"Special Coverage: CA, NJ, ND, SD, NM and MT Primary Results, Fallout and Voting Problems: 'BradCast' 6/8/2016"
(5 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 6/9/2016 @ 3:26 am PT...
There should be much concern for voting irregularities simply based on the late poll having Bernie leading by 1% with the usual 4% +/- margin of error and the final result of a 12.6% win by Hillary.
Looking at previous Hillary wins she appears to gain the most votes in large metropolitan areas. Many more than makes sense.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Steve Carter
said on 6/9/2016 @ 4:46 pm PT...
Archicoot: "Hillary appears to gain the most votes in large metropolitan areas. Many more than makes sense."
This is exactly what Beth Clarkson here in Wichita KS has noticed in KS and all around the country. It's much harder to prove anything when the vote count is large, hence, contrary to common sense and past experience, the Repub vote gets larger nowadays where the population is large. It's an obvious indicator of election fraud taking place thru the voting machines.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 6/9/2016 @ 7:41 pm PT...
Archicoot & SteveCarter -
Not by way of defending the (unverified and, still very incomplete) results in CA and here in Los Angeles, but just to add some context. The theory put forward by Clarkson et al doesn't seem to be appropriately applied to Clinton in large population areas. She polls FAR better with African-Americans than Sanders does and, thus, would be expected to outperform him in larger, more urban precincts.
While I've had (and still have) some concerns about the theory being offered by Clarkson (as I've explained when I've had her on the show), even if it checked out, it would seem to be misapplied to Sanders/Clinton contests, in that there are explainable reasons that Clinton's percentage of the vote would be higher in larger precincts, IMO.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Jeffrey Z
said on 6/10/2016 @ 1:11 am PT...
I started to listen to this, and I don't like trump, but you have him talking about Clintons 150 million dollar political enrichment (true) and illegal private server. Then you lie about the server and say that Trump is making it all up. I.G. contradicts everything Hillary has said, and she still continues to lie about it, saying the opposite. I'm trying to find a way to vote for Hillary but I can not do it when she continues to lie, and when I hear people continuing to lie also. 1- she used a private email server located in her house for all her state department email. If it was for privacy for personal emails...then don't use the email for government business. 2 - destroyed over 30,000 emails 3-Classified email was on server (Clinton should have been the one to classify as its her job, and if you use the email for all state department business, of course there will be lots of classified emails on it.
4-A off-site back up company with no security was used to copy all the emails for back-ups
5-Did not report the numerous times it was none someone was trying to hack
6- Russia has 20,000 of her emails, as she was hacked by a romanian hacker who is now been extradided to U.S. Russia got emails when the hacker was getting them.
7- Hillary has lied over and over in the face of the I.G. report and it is sickening to say the least.
8 - lied about answering questions about server and her staff as per I.G. report.
9 - lies constantly when saying it was within the rules to I.G. report says it was against the rules, never asked permission, and if so , it would be denied.
10 - Hillary claims everyone knew, in contradiction to I.G. report and even if true, that is like saying after getting caught robbing a bank (its not against the law, cause I told everyone I was going to do it, and no one stopped me.
11 - People who expressed concerns about email were told never to talk about it again.
12- Hillary was using private email for business to avoid complying with the freedom of information act.
13- Lied to public about being transparent, as it took almost 2 years for her to finally turn over emails, and then she destroyed 30,000 of themn.
Please tell the truth, as maybe I can find it in myself to vote for her if media would find it within itself to be truthful. Hillary's lies about the email is the worst part of it for me. And please do not lie when it comes to fbi criminal investigaton of hillary, as that is currently happening and please do not pretend with other words that that isn't not happening...
Please tell the truth and Hillary tell the truth so I can find a way to believe something out of her mouth to vote for her...any other candadate the media would have ripped them press conference, and all the questions asked by people were picked by Hillary campaign, but pretended to be just random questions. This presidential cycle is sad and pathetic.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 6/10/2016 @ 7:54 pm PT...
Jeffrey Z. @ 4:
Trump referred to, and I quote (as I did on the show), her "totally illegal e-mail server".
That is totally untrue and a lie. Whether you like Trump or hate Hillary or vice versa, that is just a lie. I am well familiar with the IG's report finding potential rule violations regarding how she turned over her emails to the State Department that could result in a violation of the Federal Records Act. (If they don't have all government related emails, they can't turn them over if a FOIA request seeks them under that law.)
She claims she turned over all relevant emails and asks that we take her word for it. She also claimed she was cooperating with the IG's investigation but, as the IG reported, neither she nor anyone on her team actually did cooperate. So she lied about that. (Or the IG is lying.) She may have also lied about turning over all government related emails. We don't know, at this point.
Either way, none of those facts supports Trump's contention that she had a "totally illegal e-mail server". She didn't. That is a lie. And that's what I was referring to during the show, about which you accuse me, above, of lying.
I could call you a "liar" for that (as you did me). Instead, I will simply tell you that I believe you are wrong.
BTW, I covered the IG's report on the show when it came out, the IG report's charge that her processes may have violated the rules that govern the Federal Records Act, as well as her claims, earlier, about sharing all the government related emails and requiring all of us to simply take her word for it.
Oh, and yes, everyone did know she was using a private server, in that she had been sending mail to members of Congress, the White House and all number of executive agencies, etc. from the private domain server --- which is/was perfectly legal --- for YEARS before anybody decided that it was a concern.
And, P.S., I don't care if you vote for her at all. I do care, however, if you call me a liar without evidence to support such a charge.