"2004 Presidential Election Tops 'Online Review' List of 'Ignored Stories' of Past Three Years..."
(21 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
A Concerned Citizen
said on 1/2/2007 @ 4:17 pm PT...
It's amazing how things are not conveyed to the people who are not able to surf the net. When history is done defining all the horrible things that this administration has done, I hope they devote a chapter to how the gov't/corporate-controlled MSN let it all happen - even HELPED it happen. Credibility lost in my household for good.
I also hope they devote a chapter to how dedicated blogging heroes, such as yourself, Brad, helped to save the country by keeping us informed of the REAL news. It really is making a difference. Thank you.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 1/2/2007 @ 4:55 pm PT...
I applaud all your valiant efforts to expose what happened in our last two fruadulent elections, Brad. You were able to persevere when others grew weary. Thank you, and Bev Harris, and all those who investigate and share what you've found with the rest of us. I know how mad you and others were that Kerry conceded, but here we are over two years later, and still we don't have the audit logs, or whatever piece of the puzzle that would nail the case for election fraud shut. The people that we in the democratic party are up against in this neocon administration I consider to be as criminal as the mafia. There has always been some low level politcal shaningans in both parties, but I truly don't think anyone expected something like the Diebold steal could be carried out. But we all know now, and it'll never happen again, because of people like you. Thanks for everything you have done. It has been much appreciated. May 2007 be a banner year for you, and yes, may that piece of the puzzle that would convince everyone that this county is being run by someone who was not elected --- TWICE! --- be uncovered, and then fully exposed on national TV by the MSM who allowed it to happen.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 1/2/2007 @ 6:27 pm PT...
After having supported Kerry for President and saddened when he offered no questins on the obvious election fraud I have many doubts on his sincerity.
I wonder if it were all a planned scheme pretending to oppose Bush while working for Bush's re election. They were, are, Skull and Crossbones brothers, vowing to support each other. Kerry seemed to get all whishy during the summer. If Dean had been given the nomination we would have seen a good battle all down the line.
This administration has taught me to be cynical of all Politicians.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 1/2/2007 @ 6:42 pm PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 1/2/2007 @ 8:45 pm PT...
Gee! An organization that reports about things that make sense and prove themselves over time. Must be one of those "crazy left wing nut case" publications like the BradBlog!
Americans have been trained, (all of us), to believe the corporations are keeping us safe by sealing our food, and keeping us competitive and relevant.
Horse crap!
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 1/2/2007 @ 9:16 pm PT...
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 1/2/2007 @ 9:19 pm PT...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 1/2/2007 @ 9:41 pm PT...
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 1/2/2007 @ 9:54 pm PT...
Horse face vs. space alien. We lose.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 1/2/2007 @ 11:28 pm PT...
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 1/3/2007 @ 2:44 am PT...
I am sick of hearing "Was it rigged?"
Prove it was not rigged electronically! MR CRraporate Mainstream Media.
On a side note, why does myspace twist all the rules of image slicing a website? css.. yes. Controlled css.. Argh... no wonder sam is my friend.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 1/3/2007 @ 2:50 am PT...
we can't even agree on web standards, how the hell do you thing electronic voting is going to go?
Heh, and I found 10 ADMIN passwords yesterday. Upgrade your stupid php scripts folks.
Shoot, it was safer using BBS's!
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 1/3/2007 @ 6:35 am PT...
Why the Edit? Please explain. . .
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 1/3/2007 @ 7:57 am PT...
Phil writes:
"I am sick of hearing "Was it rigged?"
Prove it was not rigged electronically! MR CRraporate Mainstream Media."
Next time you are accused of a crime, should you have to prove you didn't do it? That's just stupid.
There is a simpler explanation for why Democrats often get thier votes counted wrong: They vote incorrectly more often.
It is true that the very most educated people are Democrats. But the very least educated people are also Democrats. Republicans bunch up in the middle of the education spectrum. It doesn't take much education to be able to vote correctly, though. Thus, incorrect voting is probably bunched among only the very least educated voters, who are disproportionately Democrats.
See La Griffe Du Lion:
"In the days following the 2000 presidential election in Florida, million of words were written to analyze the result, but few were necessary. In this issue, Prodigy chronicles a remarkable visit to his friend and mentor, wherein Mentor evaluates the minimum IQ needed to cast a proper ballot for every voting system used in Florida. From these, the true winner is revealed, as is the margin of victory. "
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 1/3/2007 @ 8:06 am PT...
