"And It Begins Again: Touch-Screen Votes Flipping From Dem to Rep in WV"
(32 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 1:43 pm PT...
All they need is 10 in 100 to flop and they got it
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
norma brien
said on 10/18/2008 @ 1:58 pm PT...
If mccain and palin win you can kiss good bye to America. These two live in the world of lies far away from the world of truth and decency. Do they understand that it is the little people and their little taxes that keep this economy running and that of China also. Every time they mention the name of God it is like a slap on his face. I ecourage everyone to read the latest issue of Mother Jones issue where real issues are being written about. I read an article by a professor at Harvard Law School yesterday where he writes that when Mr Obama became president of the law review when everyone thought he would advance the politics of his race and instead he focused rightly on the excellence of the writing. He said he is very focused and very wise. I am a christian and I pray to God that the devil does not win this one because mccain does not represent my christian values. I pay my taxes and I expect those taxes to take care of country and its people not to kill innocent people and we are literally being killed just like the iraqis are. As long as they give our tax money to the wealthy they will continue to outsource because they do not care about you and me they only care about putting more money in their coffers please America for once do the right thing and if not for me do it for you.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 2:01 pm PT...
Gotta throw the Bums out!!!
I feel dirty - I clicked on a link at that took me to kkkarl Rove's site. But here's what he reports today:
"Only four states with a combined 51 electoral votes remain as toss-ups,'' Rove reports, "while Obama continues to lead with 313 electoral votes to McCain's 174 votes.''
Don't y'all think it's gonna be difficult for them to steal this one without a clear indication of election fraud?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 10/18/2008 @ 2:09 pm PT...
Wait until folks start showing up to vote to find they aren't on the voting rolls at all, Kira.
Aside from that, if you wish to presume the above (that it'd be difficult to steal it for McCain at this point) is true, I'll also remind you --- and everyone else here --- there are 435 House races, 30-something Senate races, and countless state and local races and initiatives that, yes, matter.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 2:39 pm PT...
Agreed, Brad.
If they do steal this one, we are trying to decide which country we'll move to because we won't stay here for the McMeltdown.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 3:15 pm PT...
I just love the Republican meme that ACORN registering a voter whose verifiable info might contain a misspeling or other administrative error is enough to file lawsuits over, but REAL election switching, gets nary a peep from them.
John McCain was right, sort of. It IS a threat to the very fabric of Democracy, but he had the wrong emphasis of blame for that threat.
As I've said here and elsewhere before, I hope and pray that this election is finally the one when people stand up and say NO! I am NOT going to accept this any more! Election fraud, voter suppression, purged voters and voter intimidation at the ALL needs to end now!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 4:03 pm PT...
did anyone notice,during the debate. That Mccain kept refuring to ms palins , child as austic, we where all lead to believe her son had down sydrome. these are two very diffrent disabilites. Mccain dosnot understand the problems. and dosent speak with his fellow canadate very much. which has become very ovious.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 5:22 pm PT...
Here's a second article about more vote-flipping in WV. The officials say it's all the voters' fault (d'oh!) and that stories like these shouldn't be published because folks might be scared away from voting. John and Brad, what were you thinking!
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 6:07 pm PT...
It's nice to see you here Kira. You were very helpful, explaining what the DRE's were etc, to me when I first came to bradblog.
I am sick/sickened and don't know if this is ruining my health (Like John Gideon said it was easier being naive) but we, Canada, are heading down this road and people don't believe it. Some people just give me that "she's off on a tangent again" look and you feel soooo alone.The Liberals lost many more seats than most expected,and it just doesn't look right. I am trying to find out if scanners were used to count...why voter ID was brought in last year BY Harper and there was no news on it until the election. (Many people were turned away, old people who didn't show address ID. University students too) Harper gained about 1% and spent 300 million to get his minority again.
On a side note, Scott Ritter did say it would take ten years to clear out the old wood so if he was talking about ten years since bussssh was have only two years to go. Think positive !!!
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 6:52 pm PT...
Hi GWN! Thanks for the kind words. Yup, I know it's been hard on my health.
