"Bush Sr. Blames Bloggers for 'Incivility' in Political Climate"
(75 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/15/2006 @ 10:59 am PT...
I better not say anything.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Ginger Winchester
said on 11/15/2006 @ 11:39 am PT...
So, you're blaming the messenger...again??
I am beginning to remember why I switched parties under H.W. Bush.
And to think I thought you might've finally come to your senses when you started buddying it up with Bubba.
Oy, Oy, Oy!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 11:55 am PT...
Sure Suck's . . . . . 41 F when the blogs out truch about your "Half Wit Son" . . .
Time to bail out jr again & again & again . . .
P.S. 41 - Fuck You, for robbing the F.D.I.C.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/15/2006 @ 11:59 am PT...
Oh fuck it!
Wealthy people can always be civil when they speak because they can always pay goons or force the police to get "down and dirty" for them.
They relish the fact that they can really make someone's life a living hell while pretending to care through Philanthropy, rather then provide dignity for people who work their fingers to the bone every day.
How's that for civility you evil fossil!
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 12:06 pm PT...
How many people died at your finger tips for a buck, Poppy ?
Probably a hell of a lot more than your three sons will ever do, but not as many as Daddy Prescott
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 12:12 pm PT...
Thank God for H. Ross Perot . . . . . I'm still "Looking under the hood" Ross . . .
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Miss P
said on 11/15/2006 @ 12:48 pm PT...
If Sr. only uses "the email" how the heck would he know what the bloggers are saying? Er, rumor?
I haven't read the transcript...maybe this severe but enlightening inconsistency was addressed...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 1:08 pm PT...
Yea sure the Repubtard extemists had nothing to do with the toxic climate.
In fact, they've been very bipartisan.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 1:33 pm PT...
W = why "full term abortion" should be legal.
Iraq = 600,000+ reasons for a lack of "civility".
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 11/15/2006 @ 1:37 pm PT...
The corporate Bushit Sr. don't like Americans communicating how the greedy self serving Federal government officials are mismanaging this country and this world in a path of total destruction. Doesn't like people exposing the truth about how this country has Global Warming crisis, false flag 9/11 terrorist attack to bolster the Bushit Jr. oil war of lies, and of course the theft of U.S. election be it with electronic voting machines or massive humanistic fraud stripping Americans of their right to vote.
Now that most mass media is owned by corp conglomerants which the government controls, people like former CIA director GH Bush must hate any other take or spin and or omission to what "THEY" want Americans to believe.
Say the truth and the truth shall set you free DOES NOT apply to these Fascist destructors who wish they could get rid of this alternative communication. Americans are pawns in their big mans world and they only want the sound of their Bushit espouted. The net is a thorn in their corruptive regime.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 11/15/2006 @ 1:45 pm PT...
Did such a good job with the Kennedy coverup..then again they didn't have the internet back then huh haus.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 11/15/2006 @ 2:03 pm PT...
What mass media outlets have been talking about the over 250 environmental laws and standards reversed under the rule this Bushit administration? How 'bout how this 109th Congress is going to try and push through every major drilling effort they can in their last month in office with plans to sell off the Western Wildlands to their developer cronies?
Thanks to wargames on 911 which bush/Cheney and Co orchestrated, we Americans have suffered a loss of right by the passage of the Patriot Act, Homeland Security Act, Wire tapping Americans illegally, and the most Fascist Suspected Terrorist Act. You and your son can take your overt Anti-Environmentalist Fascist stance and stick it up your ass!
i am using my American 1st amendment Freedom of Speech to say your Family are the biggest losers. Senator James Inholfe in charge of the Committee on Environment and Public works claims human caused Global Warming Climate Change is a hoax.
Thanks for nuthin.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Sandy D.
said on 11/15/2006 @ 2:12 pm PT...
