"Politics of Stupid: Don't Cotton to It"
(8 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Chas Holman
said on 3/11/2015 @ 2:37 pm PT...
'United States Senators Demand the US is Incapable and not to be Trusted With Negotiations' .. These are the Generic overseas headlines being ran right now around much of the world, including some countries who are in the discussions with the US..... So heartbreaking,..
What in Heavens name were these 47 United States Senators thinking when they decided it would be wise to do this to our country?
To write a letter to another country to warn them that their country dealing with the Executive Office of the United States is not in their nations best interests, is complete and utter treason by any reasonable standard I can come up with.
They are seemingly unhinged and possibly will be even more dangerous in the next sophomoric stunt they are certain to pull if not reigned in.
I've never been so politically disgusted in my life..,. I'm so mad I could spit..
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 3/12/2015 @ 9:41 am PT...
Is that the best criticism you can come up with? they are "stupid" and "childish"? Exactly how far do Republicans have to go before you start calling them traitors? They are actively sabotaging the government at all levels. It really pisses me off seeing how milquetoast democrats are being about this whole thing. Imagine the opposite. Weak.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 3/12/2015 @ 11:52 am PT...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 3/12/2015 @ 1:11 pm PT...
According to reporter Eli Clifton, newly released FEC filings show that Sen. Tom Cotton who wrote the seditious GOP Senate letter to the leaders of Iran, received $960,250 in supportive campaign advertising in the last election cycle from the Emergency Committee for Israel (ECI), a right-wing group headed by the neoconservative pundit, and Neo-Con war monger, Bill Kristol.
So now we know "the price of Cotton." I wonder how much ECI, and neo-cons like Bloody Bill Kristol spent to buy other U.S. Senators?
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 3/12/2015 @ 6:01 pm PT...
Rogerelio said @ 2:
Is that the best criticism you can come up with? they are "stupid" and "childish"?
I also called it "ridiculously condescending" and "Constitutionally inaccurate" and "unprecedentedly obnoxious". Granted, I was rushing to put my radio show together (where I used a few more words when discussing it), but I'm sure I could have come up with more.
Exactly how far do Republicans have to go before you start calling them traitors?
They would have to do something that qualifies under the legal definition of treason. Are you saying that these 47 U.S. Senators committed treason and should be put to death (the punishment for treason)?
Okay. Are you saying they "are levying War against" the U.S.? Or that they are "giving Aid and Comfort" to its "Enemies"? If so, which enemies? (As far as I know, there has been no war declared against Iran, so I'm guessing they're not the "Enemies" in this case. But I'm open to your argument.)
They are actively sabotaging the government at all levels. It really pisses me off seeing how milquetoast democrats are being about this whole thing. Imagine the opposite. Weak.
I don't need to imagine the opposite. I recall when Republicans inaccurately called Democrats "traitors" and "treasonous" when they had a disagreement with the then Republican President. I didn't think those Democrats committed treason either.
But, it's the first time I've been described as "milquetoast" to my knowledge, so thanks for that --- even if others have also inaccurately referred to me as a Democrat in the past.
Thanks for your thoughts though!
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Kyle D
said on 3/15/2015 @ 4:35 pm PT...
"Is that the best criticism you can come up with? they are "stupid" and "childish"? Exactly how far do Republicans have to go before you start calling them traitors? They are actively sabotaging the government at all levels. It really pisses me off seeing how milquetoast democrats are being about this whole thing. Imagine the opposite. Weak."
As a long-time reader and occasional financial contributor to this site, I feel the need to interject.
One of the chief differences between the Reactionaries and the Progressives in this country is that the Reactionaries are way more tribal. They will circle the wagons for their media mouthpieces even when - especially when - they're wrong. Progressives can't seem to stop fighting amongst each other to see who the "purest progressive" is.
Bickering over word choice smacks of the double-digit IQ mouth-breathers who have to hear "Terrorist" or "evildoer" or "Islamofascist Nazi Socialist" to let them know you're on the same propagandized page as them.
I for one am thankful that this "milquetoast" - who was one of the few who called out Holder and Obama for protecting their war-criminal predecessors (in 2009 at the apex of "yes we can!", no less), covered the Don Siegelman travesty when no one else did, gave no quarter to financial oligarchs during the bailout bonanza of 2008-2011, is one of the few who even acknowledges the complete illegitimacy of our electoral process (and is by far the best coverage of it), and covered Snowden/Manning/et all as they should have been.
Add that to the fact he is running this site on a small budget for what is obviously a labor of love - the belief that representative democracy reflecting the will of the people and not the wishes of the oligarchy is possible and worth fighting for - and your comment looks very small.
Then again, Americans are notorious for being bad at knowing who their allies are and who their enemies are.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 3/16/2015 @ 9:41 pm PT...
Kyle -
Just a quick note to say thank you. And it's good to know that at least a few folks have been paying close attention here for a long time.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Kyle D
said on 3/19/2015 @ 11:15 am PT...
Oh yeah. Been a big fan since the dark days of Bush The Younger.
Andrew Jackson said, "One, with courage, makes a majority."
You are appreciated. If even 10-20% of this country showed solidarity we'd have this oligarchy dissembled in no time...