BF / 99 is there an issue with the following post that was removed ? ? ?
Every Vote Will Be Counted . . . . . If I Win . . .
Was my interpretation.
{JoJ: Sorry. Link was broken and I thought you'd corrected it a couple comments on, so deleted it... since it was all link that didn't work, it made no sense. --99}
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 1/3/2007 @ 8:22 am PT...
Good to see Dem. complicity is finally acknowledged. Couldn't have been pulled off without MSM and dem. cooperation. But...only a few dems. have been allowed a voice ie. the Sunday shows. We know who the leaders are. The followers are about every dem. in office except Dean and Conyers.Time for a third party....based on 6 years of compliance with thugs and fascists.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 1/7/2007 @ 9:19 pm PT...
The committee to reElect John Kerry proposed ad
{I don't. --99}
I approve of this ad. . .
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 1/8/2007 @ 10:16 am PT...
#17 - 99 which one of the "very few rules here" was the problem . . .
{...too coarse for impolite company. --99}
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 1/8/2007 @ 4:01 pm PT...
"{...too coarse for impolite company. --99}"
It would seems to me that impolite company would actually would enjoy that link . . .
Your sensibilities must be so confused in that you allow images of gross battle gore.
Did you like horse ???
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 1/8/2007 @ 7:05 pm PT...
99 - I apologize I was wrong.
{Okay. Thank you. --99}
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 1/25/2007 @ 7:08 pm PT...
The mumbers are silently screaming fraud!
Smoking Gun: The Final National Exit Poll
The Democratic Underground “Game” thread
The National Exit Poll Timeline
State Pre-election and Exit Polls
National Pre-election Polls
Did three million Gore voters lie to the Exit Pollsters in 2004?
Where did Bush find 16 million new voters?
The 2006 Mid-term Elections
2004 Monthly National Poll Trend
Monte Carlo Electoral Vote Simulation
Uncounted and Switched Votes: A Comprehensive Analysis
The True Vote Model
2006 Mid-terms: 120 Generic Poll Trend vs. National Exit Poll
Election Models
A TruthIsAll (TIA) FAQ
The Pre-Election Polls
The "Rules": Did They Favor Kerry?
Explaining the Exit Poll Discrepancies
Comparing 2004 to 2000
Smoking Gun: The Final National Exit Poll
The 2004 National Exit Poll (NEP) “How Voted in 2000” is the smoking gun of election fraud. The Final NEP has always been matched to the recorded vote, on the assumption that it is the accurate “true” vote. But in 2004, the recorded vote did not reflect the true vote. Simple arithmetic proves that the weights are mathematically impossible; they arbitrarily inflate the Bush 2004 vote by more than FOUR million. Since impossible weights were required to match the recorded vote, simple logic tells us that the recorded vote must also be impossible.
Mark Lindeman disputes the 12:22am National Exit poll (13047 respondents) and the 51 state exit polls (over 70,000 interviewed). According to the NEP “How Voted 2000” demographic, Kerry won by 51.41–47.62%. The state exit polls had Kerry winning by 50.5-48.5%.
The National Exit Poll: How Voted in 2000
12:22am (13047 respondents) 2pm Final (13660 respondents)
Mix Kerry Bush Other Mix Kerry Bush Other
DNV2k 17% 57% 41% 2% 17% 54% 45% 1%
Gore 39% 91% 8% 1% 37% 90% 10% 0%
Bush 41% 10% 90% 0% 43% 9% 91% 0%
Other 3% 71% 21% 8% 3% 71% 21% 8%
Share 100% 51.41% 47.62% 0.97% 100% 48.48% 51.11% 0.41%
Votes 122.3 62.87 58.24 1.19 122.3 59.29 62.50 0.50
The Democratic Underground “Game” Thread
In order to match the recorded vote in the Final
National Exit Poll ”How Voted in 2000” category, the exit pollsters had to: 1) use impossible Bush 43/ Gore 37 weights and 2) increase the Bush vote shares from the 12:22am NEP (which Kerry won 51.4-47.6%). Mark was challenged to provide a mathematically plausible Bush win scenario. It took him several months before he responded to the challenge in the famous Democratic Underground “Game” thread. Mark did to the “How Voted in 2000” vote shares exactly what the exit pollsters did to the weights AND vote shares in the Final NEP: he changed them to implausible levels in order to match the recorded vote.
