Guest-hosted by Nicole Sandler with journalists Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone, Brian Karem of Playboy and CNN...
By Nicole Sandler on 8/28/2019, 2:54pm PT  

It's NICOLE SANDLER again, holding down the BradCast fort as Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen take a much-needed few days off. Today, we take a dive into journalism in the age of Trump, and during another Presidential election cycle.

My first guest today is MATT TAIBBI who's covering the 2020 elections for Rolling Stone. He's written quite a bit about the "Bernie Blackout" happening in the mainstream, corporate media.

Also today, a return visit from Playboy's and CNN's BRIAN KAREM, who had his White House Press Pass suspended for 30 days. He's suing over it, and was in court today.

Plus, a look at the latest news of the day too, as Hurricane Dorian hits Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands...

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