# 5 Floridiot: FOUR sons - which one did you forget? Surely not W ... we're stuck with him for two more years since impeachment is "off the table;" JEB? Rumor has it that he will be running for W's job in 2012; Neal? - he's the one involved in the Savings and Loan scandal - how many billions did that cost the taxpayers? Or, Marvin - on the board of the security company hired for the World Trade Center 6 months before 911? Quite a crop of sons and grandsons to do Poppy and Prescott proud.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
erroll stanley garner
said on 11/15/2006 @ 2:21 pm PT...
ever notice how much bush sr. looks like the infamous " badgeman " dressed up in a Dallas police uniform behind the fence on the grassy knoll ?
hmmm...dressed up in a uniform during a perverse psy-ops, who else is famous for that ( mission accomplished )?
s & m'ers love the uniform thing. the rotten apple don't fall far from the tree of forbidden knowledge.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 2:56 pm PT...
Well if it ain't the dried up old prune - the bu$$h clan head fascist Prescott.... oops... I mean Poppy Bu$$h. If you bu$$h family Nazi Bastards were not off secretly forming a Shadow Government at each and every bend and turn America might not be so hard on you and you failed tribe.
We have had enough of you glutton corporatists who care about not much more than enriching yourselves from the national treasury. That is the only reason you people, your goons, your cronies, and your cohorts seek power. We have had it with you degenerates getting filthy rich off the backs and hard work of the UNITED STATES TAXPAYER.
Get lost you Nazi/Fascist Swine. Move to Paraguay and die - while counting your endless bars of gold.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 3:54 pm PT...
ask bush snr. were he was when JFK was shot - he's the only person in America who can't recall "that day".
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/15/2006 @ 4:10 pm PT...
Below is a transcript of what REAL TV news looks like, when there is a debate allowed from BOTH SIDES. On Democracy NOW! TV news on LINK-TV and FSTV, DISH channels 9410 & 9415, Amy Goodman has a panel of D-Dennis Kucinich, D-George McGovern, and Joshua Muravchik of the rightwing neo-con think tank American Enterprise Institute.
1.On CMSM TV news, would you ever see 2 Democrats and a non-Democrat on a panel?
2. Notice how Muravchik spends a lot of his time crying about 2-on-1, and his answers lead not with answering the question, but personal attacks on George McGovern or Kucinich. Then, Muravchik flips out when McGovern interrupts him, but what would you expect when all his answers start with personal attacks on McGovern?
3. Muravchik attacks McGovern and Kucinich as being against the troops, even though McGovern served and I'm sure this "fellow" did not, of course...none of them did.
4. He even reverts to attacking Amy Goodman, the host, even though she gave him ample time to give answers uninterrupted. He accuses her of "setting him up" 2on1. Even though it's documented that in the CMSM TV news, documented by many sources including mediamatters and FAIR, that the CMSM skews abnormally to GOP leaning guests, many times having ONLY GOP leaning guests. He doesn't like the fact that there is a news show that has 2to1 Dem guests!
5. The biggest point of all? The Republican Noise machine is showing its first fear of Democracy NOW! news, by having one of "their guys" get onto it. First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you (this panel interview), then you win (Ghandi).
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/15/2006 @ 4:20 pm PT...
"To occupy Iraq would instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day hero ... assigning young soldiers to a fruitless hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning them to fight in what would be an un-winnable urban guerilla war. It could only plunge that part of the world into even greater instability."
George Bush Senior
A World Transformed, 1998
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/15/2006 @ 4:24 pm PT...
GWsenior: "I use 'the email' on 'the tubes' on 'the internets'......"
Thank GOD they are too stupid to know how to take down the "internets"...that is why it isn't controlled by them yet, they think it's a "bunch of tubes" that one GOP senator said...scarey shit...
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 4:54 pm PT...
What's with this "impeachment off the table" Bullshit ???
Well It's time to put it right back on the Fucking table !!!
Here we go again, demacrots playing nice... when will the they ever learn?
Dealing with the gop (Greedy old Perverts) is just like dealing with
al - kida. Being nice or resonable is a sign of weakness to them & OTHERS ! ! !