I was surprised when Harper won again. I thought all signs pointed to booting him out. Our Canadian relatives were here from Toronto & said they still used paper ballots, but I know the EVMs are being used in Canada.
Harper consulted with GOP propaganda-meister Frank Luntz and I think I remember reading some time back that he also consulted with our Republican Voting Machine companies. There's some kind of nefarious tie in there for sure.
We definitely need a change in government - and maybe start a domino effect to oust the bums.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 7:41 pm PT...
Kira, I did read that about Frank Luntz and he was here this year too. (I know the EVM's are used in the Municipal elections but didn't think they were in the Federal) Harper is quite happy about his "win" but in reality 62.37% of Canadians voted for others. There is a drawback to having more choices at times like this. If the people who voted NDP had voted Liberal, Harper would be gone.
This year and this year only, I think you guys should vote Obama, and then work really hard at getting other parties elected. It took our Green Party almost twenty years to get on the voters list. That's just MHO. (Sorry Erma
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 8:00 pm PT...
What the heck are you talking about? The only Christian values are on the McCain ticket. Obama believes in partial birth abortion, he mocked the sermon on the mount and religious people in general and he does not like traditional values. He is a socialist with no conscience. I pray that God saves us from him.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 8:04 pm PT...
OOPS, re my comment #11 . We don't use EMV's here. I was thinking you meant Optical Scanning Machines. (sleepy) We do use the scanning machines at municipal elections.
"All ballots have to be accounted for and if some are missing, election results can be contested on the basis of "irregularity," Elections Canada says. Charges against two women, who whipped their ballots into a soy smoothie, and other ballot eaters were eventually dropped."
Paper or Not
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 8:06 pm PT...
I agree with you GWN about voting Obama - my family is - except for the mentally challenged ones who still have a bush/cheney '04 bumper sticker on their truck - I guess they fell into the gene pool when the lifeguard was taking a break
I would love for Cynthia McKinney to be the chosen one - but Obama is very capable and a good man imho and has proven his leadership skills.
One of his good qualities is that he does listen and will talk with people who have different opinions. We really need that kind of leadership in the top of our gov't. We'll have a bazillion times more chance of improving all elements of our gov't with O at the helm - more chance to open up to Green & Libertarian parties.
If they had been represented at the debates just think how many issues the public could have been made aware of. Uh, that is if we could have a real debate for a change.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 8:13 pm PT...
OMG Jean, what the HECK are YOU talking about? Simply lies, that's what.
If McCain is a Christian he's totally backslid - I'd suggest you pick up your bible and read the words of Christ [the ones in RED] and compare them to the way McCain is running his campaign - fear & hate mongering & lying constantly to smear Obama's character.
Everything you've said about Obama is absolutely untrue. Get your facts straight - quit listening to the bull.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 9:45 pm PT...
What I want to know is what are we all going to do WHEN this election IS stolen?
Same thing we did in 2000 & 2004?
I mean really, we all know for a fact that Obama is ahead by a LANDSLIDE, yet we all know MCSame will magically be ahead by 51% to 49% late night on election day.
So just what are we going to do THIS TIME?
Please tell me REVOLUTION!
Because I really don't want to leave this country but I flatly refuse to live here under 4 more years of Reich wing NeoFascist rule.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 10/18/2008 @ 11:24 pm PT...
Nunyabiz, if McFailin' wins by 51% to 49% late night I think there will be a revolt ... if not from the Obama Headquarters then from the disenfranchised. Not everybody can move outta here.
I think the GOP knows this.
If plans for COG/Martial Law are enacted - that's another bad situation.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 10/19/2008 @ 4:52 am PT...
God (whatever god that might be, satan, lucifer, jehova, odin, etc.. has nothing to do with Touch-Screen Votes Flipping.
Man has everything to do with it.
There's also nothing saying that the president has to be a Christian. I'd rather have a Wiccan or a "REAL Satanist" in charge than another "FAKE Christian" personally.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 10/19/2008 @ 6:24 am PT...
DO NOT USE TOUCH-SCREENS TO VOTE! Insist on paper ballots with a receipt...or an absentee ballot.
