Once again, I had the privilege of guest co-hosting The Young Turks live streaming show on Thursday, alongside fellow guest co-hosts, John Iadorola, host of TYT University and The Common Room on The TYT Network, and Lissette Padilla of 'On the Street' interviews from The Lip.TV.
From last week's Senate filibuster FAIL to some important new green news (U.N. mercury treaty, new BPA finding) to women in combat to the latest bizarre naked-masterbating-pooping-vaccuum-cleaner-assaulting-drug-addicted home intruder crime story out of Florida, among other things. We covered quite a few hot topics. A few of the short video clips on those stories and others from Thursday's show are now posted below. Enjoy!...
(P.S. I'll be back in to guest host this coming Thursday as well! You can watch that full stream LIVE as it happens, from 10pm-11pm ET, on YouTube here.)