The BradCast w/ Brad Friedman

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Independent investigative journalism, broadcasting, trouble-making and muckraking with Brad Friedman of

Independent investigative journalism, broadcasting, trouble-making and muckraking with Brad Friedman of Originating on Pacifica Radio's KPFK 90.7FM in Los Angeles and syndicated coast-to-coast and around the globe! NOW FIVE DAYS A WEEK!

'BradCast' 12/16/2019 (Guest: NC State Sen. Erica D. Smith, U.S. Senate candidate)

12-16-2019 (53.61 MB)

On today's 'BradCast': The House Judiciary committee released its impeachment report on Monday, charging that Trump committed "multiple federal crimes" including bribery and wire fraud. On impeachment, freshman House Democrats are advocating for former Republican Rep. Justin Amash (I-MI) to serve as a House manager in the (likely) upcoming impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate of Donald J. Trump in January. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell declared that he will coordinate with the Trump White House to rig the Senate trial, which House Judiciary Chair Jerrold Nadler condemned as a "subversion of Constitutional order." Senate Democrats have formally requested McConnell subpoena four Trump officials as fact witnesses. If Republicans refuse, some have called for Democrats to hold off the trial until courts rule on whether subpoenaed witnesses must testify, or after the 2020 election, should Trump be reelected. In PA, private voting machine vendor ES+S apologized for their misprogrammed and misconfigured voting systems that failed catastrophically in sparsely-attended municipal elections in November 2019, including machines that recorded zero votes for a candidate who actually won. NC State Sen. Erica D. Smith discusses a new scam ES+S is trying to pull off in North Carolina, in which the vendor has succeeded in convincing the State Board of Elections to allow them to skip the state certification process in North Carolina and use new, untested machines in 2020. Smith, who is challenging GOP US Senator Thom Tillis' re-election, explains that the board's approval of ES+S's "bait and switch" violated state law, and calls for hand-marked paper ballots for the crucial 2020 swing state.  Smith is a progressive Democrat who has rejected all corporate PAC donations, and leads her closest competitor and Tillis in the polls, yet state and national establishment Democrats have endorsed her primary opponent...


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Duration: 58:33 m - Filetype: mp3 (128 kbps 44100 Hz)