Checking in on those 'God-Loving' Wingnuts
By Brad Friedman on 12/2/2004, 12:38pm PT  

Friend and occasional guest-blogger here, Jaime, had this to say in regards to yesterday's item on the banning of the United Church of Christ's 30-second spot by NBC and CBS because it's message of tolerance and anti-bigotry was simply "too controversial"...especially, as the CBS press-release points out, in light of their need to kowtow to the ominous totalitarian fear tactics of an Executive Branch Gone Wild.

Jaime give us a quick look at how the wingnuts over at are displaying their "Christian Values":

My past time, aside from punching myself in the neck is visiting Freeperland and seeing where those mouthbreahers stand on issues such as these.

"They're liberals masquerading as Christians."

"The left is out trying to promote Jesus in a way to fit there agenda....Pretty sick."

"...spitting in God's face outright by claiming this 'new Christianity' in the 'real' spirit of Christ. ie. Peace, love, tolerance..."

"Godless Left"

---Jesus Christ(tm) is a registered Trademark of the Republican Party. Any rebroadcast or retransmission of His name without the express written consent of the Republican Party is subject to copyright infringement penalties up to and including eternity in hell, or West Memphis Arkansas.

By the way, the good folks at Act For Change are submitting a petition to NBC and CBS asking them to air this anti-bigotry ad. Click here to sign their petition.

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