Perhaps one of the funniest bits ever on Colbert. If you didn't see it last night --- or Glenn Beck's multiple, recent insane breakdowns on the Fox "News" Channel --- this video is a "Must Watch"! (Video courtesy RAW STORY)...
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Perhaps one of the funniest bits ever on Colbert. If you didn't see it last night --- or Glenn Beck's multiple, recent insane breakdowns on the Fox "News" Channel --- this video is a "Must Watch"! (Video courtesy RAW STORY)...
"VIDEO: Colbert Slams Fox 'News'' Weeping, 'Insane' Glenn Beck"
(23 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 4/1/2009 @ 5:34 pm PT...
Somebody needs to tell Beck that all his base are belong to "Them"...
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 4/1/2009 @ 6:48 pm PT...
So, this is what rightwingers call "news". They make fun of comedy news, which doesn't claim to be news. But this is actually FOX "news".
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 4/1/2009 @ 7:56 pm PT...
I'm a Britisher, so '9/12' to me is the day after John Lennon was shot.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 4/1/2009 @ 8:32 pm PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 4/1/2009 @ 8:33 pm PT...
Beck is a psychopathic clown that looks like the evil twin of the Pillsbury Doughboy.
By comparison Rush Limpball seems rational.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 4/1/2009 @ 8:53 pm PT...
Wow, he's really cryin, and I think it's because he knows most of the awake population know, that he's just a slimeball RNC shill, shameless, disgusting, and vile. Fake patriotism covering his embarASSment at being the number 1 little RNC puke on the MSM.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 4/1/2009 @ 10:23 pm PT...
He looks too mentally debilitated to hold a job. Probably should go on disability and live in a box behind the Faux news center.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 4/2/2009 @ 3:52 am PT...
And then he had on a neocon from the department of defense.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 4/2/2009 @ 8:32 am PT...
One has to understand that when he applies the ubiquitous "they," Beck is tapping in the process of dehumanization of an objectified "other." Indeed, Beck, now alluding to the "socialist menace," has made a career of tapping into racist and pseudo-religious fears of the Joe the Plumber audience.
During a May 11, 2006 Clear Channel radio broadcast of The Glenn Beck Program, Beck said: “I say we nuke the bastards. In fact, it doesn’t have to be Iran. It can be everywhere, any place that disagrees with me.” During the July 12, 2007 edition of his CNN Headline News show, Beck stated: “We’ve got World War III to fight. Yes, it is the end of days….Here’s what I do know about…the impending apocalypse. One, we can’t coexist with people who want to blow up trains and subways….I also know that whether you like it or not, this is a religious war. Radical Muslims want to wipe everybody else off the face of the earth.” During an August 10, 2006 airing of The Glenn Beck Program, after calling out Muslims for not being “the first ones in the recruitment office lining up to shoot the bad Muslims in the head,” Beck added, ominously, “I’m telling you, with God as my witness…when people become hungry, when people see that their way of life is on the edge of being over, they will put razor wire up and just based on the way you look or just based on your religion, they will round you up. Is that wrong? Oh my gosh. It is Nazi, World War II wrong, but society has proved it time and time again: It will happen.” “The Middle East is being overrun by 10th Century barbarians,” Beck announced during the September 12, 2006 CNN Headline News broadcast. “If they take over…we’re going to have to nuke the whole place.” On October 4, 2006 Sharida McKenzie, a Muslim American and organizer of the Muslim Peace March was Beck’s guest on his CNN program. He asked, “How do we know the difference between you and those who are trying to kill us?” On November 16, 2006 it was Representative Keith Ellison (D.MN), the first Muslim ever to be elected to the United States Congress. “I have been nervous about this interview with you,” Beck tells Ellison, “because what I feel like saying is, ‘Sir, prove to me that you are not working with our enemies.’” Beck then added, “I’m not accusing you of being an enemy, but that’s the way I feel, and I think a lot of Americans feel that way.”
