Guest: Philadelphia Inquirer's Will Bunch on the D.C. mayhem, the Dem Senate victories and the MAGA legislative mob's extraordinary insurrection on Tuesday in the PENNSYLVANIA state Senate...
By Brad Friedman on 1/6/2021, 7:35pm PT  

As "today" is still ongoing, we'll need to keep the summary of today's BradCast --- and the extraordinary events we find ourselves covering on the fly --- a bit more terse than usual. [Audio link to today's full show follows below.]

Our first draft of history today includes the news that both Democrats Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff have reportedly won their U.S. Senate runoff contests in Georgia against incumbent Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, respectively. With those two stunning, if narrow, victories, Democrats will soon enjoy partisan control of the U.S. Senate under the new Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, instead of soon-to-be-former Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Warnock will be the first African-American Senator and Ossoff the first Jewish Senator to represent the Peach State. Ossoff, at 33 years old, will also be the chamber's youngest member.

While that momentous news alone would normally be our top and perhaps only story for the day, it barely makes the top three. As you know by now, after weeks of false, evidence-free claims by the President of the United States that the election was stolen from him, and after an hour of his endlessly repeated, ginned-up rhetoric on same at a so-called "SAVE AMERICA" rally in D.C. this morning --- and after Donald Trump's buffoon, criminal attorney Rudy Giuliani called for "trial by combat" in his own remarks --- the MAGA Mob he summoned to D.C. stormed the U.S. Capitol building.

The rioting came during a joint session of Congress, amid GOP challenges to the formal, usually ceremonial Electoral College affirmation of Joe Biden's decisive November victory. Both chambers of Congress were evacuated as Trump-supporting rioters broke windows and doors to enter the building. Both the House and Senate chambers, as well as lawmaker offices, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi were violently breached by the anti-American marauders. Vice President Pence, who had been presiding over the Joint Session, was ushered, with several other key lawmakers, to a secure location through underground tunnels beneath the Capitol building. One of the insurrectionists is said to have been shot and killed. Questions remain, lots of them, as to why there was not a larger police presence around the Capitol before this perfectly predictable attempted coup.

But, while we offer a first draft of history on all of the above today, the attempt to overthrow the American government, abetted by the President himself, was hardly the only sign of the long and steady degradation of our Constitutional representative republic by members of the Republican Party. On Tuesday, GOP members of the Pennsylvania Senate refused to seat a duly elected veteran Democratic state Senator on the first day of their new session and used their gerrymandered majority to muscle Democratic Lt. Gov. John Fetterman out of his state Constitutional role as President of the state Senate. We share some of the remarkable audio from that Tuesday coup in the Keystone State, in what I'm calling "The Wisconsinization of Pennsylvania."

Joining us to explain what happened during those extraordinary events in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the even more extraordinary events that we saw in D.C. on Wednesday --- and both where it all comes from and what it all means going forward --- is the great WILL BUNCH, longtime national columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Daily News.

Finally, as the President of the United States with no more than two weeks left in office only made matters worse with his Twitter statements throughout the riots that he fostered today, we turn for sanity to the President-elect instead. We close today's program with Biden's calming words to a nation in crisis, while the current disgraced President returns to his bunker amid the American Carnage he has wrought...


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