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Another Presidential Election Year Featuring Unverified and/or Unverifiable E-Voting Begins: 'BradCast' 1/7/2016
GUEST: Election integrity watchdog Bev Harris of at least force some accountability into it," Harris tells me, describing some of the ways election integrity advocates can try to force the issue a bit. Among her suggestions: "You can go [to the polling place at closing time] and snap a picture of what those [computer tabulated] results are with your cell phone and compare it with, at least, what they report" later on.
In comments:
Iowa caucuses go high-tech
But now both parties will use a Microsoft smartphone or tablet app to report the results from each precinct/caucus back to the state party on election night.
(my comment: Or, rather Microsoft’s backdoors to NSA, CIA)
Oh, thank goodness, Bernie.
Bernie Sanders campaign questions Microsoft apps made for Iowa Caucuses
By Colin Lecher on January 28, 2016
As the Iowa Caucuses approach, Microsoft has partnered with the Republican and Democratic parties in the state to create apps for tabulating results. But the Bernie Sanders campaign is questioning why, exactly, the company is involved at all.
"You'd have to ask yourself why they'd want to give something like that away for free," Pete D'Alessandro, who's heading Sanders' Iowa campaign, said in an interview with MSNBC.
D'Alessandro said the campaign, which has often criticized corporate influence in elections, will be using its own reporting system, as the Clinton campaign has, to double-check the results. He clarified that the issue was not with the Iowa Democratic Party as a whole, but with Microsoft's involvement specifically. MSNBC also reported that other Sanders aides have raised concerns about Microsoft employees donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to Clinton over the years.
A spokesperson for the Iowa Democratic Party told The Verge that the app has been under development for more than a year. "Microsoft and their app partner, InterKnowlogy, are global leaders in the technology industry, and we completely trust the integrity of their staff and the app," (my note: Just like the Democratic leadership trust convicted criminal lobbyist Jack Abramoff's HAVA putting those right wing evidence stripping e-voting, e-scanning, e-tabulating machines everywhere through abuse and blackmail, see comments via: http://www.washingtonsbl...mination-presidency.html ) the spokesperson said in a statement. "The app will help make caucus reporting more efficient, accurate and secure, and we look forward to seeing it in action on caucus night."
Microsoft, for its part, is disputing that it had any ulterior motive in creating the apps.
Another good idea from Lynn Landes to Mark Crispin Miller for all Independent Voters who want to vote for Bernie Sanders in Primaries and Caucuses:
INDEPENDENT Bernie voters need to change their registration, if they want to vote in PA primary (and others)
Bernie should be alerting his independent voters to change their registration to Democrat if they want to vote for him in the Pennsylvania presidential primary, as well as in other states.
The independent voter is a huge group. Nationwide, 43% of all voters consider themselves to be independent according to Gallup – Not sure what official registration figures report. Many independents may not understand the limitations of their registration status (depending on their state) and how that affects their right to vote for the candidate of their choice in the primary.
In Pennsylvania, voters must be registered Democratic in order to vote in the Democratic primary.
IN PENNSYLVANIA – Deadline Alert: 03/28/2016 is the last day to register before the 04/26/2016 Democratic Primary Election.
In order to change or select a party, you must submit a new application – https://www.pavoterservi...ationApplication.aspx.
You can verify your “voter status” to make sure that you identify yourself EXACTLY like you did on any previous application –
https://www.pavoterservi...gistrationstatus.aspx. For instance, I looked up my status because I didn’t remember if I used my middle initial or not. Turns out that I did.