Make'm get anything the old fashion way Steal it Earn It . . .
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 5:26 pm PT...
The whole family has an interesting outlook on reality. I must make a point to visit their fantasy land on my next vacation!
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/15/2006 @ 7:21 pm PT...
It's like we have kings and queens in this country!
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 9:00 pm PT...
Pretty funny. It's like a bully pushing you around, calling you an enemy, threatening you with imprisonment, reading your letters, ripping up your most cherished document and way of life...and when you push back, it's all, "Let's be civil. Please don't abuse me. I'm only trying to be reasonable."
That's the story they are developing --- uncivil, rude Democrats.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/15/2006 @ 9:08 pm PT...
big dan #17
I can't wait to hear that debate on Democracy Now!
OH NO, not two against one! that's terrible. Someone must have not told this guy that fake "conservatives" never go on with Amy Goodman. Where has this guy been? I'd be willing to bet Amy invited more guests on to balance the panel and they didn't show. Debating truth is just not easy when you're a con-man and the show isn't stacked in your favor!
WAAAaaaaaaaa... Mommy, they're being mean to me... WAAAaaaaaaa...
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 11/15/2006 @ 10:40 pm PT...
Saw Democracy Now...The guy was hyperventilating. Hysteria from these fools is a delight to hear. (Oops. Is that uncivil?)
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 12:52 am PT...
Sandy #13, One of them four are "Satans Spawn", not poppys.
I just haven't figured out for sure which one it is yet
I guess I don't want to "ruin my beautiful mind" trying to figure it out
That maid story, when she got run over by her own car in Marvins? driveway. There was another ex government worker that was found murdered right by his place too, reminds me of one of them "Omen" like spook shows a few years back.
People die under mysterious circumstances around these f#$kers, with no real investigations taking place
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 4:42 am PT...
Another great thing about the Democracy NOW! interview, where it fairly had representation from both sides AND the moderator (Amy Goodman) was not a corporate "plant" allowing the GOP-sympathizer to blurt everyone out, is it shows that in fair moderation on TV, the non-GOP sympathizer would always crush the arguements of the GOP-sympathizer, proving what I always thought would happen, if we saw fair debate on CMSM TV with a fair moderator. Of course, since Muravchik got CRUSHED, he "cried" that is wasn't "fair".
My take is, and its what I always thought, GOP-sympathizers call a fair situation like this "not fair", because the moderator didn't allowed them to talk-over their opponents, AND it's not fair that they had ANY opposing opinion...they want to push their propoganda by being given an unchallenged microphone in the CMSM.
This debate on Democracy NOW! was really eye-opening, on what really happens when there is a fair debate by a fair moderator between corporate neo-con GOP hacks and NON-corporate neo-con GOP hacks.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 5:33 am PT...
Wow, incivility is the new word for truth says the dada of the regime. Yes, the truth does not treat fascists very well. And for good reason.
Evidently behind the scenes Daddy War Bucks is telling the kid to kill some more (link here).
They "can't get enough of them sugar crisps, sugar crisps ..." 655,000 dead Iraqis and thousands of troops is not enough I guess. Oil addiction ... its not just for nations anymore.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 6:34 am PT... my last post, last sentence, I meant "...and NON-corporate neo-con NON-hacks"!!! LOL!
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 6:52 am PT...
Why doesn't the fascist regime simply declare victory over the Nixon regime?
It is as if they are seeing who can kill the most innocent civilians. Nixon is still killing from his grave:
John Bacher, a Ph.D. in history and a Metro Toronto archivist once wrote about The Secret War in Laos: "More bombs were dropped on Laos between 1965 and 1973 than the U.S. dropped on Japan and Germany during WWII. More than 350,000 people were killed. The war in Laos was a secret only from the American people and Congress. It anticipated the sordid ties between drug trafficking and repressive regimes that have been seen later in the Noriega affair."