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 4/2/2009 @ 9:16 am PT...
I thought "Them" was the giant ants? And they've already been nuked once...
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 4/2/2009 @ 4:42 pm PT...
Becks' style is closest to an evangelical TV preacher and this probably resonates with his audience. There have been a couple of suicides in his immediate family, so you have to actually fear for his sanity. Also having converted to the Mormon religion does not reassure one of his mental sharpness. He's on the high cycle now, what happens if he falls?
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 4/2/2009 @ 5:33 pm PT...
Also having converted to the Mormon religion does not reassure one of his mental sharpness. He's on the high cycle now, what happens if he falls?
Hey Pete would you mind not making such snide comments about a group of people? Used to be that liberals weren't so openly bigoted. I guess it's allright when it's us doing the hating right?
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 4/2/2009 @ 5:36 pm PT...
And Brad, would if I made a post accusing someone of being unintelligent for converting to Judaism, would you let that post stand for 4 hours?
Maybe you were out to dinner, I don't know.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 4/2/2009 @ 6:34 pm PT...
Honestly, Gos, Pete's comment doesn't look like any more to me than a mild disdain for religion itself, and also doesn't come under the heading of a racial slur. He said it about a public person, not using religion to attack another commenter, so, truly, I don't see how that comment should merit such a tizzy.
And why are you griping to Brad about it?
Are you just determined to find fault with Brad? Seems to me you want to beat him up about something every other day.
Beck reminds me of Tammy Faye Bakker....
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 4/2/2009 @ 7:00 pm PT...
Gos asked:
And Brad, would if I made a post accusing someone of being unintelligent for converting to Judaism, would you let that post stand for 4 hours?
Why wouldn't I? I know you believe that I'm the Supreme Protector for all things Jewish and/or related to Israel in this world, somehow, since that seems to be all you ever have to suggest in your comments. I'll presume that's because you've decided I'm Jewish, as based on my last name. And you're right! I am Jewish, but if you've confused someone born Jewish with someone who protects all things Jew and Israel, well, you may want to convert to Mormonism (I'm not even sure how that's supposed to be a slur, but since you thought it was, I figured I'd use it to make my point).
You'll find plenty of objectionable racist stuff in user comments here, including, no doubt, anti-Semitic stuff that you may have posted here (at least if I listened to others who complained about you).
Though we have, on very rare occassions, deleted incredibly inappropriate, incredibly offensive racist comments, we'd prefer not to be the PC Police or the Kindergarten Cops here. Often, we'll let such comments stand because they reflect so poorly on the poster who wrote them (go back and look at some of those threads following the L.A. May Day Police Riot, for example).
Maybe you were out to dinner
I wish. Haven't had time to eat anything all day, as usual. Had to get out the Green News this morning, been working on another story for most of the day since then, until I had to spend hours watching a live hearing in the Nevada state legislature concerning a bill to move the state to paper ballots. I hope that's okay with you, Gos.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Bamboo Harvester
said on 4/2/2009 @ 8:20 pm PT...
Glenn, Drinks on me ... Do humanity a favor score US a hat trick . . .
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 4/2/2009 @ 8:35 pm PT...
Nah, not Tammy Baker, Agent 99. Beck's more like Howard Beale from the 70s movie Network, but instead of fainting after a histrionic rant, Beck breaks out the phony tears.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 4/2/2009 @ 9:03 pm PT...
I'm crazy for Howard Beale! I want a million Howard Beales!
Now that was a man!!!!!!!!!
The fake tears bit is definitely pure Tammy Faye Bakker. I can't believe how hard it was to find a picture of her doing her blubbering over The Lord.
Howard Beale forever!
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 4/2/2009 @ 9:10 pm PT...
