illegal Iraqi oil deals'
Report claims blind eye was turned to sanctions busting by American firms
Julian Borger and Jamie Wilson in Washington
Tuesday May 17, 2005
The Guardian
The United States administration turned a blind eye to extensive sanctions-busting in the prewar sale of Iraqi oil, according to a new Senate investigation.
A report released last night by Democratic staff on a Senate investigations committee presents documentary evidence that the Bush administration was made aware of illegal oil sales and kickbacks paid to the Saddam Hussein regime but did nothing to stop them.
The scale of the shipments involved dwarfs those previously alleged by the Senate committee against UN staff and European politicians like the British MP, George Galloway, and the former French minister, Charles Pasqua.
Article continues
In fact, the Senate report found that US oil purchases accounted for 52% of the kickbacks paid to the regime in return for sales of cheap oil - more than the rest of the world put together.
"The United States was not only aware of Iraqi oil sales which violated UN sanctions and provided the bulk of the illicit money Saddam Hussein obtained from circumventing UN sanctions," the report said. "On occasion, the United States actually facilitated the illicit oil sales.
The report is likely to ease pressure from conservative Republicans on Kofi Annan to resign from his post as UN secretary general. ",3604,1485546,00.html
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Mark Lloyd Baker
said on 5/16/2005 @ 9:05 pm PT...
On the corporate media front, today's Democracy Now! had nearly an hour long excerpt of Bill Moyers' superb speech at the The National Conference for Media Reform (DN! has audio/video streaming at dialup and broadband bitrates. Click Listen/watch on their home page.)
The GOP is trying to "corporatize" PBS along with everything else under the sun.
Lawrence Britt's sixth common characteristic of fascist regimes: controlled mass media.
Lawrence Britt's 14th common characteristic of fascist regimes: fraudulent elections.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 9:12 pm PT...
No, Brad. Cloning, even with good intentions can be disastrous. Well, at least according to Star Wars. Which ROCKED by the way.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 10:00 pm PT...
Maybe Emma's talking about the allegations that Feeney got Curtis to develop the software prototype? Just a wild guess. ???
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 10:16 pm PT...
Conyers and Feeney are both on the House Judiciary Committee. All Committee's have members of the 2 main corp-er, parties. When Conyers had the Ohio '04 hearings, only the Dem members were present. Obviously Feeney wasn't there (that would have been interesting!).
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 10:46 pm PT...
Ah - I remember now. Although the Repubs were invited to attend, none of them did. And they had the nerve to stop the hearings from being held in the Ohio Statehouse. I remember.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 11:01 pm PT...
I remember that whole event like it was yesterday. That was just a sad planted shill to take the focus off of voting reform, obviously with Bob Ney grinning from ear to ear by how much money was being made.
I'm glad Conyers never led any credability to that ring of phonies.
What I can't believe is not one journalist was outraged about this, Greg Palast or Democracy Now should have made it front page. When phony GOP voting groups attempt to squash election fraud, something went really wrong in Ohio. Really, really wrong and escalated acceptable fraud in the election.
Now Tom knowing he got away with paying for the fraud prototype, is grinning from ear to ear. But I heard about this thing called blowback, what goes around comes around....
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 5/16/2005 @ 11:04 pm PT...
I remember that whole event like it was yesterday. That was just a sad planted shill to take the focus off of voting reform, obviously with Bob Ney grinning from ear to ear by how much money was being made.
I'm glad Conyers never led any credability to that ring of phonies.
What I can't believe is not one journalist was outraged about this, Greg Palast or Democracy Now should have made it front page. When phony GOP voting groups attempt to squash election fraud, something went really wrong in Ohio. Really, really wrong and escalated acceptable fraud in the election.
Now Tom knowing he got away with paying for the fraud prototype, is grinning from ear to ear. But I heard about this thing called blowback, what goes around comes around....
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/16/2005 @ 11:59 pm PT...
"To Disserve, Deflect and Offend"
The Bush presidency's oath of office:
I have just come up with an ALTERNATIVE oath for the initiation of a President... and it doesn't even require that he abide by a sworn oath. All he needs to do is SAY that he adheres to it, and it is SO,/i>.
Because a President has sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, apparently, anything the President decides is Constitutional, even if it is blatantly UN-Constitutional. I think, profess, believe, aver this position to be UN-Constitutional, since the Constitution declares it to be so.
Please read it. Impeachment is a recurring thread.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 5/17/2005 @ 1:10 am PT...
"Our testosterone may be artificial, but it's lethal! "
....err speak for yourself PEG C!
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 5/17/2005 @ 1:13 am PT...
PEG C #26 Love your "turn of phrase"!
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 5/17/2005 @ 8:45 am PT...
Hi Peg - Please quit mincing your words...
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 5/17/2005 @ 9:20 am PT...
Yeah Peg #27, don't hold back
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 5/17/2005 @ 9:40 am PT...
Thanks to Brad for linking my letter excoriating TomPaine and Russ Baker.
Valley Girl asked to have an "Election Fraud for Dummies" article. While I write only for intelligent people who happen not to know statistics, I think I have written what she wants for Newtopia Magazine. From the New Deal to the Dirty Deal or
In our website, we focus on Florida. However, the same methods are applicable to Ohio.