In reality, it is hard to call this twisted campaign of terror "a war." There were hardly any serious strategic merits of indiscriminately bombing one of the poorest countrysides in the world, scarcely inhabited by subsistence farmers and their domestic animals.
In this biggest covert operation in U.S. history, the main goal was to "prevent" pro-Vietnamese forces from gaining control over the area. But the entire operation seemed more like a game, overgrown boys allowed to play, unopposed, their war games, bombing an entire nation into the stone age for more than a decade. The result of that "game" was one of the most brutal genocides in the history of the 20th century.
Link here. (likewse the Iraq oil war is a secret from the people and the congress.)
People and their animals are still dying today in Nixon's targeted little nation, near where preznit blush is heading this week.
Give it up mr presnit blush, you have killed 655,000 Iraqi's so you "win".
Isn't "victory" just great for the one who wanted to become Big Brother but instead ended up being Big Bubba? Incivility indeed.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 6:56 am PT...
I watched that show Big Dan, it was f-ing hilarious
That neo-con was so exaspirated, when Amy had to say his name twice before he would answer her, I thought he dropped dead on the other end of the line
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 7:54 am PT...
Foridiot: Doesn't that expose how neo-cons react in a fair debate? When the CMSM TV news doesn't give them an unchallenged forum, and just shove a mike in front of them, and let the spew whatever propoganda they like? It reminds me of when so-called expert Ken Timmerman, a neo-con who wrote a pro-Iran War book, was paraded on CNN (unchallenged by an opposing view) as a so-called "Iran expert"...not telling the viewers of his bias...
That didn't work, because people are wise to CNN's so-called "experts" now...
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 8:03 am PT...
Go through the transcript of Kucinich, McGovern, and Muravchik, copy it to a WORD document, delete Kucinich and McGovern's responses, and then you have what's on CNN & FOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 9:22 am PT...
imagine a president telling the TRUTH LOL
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Martin from Germany
said on 11/16/2006 @ 9:22 am PT...
"The email"... How cool is that?!
I'm over 40 years old and a computer geek since i was 12. Nevertheless, i hereby submit the proposition that no one, not even me, is allowed to a public office if he is older than 30 years. It is so embarressing to hear these dinos talk, and that's a dino saying so!
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 9:56 am PT...
Apparently Truth = Incivility...according to GHWB
Who knew?
Apparently Speculation+24hours = Truth...according to Judy Miller
Who knew?
Therefore, Speculation = Truth = Incivility.
So, anything we say on blogs must be 'uncivil'.
Who knew?
And, what do we say to the uncivil among us?
"Shut up and sit down." was the Repub mantra in 1994.
What will it be this time?
I just heard on NPR that the economist Milton Friedman has died.
Is the world now free to discuss competing economics ideas without the Republicans among us bowing to uncle Milty? God, how that man's writing was boring, dry and sleep-inducing...rigor mortis in every comma.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 10:05 am PT...
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 1:08 pm PT...
For some reason, the Democracy Now show ran late and got cut off when I recorded it on my I-river podcaster, so I had to download it overnight and finally got to listen.
These people at the American Enterprise Institute are dumber then dirt. McGovern and Kucinich, as usual were perfect gentlemen and allowed the dumbhead to ramble on at length before cutting in to defend themselves. However I think he was outdone be "Lizzy" Dole who went crazy on Meet The Press. How UNCIVIL of you Mrs. Dole! And lets not forget the UNCIVIL brooks brothers FAKE RIOT to close down counting of votes in the 2000 election that your husband Bob helped pull off! I don't remember Poppy Bush weighing in on that one.
Why don't these dull wits go drink beer, watch football, collect stock profits and leave the affairs of the nation to thoughtful people for once. That's what the thoughtful young American people voted for last week in record numbers.
Thank you, Deaniaks!
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 1:18 pm PT...
How dare you even use those words YOU MOTHER FUCKER!