First off I've only ever posted under this name so please don't ascribe any comments made by any others to me. Now, I can see how people might think that I'm a bit anti-semitic because I'm always harping on Israel and whatnot but it's not without reason and it's not based solely on your last name either. The first post I ever made on this blog was during the Gaza offensive when I noticed a trend on many left leaning blogs including this one to completely ignore what was happening there, and the larger issue of excessive Israeli/Jewish influence in U.S. politics especially foreign policy. I felt you were helping keep your readers in the dark (along with MANY other progressive media outlets) about serious questions our country should be asking.
Just like I feel your helping keep them in the dark largely about Obama, who really is no progressive, and JUST SO HAPPENS TO STAND ACCUSED OF GAMING THE PRIMARIES himself. Another topic you seem pretty disinterested in. So whatever man, make your jokes about being the supreme defender of all jews wherever and hint at me being a coward that posts racial slurs under other names, I still say you're a sell out that MANAGES THE PERCEPTION of his readers and doesn't tell us the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Just answer me this, Brad, do you feel like we're given a (pardon the phrase) fair and balanced look at matters concerning Israel and our support of them here in this country or not?
Any opinion on Jewish interests in Canada successfully preventing someone from entering the country because of his criticisms of Israel?
Kinda disappointing that you act like this elephant in the room doesn't exist.
Oh, and the reason that I got in a "tizzy" about the mormon comment is because it's unthinking, presumptuous, and arrogant. It's no different from someone like say, Glenn Beck, saying that liberals are a bunch of limp wristed mama's boys that got their ass whooped too much in high school so now they want to tell everyone what to do. Lumping a bunch of people together into a group is the sign of a lazy mind that doesn't want to think anymore. I've read in several places that Mormons tend to be a very well represented group in many of the intelligence organizations of the U.S., so maybe they aren't quite as stupid as you think. But beyond that people need to realize that lazy divisive thinking like this is what KEEPS AMERICANS FROM COMING TOGETHER. It just boggles my mind how supposedly enlightened and intellectual liberals can't see that the assumptions they make about right wingers are no different from the assumptions they make about us, it's just a different archetype.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 4/2/2009 @ 10:20 pm PT...
Gos: I'm with you on the lazy divisive thinking part, but I also think that flipping over what isn't exactly politically correct is part of exactly what you say KEEPS AMERICANS FROM COMING TOGETHER. There's too much pull to group think on both sides... and, yes, I'd go so far as to say as much on the liberal/progressive side as on the conservative/regressive side. You can't talk about ANYTHING deeply and seriously without someone's buttons getting pushed. So, personally, I'd love it if people could grouse openly, without getting bashed to smithereens or causing a big old hairy flame war.
Pete's comment only read to me that Pete doesn't think highly of the intelligence of religious people. That's his right, and as long as he's not being hatefully inflammatory or trying to hurt the feelings of someone else on the thread, I really think it's okay to just let people read it the way they see it.
I think liberals should learn to watch who/what they call "racist", "homophobic", "sexist", et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, because they blank out their own brains when they leap to incant that stuff. I happen to think derogating the intelligence of religious people is way counterproductive, not strictly the problem, and divisive, but there are a great many people out there who feel the threat from religious fanaticism has gotten completely out of hand and have become militant atheists to battle it back. Some are among the best minds we have. I agree with their premise, even though I think their approach is wrong, so unless they're being hateful and hurtful about it, I don't think it rises to the level of needing to be deleted.
I can't speak to the rest of your issues, but I don't think you should jump down Brad's throat because someone comes in and makes a mildly disparaging comment about religious people. I don't think you should have jumped down Pete's either, because I agree with you about lazy and divisive thinking, but that's just me.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
the zapkitty
said on 4/3/2009 @ 4:48 am PT...
Ah... but would you have heard it on the Daily Show or Colbert?
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 4/3/2009 @ 7:21 pm PT...
Gos -
You do understand that I can't possibly read every comment, much less reply to them all, right? Hope so. So I hope you similarly appreciate how I'm doing my best to deal with you respectfully. With that in mind...
