By Brad Friedman on 1/9/2005, 7:39pm PT  

More dirt from Florida Elections...This from AP (includes an alleged Democrat wrongdoer as well, so little wonder it makes it to the wires):

A campaign consultant said he was hired by several Florida politicians over the past seven years to gather absentee ballots during their elections, a violation of state law.

Ezzie Thomas, who has been granted immunity, told prosecutors that he was paid numerous times since 1998 to gather absentee ballots, most recently by Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer's campaign last year, his attorney said Friday. (ed. Note: Dyer's a Democrat)

Thomas told prosecutors four months ago that he was hired to do similar work for U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez (ed. Note: Republican) when he ran for Orange County chairman in 1998, Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood's (ed. Note: Republican) 2000 campaign for Orlando mayor, and two other minor campaigns.

How filthy is the "Sunshine State", anyway?! Doesn't anybody down there just run for office and when/if more voters vote for them than the other guy/gal they can be the winner?

Or is my naiveté showing again?

And of course...we wonder if Mr. Thomas may have also worked with any other less-than-forthright, less-than-upstanding Republican Florida Politicians who we've been keeping our eye on of late...

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