Additional Members of Congress Sign On, Now at 94 and counting...
Target Raised to 'Quarter of a Million Signatures' [UPDATED] Tipster Page Created!
By Brad Friedman on 6/2/2005, 1:30pm PT  

Apparently the American People are rallying behind John Conyers' bold leadership in Congress. He has updated the progress on his request, posted late last week, for 100,000 signatures on his letter to Bush demanding answers concerning the Downing Street Minutes. When he receives the requested number of signatures --- upped in his latest item to a "quarter of a million" --- he has promised to hand-deliver them to the White House.

The official British document, now known as the "Downing Street Minutes", originally uncovered by Rupert Murdoch's own Times of London, describes that Bush Administration as having determined to topple Saddam through military means months before receiving approval from Congress. And worse, that "the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."

Says Conyers today...

The response has been outstanding. To date, I have relied on hardworking volunteers to maintain my website and, frankly, the response has overwhelmed them. Over the holiday weekend, there was so much activity on the letter that my website froze, and we are still in the process of compiling the data. I thank you for your continued patience.

I do have some preliminary results, however. As of Wednesday, in five days, we had at least 86,000 signatures on the letter. This would not have happened without your help and hard work. This is so important that I have concluded that it is time to do more. My new goal is a quarter of a million signatures and I once again must ask for your help.

If you haven't already ask your friends to sign on at (Use that link instead of the interior link - because of another web glitch, it is rotated while data is compiled), post this on any websites you visit, and if you have your own blog, please post this link conspicuously.

Consider it conspicuously done, Congressman.

He also updates on the original letter signed by 89 members of Congress and sent to Bush --- which has so far failed to receive even the courtesy of a reply. There are now a total of 94 members signed on to that letter, and Conyers is recirculating it at the request of still more who have expressed an interest in signing on.

He reiterated today why this matter is so important:

The most serious matter for the Congress and the President is the decision to go to war. It is the sole constitutional responsibility of Congress to decide whether to declare war. The President has a constitutional responsibility to be straightforward and candid with the Congress in providing it with the information it needs to evaluate the case for war. If that decision is skewed or corrupted by false or misleading information, it raises the most serious Constitutional questions and substantial issues about abuse of power.
If, as the Downing Street Minutes appear to clearly indicate, the falsehoods that led us into war were deliberate manipulations of the public and Congress, we deserve to know and we deserve answers. More importantly, we need to hold this President accountable for a very grave abuse of power.

The BRAD BLOG is one of a growing number of citizens' groups that have organized the coalition to demand a formal "Resolution of Inquiry" from Congress into the matter. We urge you to do your part by signing their petition in addition to Conyers' letter to help ensure accountability for the wholly unnecessary death, dismemberment, and other permanent physical and psychological damage to scores of thousands of American troops by this administration and their dangerously deceitful policies.

UPDATE 6/3/05: According to RAW STORY, the number of signatories on the Conyers letter is now at an "estimated110,000 and growing". As well, in the wake of "Deep Throat Fever", the House Judiciary Minority has set up a page for informants to provide tips related to information in the Downing Street Minutes.

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