How many people have you paid off with our treasure (or maybe Wanta funds you GREASY BASTARD), criminally compromised through baby raping black mail, or simply BRAINWASHED? HUH YOU SCUM OF THIS EARTH AND YOUR BATTLE AX BABE, (WHO THE HELL COULD SLEEP WITH THAT THANG?) who believes the people who lived through the super dome debauchery were "BETTER OFF?" FUCK YOU, YOUR DEMON SEED, AND YOUR OUT OF CONTROL CIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me tell you a couple of little personal stories. While commercial fishin in Alaska, a personal friend of mine gave this story up before he DIED! His Great Uncle was a big YUCKITY YUK in the Airforce, well the big wig was near to kicking it and there was to be a big family reunion in California before he died. My friend as part of the family attended and maybe because he was GREAT at telling DIRTY JOKES or jus cuz he was a GREAT GUY, Mr. Airforce pulls him off to a quiet room by themselves and bascially confesses his SINS to him. Kinda like the shit the corrupted Catholic Church does, all the while leveraging their knowledge for global gain. I digress, any way the guy spills the beans to my friend telling him that, "the ones bringing most of the drugs into the country are................................. our own military, with CIA help of coarse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Ya know, I've sat on that for a long time, but NO LONGER AND I ASK ANYONE ELSE WITH SIMILAR STORIES TO COME FORWARD!
So fast forward about 15 years. I left AK. to move back home to raise my daughter, take care of my elderly parents, go back to school and get my degree. I graduate Magna Cum Laude in biology (not tootin my horn just showin I ain't no dummy) and while taking care of my mother while she's dying from the hypertension drugs that have KILLED HER KIDNEYS! (Herbs treat root causes while drugs mask symptoms) I get to, in the next couple of years, help my oldest sister have her HEROIN JUNKY daughter arrested. Thank God I had an inside line on a GREAT detective on our local force, who helped us put her in JAIL! Then, the fucked up system wanted to send her home (back into the same shit bowl on house arrest) Don't get me wrong she came from a very GOOD family, but my sister had druggies circling her house 24/7. (The system doesn't WORK!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess we should just build more prisons for some corrupt asshole to get rich off of.)
Well God Bless my sister for saying NO. She went to a GOOD halfway house (be careful if this has happened to you or yours, lots of bad ones.) Do you know it takes at least a year for those kind of drugs to leave every cell in your body not to mention the brain damage that can occur! Anyway, she got REAL help and is in a strict program by choice and doing GREAT! She found her soul again and remains COMMITTED, but not without a LIFE LONG STRUGGLE involved.
So once again, FUCK YOU SENIOR! You have PIOSONED THIS COUNTRY YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All for what, a brief period of global domination you delude your self with? GO TO HELL AND TAKE ALL OF YOUR GLOBAL COMPADRES WITH YOU!
America will never be free of your kind of shit until we find the courage to face the depths of your vileness!
Sincerely yours,
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 1:25 pm PT...
PS Just try to silence me, I'm a George Lucas fan, I'll only be stronger!!!!!!!! The power of the mind you'll never be able to wipe out you fuck!
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 1:28 pm PT...
"What you do to the web, you do to yourself."
Chief Seattle
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 1:48 pm PT...
Pissed me off fucking jerk and I'm off to the rodeo!
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 2:12 pm PT...
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 2:33 pm PT...
Ancient #39
Cynthia McKinney was on to that CIA drug running thing years ago and was the only one who had the guts to try and expose it. I'm real skeptical about her "defeat"! The entire drug war is a phony, democracy killing, ploy. When Poppy Bush held that bag of Crack up on television, he knew exactly what he was doing. He was just perpetuating the Bush family scheme of:
1. Causing wars. (Terrorizing and selling weapons to both sides ect...)
2. Fighting wars. (using the police, other peoples children and family members)
3. Fake rebuilding after wars. (more war, prison, and rehabilitation profiteering)
Making money in all three places. The "trifecta"!
