"AP: Palin Issues Report, Clears Self of Wrongdoing in Troopergate Probe"
(10 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 10/9/2008 @ 10:31 pm PT...
I just read this 10 minutes ago before I logged here. Freakin' hilarious stuff. This McCain campaign is an absolute sideshow.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 10/10/2008 @ 2:13 am PT...
Do not take this stock market decline at face value! This is very, very suspicious--drastic falls in share prices with little uptick in volume, threats of martial law directed at Congressmen (see California Congressman Brad Sherman's speech opposing the bailout), a government and President that seemingly wants to scare us instead of trying to calm the situation. I have no idea what is really going on, but the history of the Iraq war and election fraud should have taught us to be skeptical.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 10/10/2008 @ 4:39 am PT...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 10/10/2008 @ 10:42 am PT...
This is what happens down the rabbit hole.
Say Brad, perhaps you could offer a comment (words of enlightenment) over at Christine Pelosi's latest blog post:
She seems very proud of casting her absentee ballot through the mail.
- Tom
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 10/10/2008 @ 3:59 pm PT...
Palin releases own Troopergate report:
In an effort to head off the report, McCain campaign spokesman Taylor Griffin released the campaign's own version of events. That report, which Griffin said was written by campaign staffers, says the Legislature has taken a legitimate policy dispute between a governor and one of her commissioners, and portrayed it as something inappropriate.
But wait a minute:
"Whenever anyone writes their own report, they're filtering their data. And if you've already drawn your conclusion, you tend to filter it in a way to support that conclusion," [Palin's attorney, Thomas Van Flein, said.]
Um, isn't there some kind of disconnect there?
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 10/10/2008 @ 4:09 pm PT...
Oh, crikey, BB2! There you go again! Expecting them to make sense is so twentieth century....
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 10/10/2008 @ 4:57 pm PT...
"I find myself - NOT GUILTY!!!" CASE DISMISSED!!!
I learned that since 2000, we don't have to follow laws, that's one thing that was taught to us all in the last 8 years. Laws are quaint, not to be followed.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 10/10/2008 @ 8:48 pm PT...
AP changed their headline when you hit that link, they must be on to you, Brad.
You're right, it's not an Onion headline, it's a MAD Magazine headline! And further proof of the "liberal media" sham, the biggest sham of all time!
Let's watch and see if they cover a REAL abuse of power story with as much vigor as the bogus ACORN voter fraud stories! Keep track of that, Brad!
Maybe this won't be on TV!!! At all!!! Will Fox "news" cover it at all???
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 10/10/2008 @ 9:20 pm PT...
For an Alaskan perspective, take a look at .
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Anthony Look
said on 10/11/2008 @ 2:17 pm PT...
The darling of the conservative christian right, Lying Palin, has been given new marching orders to tackle the age old staples of abortion, gay marriage, and immigration. The tactics aren’t changing, it is still muster up hate within the troops, just the topic is modified.
Lack of ethics and racism and breaking the commandment of bearing false witness, run hand in hand all in the name of the god of this female false prophet.
McCain will bandy about this next week with the other falsehoods about ACORN, and tout his economic bribe policies at the wall street, banking and corporation entities; all along proclaiming it’s for the average American ( and not a mention of the illegal vote purging that the GOP has already accomplished). All the while, Fox propaganda machine spewing their affirming lies 24 hours a day.The addition of ministers, evoking their two cents (and retaining their tax exempt status) goes unanswered as well, instilling their false prophet threats of their god that apparently condones lies and fear.
Meanwhile the Democratic party says and does nothing about the hundreds of thousands of voters that have been purged. Meanwhile the justice department does nothing about the hundreds of illegally disenfranchised voters (after Obama wins, there will be plenty to prosecute this current AG).
It is up to the bloggers to incite the network news to address the vote purging truth and not these false distractions that the GOP and McCain campaign is spoon feeding the networks. Where are all the true journalist. Why isn’t Brad Friedman on a network news show.
McCain only refrained from this last weeks continuation of hate speeches so that he could appear like the maverick he so maliciously tries to say he is; the harm has been done. The real ugliness of the GOP was becoming too evident and it was hurting him, he did not do this for the sake of the nation; once again America did not come first with this man and his demon like not repented unethical and lying side kick. The lying will continue this week, just new victims, the same hate format continues.