By Brad Friedman on 4/14/2015, 6:05am PT  

How little do the Koch Brothers' "local" apparatchiks actually care, or even know, about the denizens of the various localities they are hoping to scam, with millions of dollars of misleading propaganda (lies), into voting against their own interests?

This little:

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D) bashed the Koch brothers-funded conservative outside group Americans for Prosperity for botching the total population of Montana in a response to Montana Democrats advancing legislation that would expand Medicaid in the state.

The botched statement, by Montana Americans for Prosperity state director Zach Lahn said "the voices of millions of Montanans" didn't want to expand Medicaid through Obamacare. It came after the Montana House of Representatives passed a Medicaid expansion bill.

Montana's population does not extend into the millions.

"Montana's population passed one million people for the first time ever in 2012. So imagine my surprise when the latest billionaire-funded attack accused me of opposing the 'voices of millions of Montanans,'" Bullock wrote in a fundraising email on Monday. "Let me tell you what's most startling about this --- Not knowing how many 'millions' of people live in Montana won't stop the Koch brothers and Americans for Prosperity from spending millions of dollars to buy our elections."

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