I haven't "ascribe[d] any comments made by any others to" you. If you inferred that from what I wrote, I'll apologize, as that wasn't my attempt to suggest any such thing, but rather to note that what commenters write here cannot be my sole responsibility. If so, I'd have had to have banned you long ago due to complaints about your perceived anti-Semitism. You were offended by Pete's comment, you were allowed the ability to respond to it. Do so respectfully, without personally attacking other commenters, and you won't have a prob. (As noted in the rules, you are welcome to personally attack me, or public officials all you like, but not other commenters.)
You said:
The first post I ever made on this blog was during the Gaza offensive when I noticed a trend on many left leaning blogs including this one to completely ignore what was happening there, and the larger issue of excessive Israeli/Jewish influence in U.S. politics especially foreign policy.
And I believe I replied to that comment by telling you that I can't possibly cover everything. I can't cover everything I wish to cover here, much less everything that you wish I covered.
Just like I feel your helping keep them in the dark largely about Obama, who really is no progressive, and JUST SO HAPPENS TO STAND ACCUSED OF GAMING THE PRIMARIES himself.
I've "kept them in the dark" about Obama? Really? I've not been critical enough of him for your taste? Sorry, chief. Luckily, you've got a place to offer your own opinions to readers right here. For the record, I believe I've held his feet to the fire when deserved, and when I've had the time and space and resources and interest in doing so. Though, while I didn't vote for him, I don't seem to have the tremendous problems with what he's doing that you seem to. Perhaps that's because the bar has been so lowered in the last eight years, that I'm willing to give him more than two months before tearing him a new one. But if that's not soon enough for you, I'd welcome you to say your piece here when appropriate, or otherwise get your own blog and beat him up all ya like. It's free at Blogger, ya know. You'll be up and spewing in no time.
As to accusations of "gaming the primaries", you'll understand if what I looked at in that regard didn't particiularly impress me one way or another. Sorry. But, again, you and other Obama-bashers are welcome to disagree all you like and share whatever evidence you believe people should see with the world in order to make your case, if you feel that's the best use of your time. So I hope that's okay.
Just answer me this, Brad, do you feel like we're given a (pardon the phrase) fair and balanced look at matters concerning Israel and our support of them here in this country or not?
Any opinion on Jewish interests in Canada successfully preventing someone from entering the country because of his criticisms of Israel?
Based on the article you linked to, I think it sucks, though I haven't read enough about it to offer anything to the issue. So, again, I hope that's okay.
Kinda disappointing that you act like this elephant in the room doesn't exist.
I think you need a bigger living room, Gos.
BTW, for the record, this blog was one of the first in the country to cover Galloway at all, way back in 2005. Gave him quite a bit of coverage and received huge traffic from all over at the time. Was even contacted by his office and had tried to help get him on the air way back when. Do some Googling here, Gos. And yeah, get a bigger living room, amigo.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 4/3/2009 @ 8:29 pm PT...
Hi. Can we get back to Glenn Beck? I don't have a TV so I never watched his show and didn't know who he was until Colbert started making fun of him. I watch Stewart and Colbert on the internet.
Here's my question: Should we be worried about Beck or is he a joke? His approach is truly fascist but he seems terribly silly. Someone takes him seriously, though--he has (presumably) a "non-ironic" fanbase. (BTW, this shows the positive service that Stewart and Colbert render--no one else in the media would comment on Beck's fascism because they don't want to tick off his audience, but rather to win that audience over.) Oh, and I agree with gos about not taking cheap shots at Mormons. Why must we join ranks w/ the rightwing fundamentalists in bashing them for their religion? Oh, and another thing, Tammy Faye Bakker was not a race-baiting, hate-mongering fascist. In fact, she was kind of a sweetheart. I think it's unjust to compare her to Beck. As for Obama, I worked really hard for his election and I support his policies any way I can. We can't get anything accomplished in this country if we beg off our activism the moment things get tough or we feel a wee bit of disappointment. To quote my man Beck, "It's OUR country (sob!)" That's my rant--nice blog.