Civil, Schmivil!
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 2:45 pm PT...
If you are interested in herbs Nature's Sunshine is the BEST. Let's see their stock rise!
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 2:48 pm PT...
Hey Larry
I always did love Cynthia, and suspect her defeat. Anyone on the ground want to help us prove that?
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 2:50 pm PT...
In Utah, someone caught selling heroin can eventually have their record completely expunged.
I will always have a misdemeanor on my record, because I was growing just barley enough pot for my own enjoyment.
What is the gateway drug?
RITALIN! A cocaine-like drug sold for use to very young children by the pharmaceutical DRUG DEALERS!
I used to pay $40 a month for a hypertension drug which I found out causes congestive heart failure. Not any more. I prefer to die, rather then support these bastards! I don't even take aspirin anymore.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 2:58 pm PT...
Can't wait for Michael Moore's new movie SICKO!
When I was young, they used to remove everybody's tonsils for some reason. We were pretty poor at the time so I still have mine. I'm 54 and don't seem to have had a problem. I wonder if that was a money making scheme?
Man, I'm flyin' my saucer to mars today, aren't I?
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 3:27 pm PT...
I don't know 41, you think your son saying things like the terrorists want Democrats to win might have contributed to the incivility? Tell your son to get ready. We're gonna start settling up with him and his cabal come January.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 3:41 pm PT...
Huh, what's a schmivil?
Ya know, I was honorarily bat mitzvah'd (choereographed a play for the local temple)after being raised in a roman catholic family. Yeah, I'm an honorary Jew. But I love the real jews just like the real muslims, and christians I know. I'm really tired of these bastards making real people everywhere fight against each other instead of their shadow trifecta world!
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 4:15 pm PT...
It's just a way of discounting the seriousness of Bush's claim that HE is "civil"!
For instance if someone placed a turd on you coffee table and told you it was gold, you could say:
Gold, schmold!
I have no idea where this literary devise came from, but I, and many others have been using it since childhood.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 4:17 pm PT...
Hey Larry can we saucer pool and fly together?
The people who own Natures Sunshine are from Utah, they got fed up with doctors telling them your gonna die unless you do OUR TREATMENT. She lived using herbs and began their own company, the best on the market!
And how bout that Rocky, Mayor of Salt Lake!!!!!!
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 4:28 pm PT...
Anyone with the link to his speech when Blowyourfaceoffmynamesaysitall was there, please post it. I'm in the middle of doing dinner for my Dad.
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 4:56 pm PT...
Here's Rocky Anderson's speech when Bush was in Salt Lake City. He also had an appearance on Keith Olberman's show the next day, but I don't know if that's on the internet.
Part one.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 4:58 pm PT...
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 5:09 pm PT...
That was good to hear again!
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 5:14 pm PT...
You know what I'd like to see? A RELIGOUS SUMMIT! Ya know, where instead of the governments of the world sit down together, the religious leaders do! In order to figure out how WE can do this better! Hey, but that's just me, I'm off on my saucer ride now. Any body Wanta join me? Maybe, like in Jerusalem, WE can bring this PEACE.
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 5:20 pm PT...
Thanks Larry, diner's over.
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 5:52 pm PT...
Ancient #57
Sorry Ancient, you lost me on that one. I just watched The Da Vinci Code. I know it's not based on a true story, but can probably be seen as a modern day depiction of what the church tried to do to Galileo. A lot of religious thought has no basis in reality and there are things that have been changed in Jesus's story to benefit the powerful.
It's a very thought provoking movie and the religions leaders of the world were very worried about it coming out. Its the same old fight. Whenever the truth contradicts religious teachings, it is covered up. Galileo faced death in his day for proving Jupiter had satellites.
I believe Jesus was mortal and I'm no expert, but I think he said people should practice their faith in private.
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 5:58 pm PT...
Today's Republicans want us to be like Jesus and they're going to be like God. That is not the path to civility.