The one caution I would make is everything that Conyers and others have gathered is circumstantial evidence. That's important evidence. As we show in our FAQ, there was clearly an atmosphere of lawlessness in Florida, and Conyers documented that the same existed in Ohio. But until it can be shown that a specific person committed a specific crime, one should always talk about the need for an investigation by a prosecutor or a neutral legislative body with subpoena power.
Carry on!
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 5/17/2005 @ 12:00 pm PT...
White House in full and inglorious damage control over British Memo!
Beam us up Scotty! Quick!!!
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/17/2005 @ 12:03 pm PT...
Sorry, people. A typo, not a neglect to close!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/17/2005 @ 12:09 pm PT...
Bushw@cker #20 -
Oh, for God's sake! "We didn't lie when we stated that we didn't lie to cover up the telling of a lie when we lied about not telling the truth."
THAT'S Soittie!
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/17/2005 @ 12:10 pm PT...
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 5/17/2005 @ 12:23 pm PT...
...sorry PEG C "scottie"!
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 5/17/2005 @ 12:33 pm PT...
Hey PEG C, we seem to be able to say "sorry" quite frequently in fact, why can't the Bush Administration?
Guess it's because they're NOT!
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/17/2005 @ 12:43 pm PT...
Bushwa@cked -
Yay for the ultimate truth of the dissembler's lie and the transcendent, ultimate revelation of the great deception embodied in the glorious TRUTH. WE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIENDS! Our testosterone may be artificial, but it's lethal!
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 5/17/2005 @ 12:53 pm PT...
Bushw@cker -
Yes. Utter, UTTER bastards and worse than bastards: rapers of OUR world, murderers of OUR species, and perverters of OUR code of civil conduct, the U.S. Constitution.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
Jerry O'Riordan
said on 5/17/2005 @ 9:53 pm PT...
Has John Kerry won Ohio yet???
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 5/17/2005 @ 10:26 pm PT...
Is Kerry still working on proving fraud as funding drive person told someone at DU?
Was Kerry's daughter threatened if he did not concede right away or if he challenged results?
Is there a civil war in the Oliogarchy as reported on Cloak and Dagger and led to the firing the man who reported it and what is the civil war about.?
Is it destroying Opec vs privatizing Iraqi oil for the benefit of the rich or is there another issue- maybe instead of playing Dr. Strangelove, some of the Bildenberg crowd, if not gaining a conscience care about the future of their children and grandchildren and do not want Bush and Company to pursue it's suicidal course of having Zbigneiw Brezinski's 10 Theatres of War at once that he believed American could win and the leaked memo a few months ago that Bush is trying for the 10 theatres of war in the Middle East and South Asia.
Does Bildenberg have any control over the Bush Crime Family at this point?
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 5/19/2005 @ 6:47 am PT...
Here's my input for "Election Fraud for Dummies."
Introduction: "Hello, boys and girls. Here are some facts about the 2004 election. Tell your teacher if you think the election was honest. And tell us."
1) The last public opinion polls before Election Day showed the race a dead heat, with Kerry having gained on Bush in the last few days.
2) Undecided voters normally trend heavily toward a challenger. In a close race, this is especially true.
3) Exit polls showed Kerry the winner by 3% nationwide. The tabulated vote had Bush winning by 2-1/2%. This is statistically impermissible.
4) Exit polls are accurate, and were used later in the same month to discredit the Ukraine election.
5) Exit polls matched the tabulated vote wherever paper ballot predominated, and diverged widely wherever electronic voting was heavily used.
6) All divergences between exit polls and tabulated votes favored the same candidate, Bush. This is statistically impermissible.
7) Of the specific complaints lodged about election irregularities, including electronic vote-flipping, over 95% of these alleged irregularities favored Bush. This is statistically impermissible.
8) Exit polls called the Florida Senate race within a fraction of a point, but diverged by several percentage points in the presidential race. This is statistically permissible only if the same voters told pollsters the truth about their Senate votes, but lied to them about their presidential votes.
9) All the electronic voting machines and tabulators that have been the focus of controversy since 2000 are owned and furnished by companies with close ties to the Republican party. The source codes inside these machines would reveal any fraud, but the companies have refused to allow them to be inspected, claiming a propietary interest.
10) Clint Curtis, a former software programmer who swore in an affidavit that while in the presence of a former running mate of Jeb Bush, U.S Representative Tom Feeney (R-FL), his employer asked him to devise a vote-rigging prototype in time for the 2000 election to "control the vote in South Florida." Curtis has passed a lie detector test in connection with this and other allegations of fraud against political allies of Bush and Feeney.
What do you think, kids? Was the election honest? Or do you think maybe we should investigate it?
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 5/31/2005 @ 8:32 am PT...
I'm happy to see that some of us are still interested in the Clint Curtis story. But where is the hard news on this guy? Why have no mainstream media outlets covered this? If they truly love sensationalism, as they consistently demonstrate they do, this is one hell of a sensational story! Brad - what's the latest on Curtis?
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
jaime depoe
said on 11/22/2005 @ 10:26 am PT...
yo mama is a milf yo! :crazy: