With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...
By Desi Doyen on 5/12/2016, 10:31am PT  

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: 2013 West, Texas fertilizer explosion ruled a criminal act; Price of renewable energy is dropping fast around the world; US Geological Survey confirms fracking is contaminating drinking water in West Virginia; PLUS: It's official - Big Oil has abandoned the Arctic... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): Obama administration announces historic new regulations for methane emissions from oil and gas; Bakken oil field leaks 275,000 tons of methane yearly; Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity; Ocean's oxygen starts running low; The most compelling climate change visualization we've ever seen; Air Pollution rising at an 'alarming rate' in world's cities; US plan to lift Yellowstone grizzly protections faces mounting opposition... PLUS: VIDEO: Dr. Michael Mann on dying oceans and intense Fires... and much, MUCH more! ...


'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • Obama administration announces historic new regulations for methane emissions from oil and gas (Washington Post):
    [W]hile this would not apply to the vast numbers of existing rigs, well pads and auxiliary equipment that have driven a historic boom in domestic oil and gas production, the agency also signaled that it plans to regulate these as well. It issued a new request for more information from industry to help study how to contain emissions from these sources.
  • Study: Bakken Oil Field Leaks 275,000 Tons Of Methane Yearly (AP):
    The oil-producing region of North Dakota and Montana leaks 275,000 tons of methane annually, a significant amount of the greenhouse gas but less than previously believed, a study released Wednesday said.
  • West Virginia Democrats Just Nominated A Climate Denying Coal Baron Billionaire For Governor (Climate Progress):
    In November, West Virginians will have two choices. A party-switching, self-funding, brash billionaire who denies climate change and loves coal, and a lawmaker who talks about bringing jobs back to the state...On Tuesday night, Jim Justice easily won the West Virginia Democratic gubernatorial primary and will face off against Republican state Senate President Bill Cole in the general election...He also told West Virginians that he will make sure the state "mines more coal … than has ever been mined before."
  • Germany had so much renewable energy on Sunday that it had to pay people to use electricity (Quartz) [emphasis added]:
    Power prices actually went negative for several hours, meaning commercial customers were being paid to consume electricity..."We have a greater share of renewable energy every year," said Christoph Podewils of Agora. "The power system adapted to this quite nicely. This day shows again that a system with large amounts of renewable energy works fine."
  • Elon Musk: We Must Revolt Against the Unrelenting Propaganda of the Fossil Fuel Industry (EcoWatch):
    "The fundamental issue with fossil fuels is … every use of fossil fuels comes with a subsidy," Musk said in his talk with forum organizer and DBL Partners venture capitalist Ira Ehrenpreis...Musk explained that the well-funded fossil fuel industry isn't even paying for their contribution to environmental destruction. "It would be like if you could just dump garbage in the street and not pay for garbage pickup," he said.
  • Ocean's Oxygen Starts Running Low (ClimateWire):
    The influence of climate change was evident in areas with either extreme incidents of oxygen depletion or longer-than-normal trends of low oxygen levels. Places like the southern Indian Ocean that showed the strongest warming signal the soonest tend to be the areas that will see the worst affects of warming, he explained. Those changes have a significant impact on a wide range of marine life.
  • VIDEO: Dr. Michael Mann on Dying Oceans & Intense Fires (Thom Hartmann, RT):
    The oceans are literally starving now. Plus the Fires in Canada - Is this a preview of what the future will look like if we don't do something right now to stop climate change?
  • This is the most compelling climate change visualization we've ever seen (Mashable) [emphasis added]:
    Why this visualization matters: It's clear that we're now approaching 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, above preindustrial temperatures, at least for the year 2015 and so far in 2016. In addition, we're edging closer to the 2-degree Celsius, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, threshold as well. More warming than this signals "dangerous interference with the climate system" under a 1992 U.N. climate treaty, according to the Paris Agreement and previous agreements as well.
  • Air Pollution Rising At An 'Alarming Rate' In World's Cities (Guardian):
    Outdoor air pollution has grown 8% globally in the past five years, with billions of people around the world now exposed to dangerous air, according to new data from more than 3,000 cities compiled by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
  • US Plan To Lift Yellowstone Grizz Protections Faces Mounting Opposition (Reuters):
    A U.S. government plan to lift Endangered Species Act protection of the grizzly bear in and around Yellowstone National Park drew a torrent of criticism from environmentalists and Indian tribes as the public comment period for the proposal came to a close on Wednesday.
  • Deadly Algal Bloom Triggers Social Uprising in Southern Chile (IPS News):
    A ban on harvesting shellfish in Chiloé due to a severe red tide outbreak sparked a social uprising that has partially isolated thousands of local residents of the southern Chilean archipelago and revived criticism of an export model that condemns small-scale fishing communities to poverty and marginalisation.
  • Invasive Insects Are Ravaging US Forests, And It’s Costing Us Billions (Washington Post):
    Last week, a group of researchers published saddening news about “sudden oak death,” spread by an invasive water mold, that has killed over a million trees in coastal California. ... Unfortunately, it’s a familiar story.
  • Want to fight climate change? Here are the 7 critical life changes you should make (Grist) [emphasis added]:
    So, given the imperfections of this world, what is a lone wolf such as yourself to do? Here are some conclusions gleaned from this study: 1. Buy the most fuel-efficient car you can afford, then drive it as little as possible....

FOR MORE on Climate Science and Climate Change, go to our Green News Report: Essential Background Page

  • NASA Video: If we don't act, here's what to expect in the next 100 years:
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