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 6:18 pm PT...
I'm saying we make that debate public, SO THEY CAN"T GET AWAY WITH SECRECY ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone for they're JUST DESERT??????????????
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 6:48 pm PT...
Hey, I'm not totally up on the other religious leaders of the world, but that rottweiler they have as a Pope now, (I'm sure GWALKER IS HAPPY) is NO JOHN PAUL! (Just like Regan, ((whose policies I HATED)) but I believe was actually was a nice man used by thugs!) Even though people get used, and the catholic church has been misguided since Peter, it has helped to (FUCK YOU BUSHES) civilize this world. Believe me, I'm far past my youth, but I do have respect for those who have given their lives to reform humanity.
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 7:02 pm PT...
Enough said by me today, nite nite.
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 7:24 pm PT...
Thanks again Larry, hope you understand where I'm comin from. If not, talk to you later.
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/16/2006 @ 8:19 pm PT...
That new pope scares me. The last pope actually pardoned Galileo after hundreds of years, but I heard somewhere, the new one wants to roll that back.
Maybe he should be left on one of the moons of Jupiter until he figures it out.
Religious leaders of different sects, debating mythology in public? That's not going to happen. Their hierarchy is based on things that can't be proven because they happened so long ago or are invisible to man. Even they know it's impossible and useless to debate and it has nothing to do with people getting along in peace. But I'm not the expert. These are just my beliefs.
If Jesus had to go on with Bill Maher or David Letterman or any talk show at all, (except for Hannity, who is too dumb to challenge him), we would all have to change our mindset. Hell, there's no way to prove he even exsited!
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 9:57 pm PT...
But hey Larry hundreds of millions of people still believe, and thats how THEY work. The stars might lie but the numbers never do. I mean, even those of us who still believe in something more than ourselves, and congregate with original beliefs to help us be here now can bare fruit. So, when looking at the whole, don't forget, ALL OF US WANT THE TRUTH! And after coming out of the physics class I did, let me tell you science and religion have a new found togetherness in Quantum physics. You know that quantum physics is proving a particle is changed by your thinking about it!
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
said on 11/16/2006 @ 10:19 pm PT...
Now, after watching the hearings on Cspan about civil rights and watching they're boys get sladed righteously, and responding to you, I'm really going to bed. Good night, sweet dreams and God Bless.
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/17/2006 @ 12:44 am PT...
Yeah, that was a good hearing!
The worlds best example of an oxymoron:
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 11/17/2006 @ 4:43 am PT...
Ancient: The reason there never was or will be a summit with all the religious leaders in the world, is that they would look at each other and realize religions were "made up", or there wouldn't be 99,999 religions and religious leaders! Think about it...
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
said on 11/18/2006 @ 4:10 am PT...
Hey, me out here..!
Does anyone remember reading where Momma Bush said that the family had donated approximately $200,000 to the Katrina fund.
Awfully nice of them wouldn't you say......however, it came with a stipulation that the money was to be used to purchase educational programs for schools, and the programs stated were.......
are you ready for this.....
Programs from the company that one of the Bush sons owns..!!
What the f**k.......those kids at the time didn't have a place to LIVE, other than the stinking, over crowded, hot Convention Centre, OR were baking in the heat without food or water on the side of a highway, OR had been bused or airlifted to other states. Their schooling wasn't the immediate concern......keeping them alive was more important..!!
Tell me.......does this family EVER do anything for anybody where they don't benefit to some degree or another..?
I'll answer my own question.....
NO....NO, and NO again....
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]
said on 11/18/2006 @ 12:28 pm PT...
