The BradCast w/ Brad Friedman

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Independent investigative journalism, broadcasting, trouble-making and muckraking with Brad Friedman of

Independent investigative journalism, broadcasting, trouble-making and muckraking with Brad Friedman of Originating on Pacifica Radio's KPFK 90.7FM in Los Angeles and syndicated coast-to-coast and around the globe! NOW FIVE DAYS A WEEK!

'BradCast' 12/19/2019 (Pelosi vs. Rogue One and Rogue Two in post-impeachment mess)

12-19-2019 (53.75 MB)

On today's 'BradCast':  In the wake of the passage of two Articles of Impeachment against rogue President Donald Trump, the post-impeachment phase got messier still, as Democrats stood strong in their fight for a fair trial in the Republican-controlled Senate. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a blistering response to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's repeated admission in recent days that he is colluding with the White House and has no intention of being impartial in the Senate trial, despite his Constitutional mandate to serve as an impartial juror in impeachment trials. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-NC) also attempts to make a mockery of the Senate trial by rigging it in favor of the White House, contradicting his own past claims when he served as a House Manager for Pres. Bill Clinton's 1998 impeachment. Anti-Trump group Republicans for the Rule of Law releases hard-hitting ad hitting back at McConnell and Graham for refusing to allow testimony from a number of top Administration officials as witnesses in the Senate trial. A few thoughts on Tulsi Gabbard's vote of "present." Some quick election integrity and voting rights news: New Jersey's Democratic Governor restores voting rights to 73,000 people currently on parole or probation. Georgia's Republican Sec. of State was forced to reinstate 22,000 after admitting his office had improperly removed them. Also today:  a quick update on the recent internecine battle at e-voting watchdog, in the wake of courageous resignations of two members of their Board of Directors.  Plus Desi Doyen has our latest 'Green News Report,' with disturbing news out of Australia, bad news for our oceans, costly news about fracking and, shockingly, some kind words about global financial services behemoth Goldman Sachs!...


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Duration: 58:42 m - Filetype: mp3 (128 kbps 44100 Hz)