You can be sure that 'switched' votes are being counted for McCain, even if your vote is corrected on the screen.
If you use a touch-screen and it switches your vote, CANCEL it, exit the booth, and loudly proclaim the machine switched your vote and you insist on a proper way to count your vote.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 10/19/2008 @ 7:29 am PT...
This is totally frightening, although most of us who follow the elections closely are not in any way surprised. The question is: are we going to act on it? This should be all over every news media. Open and transparent to every citizen in every walk of life .... Being informed via the internet is advantageous, but persons who seek their news via this means are basically already well informed. It's the Fox News type we need to reach! WE NEED TO ACT NOW!
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 10/19/2008 @ 8:32 am PT...
I hope you are right Kira.
Because you know these Reich wing extremist are NOT going to stop.
They have gotten away scott free with a false flag attack on this country (9/11).
They have gotten away free and clear with BLATANT election fraud in the last 3 elections.
They have gotten away with MASS MURDER in Iraq.
They have gotten away with countless LIES.
They have gotten away with stealing TRILLIONS of tax payer dollars from the national treasury.
They are currently getting away with purging voter rolls.
The Mainstream Media will cover up what is happening, I don't care if 50 MILLION get out in the street and protest you will never see it.
So obviously these lunatics are NOT going to stop, they are not going to police themselves, they ARE going to steal this election or at least try to because these people are INSANE and they have gotten away with everything else the past 8 years so how can you blame them?
These fascist brought a brigade of US military over for "crowd control" for a reason, got one guess what that reason is.
If We The People do not stand up in OVERWHELMING FORCE on Nov 5th then they win again and you may as well get used to seeing McSame Palin for the next 8 years.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 10/19/2008 @ 9:02 am PT...
The first step is repealing HAVA, getting rid of private companies deciding the outcome of our elections! Let's do as our Canadian neighbors do, paper ballots, pencil, with oversight by both (all) parties. Of course, the Repugs will not be for this since they can't win elections on issues!!
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 10/19/2008 @ 9:26 am PT...
Nunya - criminally insane. It's a shame more people don't get it, but research is hard work [to quote a pResident.]
Strangest thing ... every now and then I hear detectives saying that, in their investigations, there is no such thing as a coincidence. But to believe the OCT, you have to believe in the Coincidence Theory - a whole bunch of them. Where are the detectives on this?
It's the lynchpin; the only way to understand the whole story.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 10/19/2008 @ 10:34 am PT...
If McCain and Palin win we must move en masse to reject the election.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean (not in) FL-13
said on 10/19/2008 @ 11:31 am PT...
Nunyabiz (#16)~
Great question! A probable scenario I'd seriously like to kick around and brainstorm some strategies for.
I've been mulling over a (silly) possibility for us if they DO steal it big. I haven't mentioned it much because it's just so very...silly.
But I say we gather en masse on OPRAH's front lawn at her country estate in Illinois until she puts us on her show and/ or demands accountability for the hundreds of thousands of scrubbed black (and latino) voters.
After all, OPRAH backed OBAMA as "the one"! (Unlike John McCain's labeling: "THAT one")... Obama is her brand! And lest we forget how unhappy she was with that "A Million Little Lies" author JAMES FRY for putting her brand's solid-gold reputation on the line. She COOKED that guy! Maybe she'd do the same to ROVE...?
I know it's goofy, but think about it: There would be no protestor cages to pen us in, no 3rd infantry to shoot rubber bullets at us, a nice little PR stunt that will attract the media, and plenty of lovely golden retrievers for us to play with! Could be a great way to (more peaceably?) get out our facts/ stats/ proof of election fraud out to a national/ international community.
I think if there were couple thousand people on her lawn, she might listen to us. She might also have us arrested, but hell, if that made the news it sure would make her "my favorite Christmas things" show seem appropriately trite.
That, in and of itself, is a small but potent victory.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 10/19/2008 @ 1:36 pm PT...