Mar #70
Here's a link with the information you remembered:
No Child Left Behind - If Your Mother Is Barbara Bush
Nearly five months ago, I wrote about Barbara Bush's novel plan of financially enriching her good for nothing son, Neil Bush who has failed at several business ventures, including some that were less than above board. Nothing wrong with a parent helping a child. Except, Mrs. Bush's family assistance scheme came disguised as charitable donation to victims of Katrina! The convoluted plan for funneling money to her own son through the Houston Independent School District (HISD) smacks of money laundering. Today it was reported in the Houston Chronicle that the Bush family deal using Houston school kids with learning disablities as a front, is even shadier than originally thought. It also involves peddling educational material of questionable value and Neil Bush stands to receive money from the school district over and above what his mother and her friends are donating to the fund. Please read the whole report ...
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]
said on 11/18/2006 @ 1:11 pm PT...
Big Dan, Arry & Larry Bergan,
I, too, watched the Wed. Democracy Now show featuring George McGovern, Dennis Kucinich & Joshua Muravcik [AEI nut.] I recorded it & have watched it several times over, with RELISH! Muravcik & his ilk are unable to handle any truthful, honest debate & Arry's right, he did nearly hyperventilate. What great fun!
One of my favorite Muravcik quotes, which sounded exactly like a 10 yr. old whining, was this: "It's my turn - let me talk - it's my turn." [Waaaahhhhh!!!]
Before that debate, I didn't know Joshua Moravcik, however a bit of research turned up some information I thought I'd share with others who are interested. Very interesting stuff:
Source Watch article on AEI
NYTimes - A Neocon Dreams of Joe in 2008
This article focuses on Josua Muravcik's memo to his "fellow Neoconservatives" entitled OPERATION COMEBACK - How to Save the Neocons in which he confirms 2 shills from the Democratic Party [DINOs.] Joe Lieberman & James Carville. For those of us who had already figured this out, Muravcik simply provides the concrete proof.
Another excellent article at Mother Jones regarding the AEI, fake scientists & Global Warming [brought to you by EXXON-MOBIL]:
Some Like It Hot by Chris Mooney
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/18/2006 @ 3:49 pm PT...
Kira #72
It was indeed a delight to listen to that sloth with money feel like the walls were closing in on him. The bad news for him and those like him. THEY ARE!
If this election revealed anything, it revealed that folks on both sides of American politics are embarrassed by neocons and their stupid, football strategy form of government!
Leave football to the stadiums, and quit mixing it with politics. FOOTBALL DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING MORE TO DO WITH GOVERNING THEN AN ART SHOW WITH A PISS JESUS! Please, quit throwing our economy like a football waiting to be fumbled on the sidelines. This has nothing to do with conservatism, astro brain!
Quit living out your childhood sport's hero fantasies in the halls of congress. It's a whole different ballgame thing.
Why did George Allen think the way to win an election was to be seen throwing a football around at his rallies? Why does Tim Russert close every edition of "Meet The Press" saying, "What about those Bills". Why is our "president" a former cheerleader!
Right now, Nancy Pelosi is looking like a pretty good change!
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]
said on 11/19/2006 @ 10:50 am PT...
Kira # 71
Thanks for posting that info. I was sure I wasn't dreaming..
What a family. They are a disgrace to the human species, and to coin one of Jack Cafferty's descriptive phrases...."They're nothing more than a bunch of slugs".
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]
said on 11/19/2006 @ 8:41 pm PT...
You're welcome Mar. Anything I can do to illuminate the rats' nests is my job as an American Patriot.
bush 41 & 43 & the repubs. continually tell on themselves - all we have to do is listen carefully.
Gee, to hear 41 & beautiful-mind barbara whine about how their son can't use "the email" because he might get caught not telling the truth is just one more accidental confession in a long list.
Hey 41 - where were you the day Kennedy was shot?
Wayne Madsen writes "Bush himself admits to the FBI that he was booked into the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas on November 22." [Warning, graphic picture of Kennedy's head wound on the linked page.]
Blondsense & Lalock: Nixon-Bush-JFK Connection
And -
Hey 41, is this you?
The above link is Tom Flocco's site , which is open to skepticism [in my opinion] but that picture is very compelling.
Webster Tarpley has gathered some interesting research data here: