"GOP Rep Chews Out Park Service Worker for Closing Park GOP Rep Voted to Close [Video]"
(6 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Chas Holman
said on 10/3/2013 @ 8:38 pm PT...
Speaker Boehner, why wont you let a clean CR come to the floor for a vote? Why are you holding even your own party hostage? Who is inside your pocket sooooo deep that it is worth you selling your very soul for?
Inquiring minds want to know...
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
David Lasagna
said on 10/4/2013 @ 5:22 am PT...
I'm no big fan of Democrats but this current iteration of anti-government, anti-American Republicans is off-chart cuckoo. Not sure how you negotiate with people who have seem to have absolutely no notion of cause and effect, or taking responsibility for their actions, or acknowledging what a total departure their behavior and tactics are from anything ever seen before in Washington. They get concession after concession and then complain that they haven't gotten enough. They NEVER get enough. They really don't seem to believe anyone else's opinion has the slightest bit of merit. I don't see any common ground for discussing much of anything. They only seem to believe in the self-righteousness of their own tyranny.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Irwin Mainway
said on 10/4/2013 @ 5:56 am PT...
Kudos to Vice President Joe Biden for calling up that Park Ranger and encouraging her.
IF someone stuck in his district wanted to talk to toughguy Randy in person:
In his meeting with constituents last week at the Science Spectrum, which his staff sycophants billed a “Listening Session,” Neugebauer did little listening. The public was not allowed to directly address his eminence the Congressman, to do so might have resulted in a dialogue. Instead attendees were instructed to write down their questions.
TPM story: "mgrollins:
....When I got there, this ranger and her partner were talking to a family. While they couldn't allow the family into the Memorial (despite a bunch of congresspeople giving personal tours), they did give their supercool ranger hats to the kids and allow them to take pictures. These kids were ecstatic, and so were their grandparents. Hats off to these civil servants who deserve hazard pay for having to deal with these slimy, opportunistic politicians who are just looking for a Fox News soundbite.
Even WITHOUT a shutdown, the Capitol police would still be working at the same pay level/position as the last real budget passed by both Houses, years ago, AND still would have to take UNPAID days off thanks to the negotiated (extorted)Sequester in the CR.
Harry Reid seems befuddled - he gives the Republicans everything they want except delaying Obamacare, leading to a certain veto anyways, and still they shut it down.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 10/5/2013 @ 5:20 am PT...
How do you compromise with people that say they don't know that word (compromise) I have heard Republicans say the only way I will compromise is if you will agree with me. To them compromise is a dirty word. I guess they learned from Bush when he said you are with me or you are the enemy. Remember FREEDOM FRIES. The T-party is the bully in the school yard and they are in charge of the republican party.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 10/5/2013 @ 5:48 am PT...
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 10/22/2013 @ 8:15 am PT...
They will not honor this President, "you lie" from the SC Rep who should have been booted out after that utterance. We will make him a one term Pres, a few days after his election from the repub elite. The debt ceiling was raised like clockwork under 43 and so was the debt. They have shown that they will not bargain in good faith with this President, For the good of America they ought too!