"Un-Spinning Trump's Joint Address to Congress: 'BradCast' 3/1/2017"
(8 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 3/1/2017 @ 5:02 pm PT...
It's a testament to how far the bar has been lowered during the Trump era. If the ordinarily unhinged narcissist remains calm and reads coherent sentences, the stenographers in the corporate-owned media say he sounds "presidential." Does it matter to anyone that his numbers are beyond absurd --- numbers that would bankrupt the federal government as we increase the risk of nuclear war as well as climate disaster --- or that his priorities are so skewed?
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Larry Taylor
said on 3/2/2017 @ 4:27 am PT...
Please re-evaluate your Obama opinion since he was probably the most Republican War Criminal president we have ever had. Gaius said that he didn't have lobbyists in his administration? He gave them the keys to his office! Watch out since we are going to see the Derviative Bubble bite us on our collective asses very soon. Desi, I would like you to investigate the consequences for the Leave It In The Ground policy of the Paris and Marrakech Accords will have on our financial system. I know that in Europe, over half of the funds for retirement accounts and Central Banks are invested in fossil fuels. No one is talking about what that means for the economy.
This election is a result of Obama continuing and advancing the Bush policies. Since he didn't prosecute any war crimes, and he committed his own, this allows Gerorge W Bush to go on TV and in the newspapers and sell his book.
If you want to wear the cloak of an independant media outlet, put on some armor.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Steve Heller
said on 3/2/2017 @ 7:39 am PT...
Wait Larry Taylor @#2, everything is Obama's fault? I thought it was all Hillary's fault. Or was is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? I'm having trouble remembering who we need to keep shooting at in our circular firing squad. 'Cause that worked so well for us last year we should keep doing it, right? Maybe the safest thing to do is to be a purity troll and include EVERY Democratic politician or candidate in our circular firing squad. That way we're sure to never elect someone who's not perfect in every way.
Lord dampnut et. al are probably committing treason against us with the Russians, they've got white supremacists at the highest levels of government but hey, they lie at every turn, but at least he didn't give speeches to Goldman Sachs. Now THAT would be something to get upset about! And of course, her emails. And #benghazi! Always #benghazi!
Can you imagine the terrible shape this nation would be in if Hillary was president? Nothing could be worse! Right?
Um... *sigh*
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 3/2/2017 @ 9:31 am PT...
... Steve Heller said...
Maybe the safest thing to do is to be a purity troll...
... and you likely just lost half the audience you are trying to convince.
Denying that the Dems have severely screwed themselves over with corporate-sponsored elitist bullshit won't fare any better than ignoring the rust belt states did.
And the near-omnipresent categorizing all criticism of Dem actions as "purity trolling" will absolutely ensure failure.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Steve Heller
said on 3/2/2017 @ 9:57 am PT...
@ #4, I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything nor am I trying to deny anything or to categorize anything. I'm mocking and belittling the purity trolls that helped to bring us Pres. Lord Dampnut. It's fun!
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Steve Heller
said on 3/2/2017 @ 9:59 am PT...
I really believe that if we all pray and hope and use magic beans and crystals and if we all take our vitamins and eat right and avoid sugar and get plenty of rest and do ceremonial dances by moonlight and daven and flagellate ourselves and sing in perfect harmony and avoid television and abstain from sex someday the perfect candidate will come along. This Superior Being will be of all races and many genders and will never have done anything or said anything or even thought anything that is in any way objectionable to anyone at any time in any place.
The perfect candidate. It's going to happen. This Superior Being will come to us one day. But ONLY if we keep being purity trolls and rejecting and sabotaging anyone who's ever done or said or thought anything that is in any way not to everyone's liking. Because if we ever support any candidate that isn't perfect in every way and who is exactly to everyone's liking, we'll be betraying our most sacred principles and we'd be worthy only of death.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 3/4/2017 @ 5:49 pm PT...
Steve Heller said:
This Superior Being will be of all races and many genders and will never have done anything or said anything or even thought anything that is in any way objectionable to anyone at any time in any place.
Gary Johnson?
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 3/4/2017 @ 11:11 pm PT...
Libertarians are usually fakes, pretending to not be republicans. If I'm wrong, God will strike me down. I'm probably safe.