In order to comply with the rules of the “game” (to use feasible weights) Mark finally presented a spreadsheet in which he hypothesized how Bush achieved his 3 million vote “mandate”. The calculation of feasible weights was based on 1) the recorded 2000 and 2004 vote, 2) the annual 0.87% mortality rate and 3) an estimated 2000 voter turnout of 95% in 2004. So far, so good. Unfortunately, although his weights were now feasible, his assumed vote shares were implausible. Using feasible weights, Mark had no choice but to increase the already-inflated Bush vote shares to ridiculous levels.
Mark’s implausible Bush win scenario was based on the following assumptions:
1) One in 7 (14.63%) Gore 2000 voters defected to Bush in 2004. The 12:22am NEP reported 8% (10% in the 2pm Final).
2) Kerry won just 52.90% of DNV (new voters and others who did not vote in 2000). The NEP reported 57% (54% in the Final).
3) Just 7.20% of Bush 2000 voters defected to Kerry. The NEP reported 10% (9% in the Final).
Are we to believe a) the implausible 14.63% vote share or b) the impossible 43 Bush/ 37% Gore weights? The weights imply that 3 million or 7.5% of Gore voters forgot or lied when they told the exit pollsters that they voted for Bush in 2000.
Was the exit poll match to the recorded vote based on a) the use of plausible 37.84 Gore/ 37.44% Bush weights (see the Lindeman “Game” model ) and an implausible 14.63% Gore voter defection rate, or on b) the impossible 43 Bush / 37% Gore weights (“false recall”) and a plausible 8-10% defection rate? Which one was it, Mark?
Mark had to replace the already-debunked reluctant Bush responder (rBr) hypothesis with Gore voter “false recall”. His rationale: an NES post-election survey taken a few years after the election.
But Mark contradicted himself when he agreed that the original weights were impossible; it's irrelevant whether Gore 2000 voters forgot or lied to the exit pollsters when they said they voted for Bush. What is relevant is who they voted for in 2004 - and 91% said it was Kerry. The 2000 and 2004 recorded vote and annual mortality rate are historical demographic facts. They are necessary and sufficient to determine the maximum number of Bush and Gore voters who could have voted in 2004. Bush and Gore 2000 voter turnout in 2004 are unknown and must be estimated in order to determine appropriate weights.
On the other hand, the TrueVote model indicates that Kerry won a 52.56-46.43% landslide - a 7.7 million vote margin. The assumptions were plausible and feasible:
1) only Gore, Bush and Nader 2000 voters still living could vote in 2004,
2) the 12:22am NEP vote shares,
3) 0.87% annual mortality rate,
4) 95% turnout of Gore, Bush and other 2000 voters, 5) 125.74mm total votes cast (Census).
We already know the weights; they are the 2000 recorded vote shares, reduced by mortality and turnout. Once we have determined these feasible weights, we can use the exit poll response to the question "who did you just vote for" to calculate the national vote share. That's why the only exit poll response which matters is the answer to the question: "Who did you vote for in 2004".
It follows that "false recall", even if it exists, is irrelevant. On the contrary, we are justified in believing that voters did not falsely recall who they voted for just five minutes earlier. What would be their motivation to lie? Survey responses are confidential.
TIA True Vote Model The Lindeman “Game” Model
Mix Kerry Bush Other Mix Kerry Bush Other
DNV 21.49% 57% 41% 2% 21.72% 52.90% 46.50% 0.60%
Gore 38.23% 91% 8% 1% 37.84% 84.83% 14.63% 0.54%
Bush 37.83% 10% 90% 0% 37.44% 7.20% 92.31% 0.49%
Other 2.45% 71% 21% 8% 3.00% 65.90% 18.10% 16.00%
Share 100% 52.56% 46.43% 1.01% 100% 48.26% 50.74% 1.00%
Votes 125.7 66.09 58.38 1.27 122.3 59.02 62.05 1.22
Did the exit poll respondents also lie about their SEX? According to the 13047 respondents, this is how they voted.
GENDER Mix Kerry Bush Other
Male 46% 47% 52% 1%
Female 54% 54% 45% 1%
Total 100% 50.78% 48.22% 1.00%
Votes 122.3 62.10 58.97 1.22
So much for false recall.