I wonder how many times we'll have to see a touch-screen vote for a Dem switched to a Repub, with zero Repub votes switched to Dem, before people begin to realize something odd is going on and it's pretty one-sided.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 10/20/2008 @ 6:43 am PT...
#25 Jeannie.
Not a bad idea, you never know what might work and sometimes the simplest thing can get picked up on.
We need to do everything wee can and do it IMMEDIATELY not weeks or months later.
I was thinking maybe the top 2% and whom ever really controls Washington were going to "ALLOW" Obama to win because he probably agreed with what ever they are telling him they want done.
But it is looking like they are actually going to try and steal this election also.
The best thing we can do is to stand up in MASSIVE numbers and DEMAND that Obama not concede because the election was clearly stolen.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 10/20/2008 @ 9:38 am PT...
They phoned nancy pelosi's office about this fraud and they said call the secretary of WV, or the DOJ, anybody but them...
so much for ol' Nancy defending the U.S. Constitution....time to replace her with Cindy Sheehan!
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 10/20/2008 @ 2:17 pm PT...
If the reports about the "switching to McCain" while voting for Obama is true we have a repeat of history when Bush won the elction in 2000 over Al Gore. Rigged!
About Acorn...why would Acorn create fraudulent registrations and then report it. Republicans are dumb. Its obvious a republican group has filled in these micky mouse registrations and sent them to Acorn and them McCain tows the line and says Acorn did it and Obama is backing Acorn's fraud. Hello all of America is not republican... we think!! Another "staged set up against the Democratic ticket.
First the staged "town hall" meetings with mentions of Arab and muslim etc...then a staged Acorn fraud registrations and the latest was "joe the plumber" definetly McCain's man...since McCaina and Palin have repeadetly used him in their speechs and McCain brought him up in the debate...All set ups. shame on the rpublicans..the ONLY way they can win is by palying these fraudulant games and then have the cheeck to say "country first" McCain its always been "Me first" for you.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 10/23/2008 @ 10:49 pm PT...
Wow. Calm down. I'm sick of claims of stealing elections whenever the candidate you support does not win. I'm sick of claims that voting machines will switch votes. I'm satisfied with those that have a paper receipt. I see voters cause scenes at polling places railing against the machines and happy to vote on paper that will be scanned. Don't they realize that the scanned paper is read and digitized just as the touch screen vote is? There is also voter intimidation but it is clearly practiced by both parties. If you do fair non-partisan research you will see verified examples of extreme and violent intimidation against republican voters. You will also see instances of rediculous conduct against democrat voters. In both cases, it is isolated and few. I hope Obama wins. But I hope noone charges that he stole the election. More likely, they will charge he bought it, considering the outrageous amount he is spending. With his war chest, he is the one more likely to be able to pay a hacker or bribe a manufacturer to fix the touch screen vote. I don't believe for a moment that he would do it and I don't believe republicans are doing it either. It is a waste of time, money and effort. It would not work. And, if caught, it would destroy either party. Don't get sucked in to the rantings of conspiracy theorists.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 10/23/2008 @ 11:10 pm PT...
I voted early and my touch screen vote flipped from Obama to McCain! This is NOT TRUE. But I can report it, I can call the press and they will put it in a paper and if two friends agree to tell this unvarifiable story with me, it will fly through the blogosphere and become true. Confidence will be shaken, people will not bother to vote and that will be real voter suppression.
Furthermore, Brad, you left out the quotes in the article that explained 1) what probably happened and 2) the quick fix, and 3) the very few times it has happened (a couple of calls per year). All forms of voting have some problems. Electronic (with paper receipts) have less risk of incorrect tally.
"Deputy Secretary of State Sarah Bailey said, "When we received a call about this, we immediately called the county and told them to recalibrate the machines to make sure the finger-touch [area] lines up with the ballot.
"Sometimes machines can become miscalibrated when they are moved from storage facilities to early voting areas," Bailey said Friday. "We get a couple of calls about this each election year."
* * *
"People make mistakes more than the machines," he said, "but I went in yesterday and recalibrated the machines. We are doing everything we can not to disenfranchise anybody."
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 11/1/2008 @ 12:16 pm PT...