By Brad Friedman on 7/19/2016, 11:59am PT  

Today's my birthday. And a pretty big one at that. But I gotta work today anyway, for some reason.

That said, you guys have traditionally been pretty generous on my birthdays over the years. And, as I haven't been able to do much, if any, fund raising over the past year or so since producing a daily radio show each day (we didn't even get to celebrate BRAD BLOG's 12th Anniversary this year, given the ridiculousness of the breaking news cycle and the madness of the primaries!), please forgive me for taking this opportunity to ask you to consider supporting the work that we do here at The BRAD BLOG with a donation. If you're in the mood, that might help to make this birthday (and this year!) slightly more enjoyable than it might otherwise be.

That is all. And thank you in advance, from both Desi and me, for any support/birthday gift you are able and/or inclined to offer. It is, as ever, much needed and greatly appreciated! --- "Old Man" Brad

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