On today's BradCast, guest hosted by Peter B. Collins of The Peter B. Collins Show, the opener is a news and comment report on President Obama's historic visit to Hiroshima, offering good optics, but rhetoric similar to his pro-war acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. As anti-war author David Swanson points out, with the President's plans for a $1 trillion update to our nuclear program, coupled with the news that the US nuke arsenal has barely declined during his tenure, Obama's actions don't seem to match his words.
Kevin Zeese recently co-authored an essay at Truthdig arguing that Bernie Sanders should switch the the Green Party and run with Jill Stein in November. Since the Democratic leadership is loyal to Hillary Clinton, Zeese argues that Sanders could hold on to many Democratic voters who supported him in the primary, while attracting independent and Green voters who could defeat Donald Trump and Clinton. (Brad's recent interview with candidate Stein, in which she discusses these points, among many others, is posted here.)
Bob Fitrakis and Cliff Arnebeck have questions about the Democratic primary results which, they believe, differ from exit polls in 12 out of 26 states, while Republican exit polling agreed with officially reported results in almost every primary. Fitrakis is a professor, attorney, founder of the Columbus (OH) Free Press, and co-author, with Harvey Wasserman, of the new book, The Strip & Flip Selection of 2016; Arnebeck is an attorney who has handled many cases related to election manipulation.
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