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Tight Three-Way Race Falling Victim to Crappy Voting Technology - Who Could Have Predicted It?
RELATED: Federal Bill That Wouldn't Have Corrected the Problem - Rush Holt's HR 811 - Back 'In the Freezer' in the House, According to Roll Call...

...  in Nashville a couple of months ago, at a meeting of the Davidson County Board of Elections. We tried to warn them that they would run ...

Do You? (And Any Help In Paying For It Is Much Appreciated)

...  advocates out there, and speak up at a meeting of the Davidson County Board of Elections (and take on a Republican member of the ...

...  - Congress may say 'no' to e-Slate voting LINK TN: Davidson County - Computer glitch affecting early voting in Belle Meade ...

Then-DoJ Appointee in Civil Rights Unit, Now Recess-Appointed FEC Chair, Tried to Influence EAC Reports on 'Voter Fraud'...

...  members of the commission including DeGregorio, Donnetta Davidson (now EAC chair), and Tom Wilkey (EAC Exec Dir.), but not to the ...  at bottom of article on this point.) We've covered both Davidson and Wilkey, and the failings of each, in some detail here at The BRAD ...

Two MSM Articles Today Detail Long Overdue Congressional Scrutiny Finally Coming to Bear Against the Agency of Presidential Appointees Responsible for Overseeing the Entire U.S. Election System
As well as a Newly Noted Connection Reported Between the EAC and the Politically Appointed Bush Players at DoJ...

...  at the EAC, as indicated by their chairperson, Donetta Davidson: Davidson, who was previously Colorado’s secretary of state, says the biggest ...

Scientific Report Finds 'Serious Security Vulnerability' Similar to 'Princeton Diebold Virus Hack' in Widely Used iVotronic System, Allowing a Single Person to Change Election Results Across Entire County Without Detection
Despite GAO Confirmed Mandate to Serve as Info 'Clearinghouse,' Embattled EAC Says They Will Take No Action to Alert Elections Officials, Public

...  is supposed to be a "clearinghouse" of information. Ms. Davidson [EAC Chair Donetta Davidson --- also a former member of NASED's Voting Systems Board when it was ...

...  (NASED) to the Election Assistance Commission. Donetta Davidson was on NASED panels and now she is Chair of the EAC. Brit Williams and ...

The Mess We've Been Warning About for So Long, Concerning the EAC, Finally Makes it to Prime Time...

...  that the original report be disclosed by EAC Chair Donetta Davidson, a Bush-appointee, during a recent Congressional hearing --- is a ...  the draft report from EAC Commissioner Donetta L. Davidson during a subcommittee hearing last month. "The draft report was ...

NY Times Finds Original Bi-Partisan Draft Report, Buried by the EAC, Concluded Fears of 'Voter Fraud' Were Overblown
Altered, Politicized Report Follows Familiar White House Pattern, Brings Additional New Concerns About Continuing Status of EAC...

...  New York Democrat, who requested the draft report from Ms. Davidson during a subcommittee hearing last month, agreed. “By attempting ...

One of Several Reports 'Buried' by EAC, Shows Drop in Voter Participation in Wake of Poll Restrictions, Is Shamelessly Described as 'Draft'
Election Law Professor Warns: 'Chance for EAC to be an Honest Broker Above Politics Are Fading'...

...  Assistance Commission's Bush-appointed chairwoman, Donetta Davidson, has finally relented and agreed to release the commission's ...  though the report was completed a full 9 months ago and Davidson had promised Hinchey she'd deliver it more than a week ago, they ...

(All the While Ignoring the Actual DOCUMENTED Voter Fraud Felonies of Their Hero, Ann Coulter...)

...  their final report. (NOTE: EAC Chairwoman Donetta Davidson promised to turn over the spiked report last week to Congress during a ...  our eye out for that report, as we are still waiting for Davidson to send us another report which they promised to us nearly two weeks ...

...  Witnesses for this hearing will be EAC chair Donnetta Davidson, former EAC commissioner Ray Martinez, Randolph Hite, Director, ...

...  need voter ID laws? The commission's chairwoman, Donetta Davidson, called the study "premature." More work needs to be done, she said. ...  ID requirements now that weren't in that review."” If Davidson can’t bury the truth it appears she will deny it ...

...  U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair, Donetta Davidson, Knew About Problems of Voting Machine Test Labs But Kept Quiet ...

Bush-Appointed Chair Found Near Center of the Growing Scandal/Cover-Up Which Even Included a Stealth Attack on Election Integrity Advocate (and BRAD BLOG Guest Blogger) John Gideon...

...  is no exception. The EAC's current Chair, Donetta Davidson, seems to have a long, storied and increasingly well-documented ...  he was in charge of monitoring and qualifying the labs. Davidson is now Wilkey’s boss at the EAC where she landed after serving as ...

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