"NJ Paper Finally Covers Charges of Christie 'Illegalities,' 'Bullying' of Chief Public Defender"
(8 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2011 @ 4:46 pm PT...
OK, here is a link to the list of MSM newspapers in New Jersey, just to give an idea who is NOT talking about this issue:
Then, just try using Google to come up with stories on the subject --- blogs and electronic media, amost all of the stories that come up.
At some point people are going to have to start tracking the extent to which --and frequency with which --- these newspapers are either asleep on the job or else carrying water for particular elected officials or parties.
There's the issue of risking access when you, er, tell the truth.
So, New Jersey MSM, you're on notice: we're WAI-ting.... (drums fingers) and watching you not do your job, of course.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2011 @ 6:48 pm PT...
Perhaps there's nothing there to report. Her term expired, she's just been hanging on until her replacement is confirmed.
BUT.... based on the "unbiased" views of two left wing bloggers, and the word of the lady who's being replaced, there must be a conspiracy! He's WHITE! She's BLACK! Brad should stick to election stuff.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Bamboo Harvester
said on 2/24/2011 @ 7:53 pm PT...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 2/24/2011 @ 8:43 pm PT...
WingnutSteve -
Please do yourself --- and the rest of your nation --- a favor. Please consider moving beyond the Right/Left, Con/Lib, Repub/Dem bullshit paradigm you've been scammed into buying into.
If you find the charges of the 9-year Chief Public Defender, in charge of 1300 serving in the department, to be unworthy of complaint, feel free to let us know why. (Sounds like you either didn't read Braun's column and/or Segars' letter and/or you don't give a damn about the Constitution and the rule of law --- I'll hope it's not the latter.)
But you're bullshit about "left wing bloggers" is ignorant, inaccurate, obnoxious and serves mostly to just help you look like a jackass.
Read Braun's article, start giving a shit about your country, stop falling for Fox "News" mind fucks and let me know why the hell I wasn't a "Left wing blogger" while I was writing article after article in support of Joe Miller --- you dope.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2011 @ 9:02 pm PT...
You weren't writing article after article in support of Joe Miller. You were writing article after article about election integrity which I have the utmost respect for Brad, as I've said many times before.
I don't see anything in Brauns column which supports the contention that the Governor broke the law, except to refer to Segars' letter to the Governor making that claim. And of course the hint of racism. She says he did something, he says he didn't. Good enough for Brad to jump all over.
And I'll make the same point again; maybe the media didn't pick it up because there's nothing there. You sure can't find anything online about it, at least I couldn't. Let you know why it's unworthy? Hell, let me know why it is?
You live for the Right/Left, Con/Lib, Repub/Dem bullshit paradigm... it defines your website, and quite literally EVERY story you write
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 2/25/2011 @ 7:23 am PT...
WingnutSteve wrote:
You weren't writing article after article in support of Joe Miller. You were writing article after article about election integrity...
Unlike those who buy into the "Right/Left, Con/Lib, Repub/Dem bullshit paradigm," Brad Friedman is about integrity, democracy, freedom and, most of all, truth, no matter whose ox is being gored.
Unfortunately, one can't say the same thing about you, WingnutSteve, especially as it relates to this article, which has nothing to do with Left/Right and everything to do with a governor who is attempting to politicize the office of public defender, whose role is strictly a legal one entailing the protection of the constitutional rights of the least fortunate in society.
It wasn't Brad, or Brauns, or Segars who attempted to place this within a Left/Right paradigm. It was you!
One suspects that if Christie had a (D) at the end of his name instead of an (R), we would not have heard one word from WingnutSteve.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 2/25/2011 @ 11:28 am PT...
WingnutSteve -
I think your comments here say much more about you, frankly, and the prism in which you see the world, than they do about me. If I was the "biased" "left wing blogger" as you contend, why would I write anything in support of Miller? Or in support of other such Republicans, or against so many Dems?
Where I rail against Republicans here (and Dems), it's because they are corrupt. Not because because they are Republicans (or Dems). We support the impeachment and/or imprisonment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney because they were Constitution violating war criminals, not because they were Republicans.
It just so happens that your party has been long ago hijacked by the most extreme, most corrupt, most anti-American, most hypocritical bunch of corporatist elitists and scam artists ever allowed to grab that much power in this nation. So, yes, we call them out a lot. Where Democrats are similarly elitist, corporate scammers who put power and politics over people and the planet we similarly call them out for it, even if their behavior seems to be based more on cowardice than pure selfishness and evil, as displayed by the GOP.
These are not Right/Left paradigms, but Right/Wrong paradigms. And that you don't see that, understand that, or appreciate that, as I mentioned, says much more about the shamefully warped way in which your brain has been twisted by very bad people who are very very happy for you to see the world exactly as they have suckered you into seeing it.
You are smart enough to rise above that, I suspect, or you wouldn't be spending as much time here as you do. I hope you'll, someday, overcome the scam that's been played on you which is still keeping you from seeing the world as it is, rather than the way those very bad guys would like for you to see it.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 2/25/2011 @ 5:02 pm PT...
I still say there's nothing to support the claim that he's "politicizing" the office as Ernie likes to say. Because he has an (R) next to his name is all that's needed to claim he's acting illegally, or that he's a bully. Not one sentence in either of the stories offers any shred of proof whatsoever to support the claim, except the letter from a woman who's losing her job.
One suspects that if Christie had a (D) at the end of his name instead of an (R), we would not have heard one word from Brad, or Ernie.