Elizabeth de la Vega Says 'It Won't Work,' Calls Bush Statement 'Shameless'...
By Brad Friedman on 8/27/2007, 10:39am PT  

Former federal prosecutor Elizabeth de la Vega, author of United States v. George W. Bush et al, sends us the following comments on the resignation of Alberto Gonzales...

“With the departures of Karl Rove, and now Alberto Gonzales, the administration is apparently cutting off its arms and legs to save itself. But this approach does not --- and should not --- work when the source of the disease is in the head, a fact that President Bush has vividly demonstrated this morning when he defiantly accused Congress of dragging Gonzales’s ‘good name through the mud.’ Having used Gonzales as the executioner of the administration’s unprecedented and shameful policies with regard to torture, illegal detention, and politicization of the Justice Department, the President now seeks to politicize Gonzales’s flight from the scene of the crime by blaming the Democrats. We can only hope that Congress will not be intimidated by this shameless, and very tiresome, refrain.”

Ditto. A fish rots from the head down.

UPDATE: One additional thought. Gonzales finally resigned once his potential impeachment by the Democrats seemed where all of this might be heading. We might suggest the same outcome --- resignation --- would be likely for George W. Bush and/or Dick Cheney, once they began to see impeachment as likely, giving them both the chance to claim they were being good guys by 'stepping aside for the good of the country.' What say we give them that out? Dems ought to reconsider their Constitutional duty of bringing accountability to the Executive Branch for the many demonstrated acts of High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

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