By John Gideon on 2/16/2007, 4:37pm PT  

Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

The Help America Vote Act of 2002 gives specific qualifications for Election Assistance Commission commissioners. They “shall have experience with or expertise in election administration or the study of elections.” Yesterday the Senate Rules and Administration Committee passed, with no hearings, the nomination of Caroline Hunter to replace Paul DeGregorio as a commissioner. Hunter has voted in the past. That is most of her experience in elections. Most recently Ms. Hunter served as Deputy Director of Public Liaison for the White House. She’s also been a Deputy Counsel to the RNC. Clearly Hunter was not selected for this position based on HAVA mandated experience....

  • NAtional: Unqualified, Inexperienced GOP Operative, White House Liaison, Approved By Senate for EAC Post Without Public Hearing, Recorded Vote LINK
  • NAtional: New EAC Commissioners Appointed Without Confirmation Hearings LINK
  • NAtional: The Senate Did What? LINK
  • NAtional: $82 Buys E-Voting Secrets LINK
  • NAtional: Princeton Professor Finds No Hardware Security In E-Voting Machine LINK
  • CA: Dan Walters: Democracy defended and defied LINK
  • CT: New Electronic Voting Machines Arrive in Westport LINK
  • FL: Feinstein initiates touch-screen review LINK
  • NJ: Securing the vote moves beyond curtains and levers LINK
  • OH: Cuyahoga County - League of Women Voters pushing provisional voters to register LINK
  • OH: Cuyahoga County - Letters warn 1,200 about rejected votes LINK
  • WA: King County - Test run next spring for all-mail vote
    Special election will precede countywide rollout in fall '08 LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or BradBlog.Com**

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