By Brad Friedman on 9/14/2004, 1:32pm PT  

Let me be clear; John Kerry sucks.

I think I've been pretty clear on that from Day 1 at the beginning of the Primaries. But in case some of you Rightwingnuts with your head in the sand are unable to comprehend, see the above! Read it closely, read it again, and then read on.

With that said, George W. Bush's sucking out does every bit of suckery by not only John Kerry, but every single Democratic candidate I have ever seen. Anywhere and anytime. And I don't care much for most of what the Democratic Party is usually able to put forward.

None the less, hands down, George W. Bush outsucks them all. Not even a contest.

George W. Bush is incompetent, a liar, nothing like who he would have you believe his is, and mostly he's just outright dangerous.

George W. Bush has sucked the life out of some 50,000+ people in Iraq at this point, for no intelligible reason whatsoever other than, by his own admission, he made "a miscalculation". Apparently, a 50,000+ person and still counting "miscalculation".

That is an intolerable and unacceptable amount of "miscalculation" on his part. On it's own, without all the other embarrassing and dangerous and failed policies that this Administration has already saddled us with for years to come it is worth one big "Your Fired!" this November.

Setting the country on a clear path towards bankruptcy in the next five years by creating the Biggest Government, Biggest Spending, Biggest Budget Deficit in the history of civilization is worth being fired for as well. But that is --- amazingly --- very small beans compared to his grossly off-base "miscalculation" in Iraq and in the War on Terror. That would include the intolerable price we've already paid for it in blood and treasure, and the price we will be continuing to pay for it years from now beyond what the eye can currently even see.

Creating more terrorists, developing more world instability, turning previous allies into enemies, giving li-service to any real Homeland Security reforms has made Americans far less safe than when we were prior to 9/11. For that, he earns the big pink slip. Lying to the American people by telling them we're "safer" in the bargain is just the tip of the hypocritical iceberg for these political geniuses.

And they are political geniuses! Don't get me wrong! The way that Bush has been able to turn a complete and virtually undisputed (though under-reported) disaster in Iraq into an asset somehow displays political slickery beyond Bill Clinton's wildest dreams. Credit where credit is due. As Josh Marshall recently put it "President Bush, has managed to derive political advantage from the magnitude of his own failure." Amazing but true. And that was no easy feat. If only he were as clever, and seemed to care as much, about winning "wars" as he has shown to be at winning elections.

Clearly, it won't be easy for Kerry this year. Even though it should have been. It's difficult to win an election based on the other guy outsucking your guy. That was demonstrated in 1996 when the enraged Republicans, who despised Bill Clinton, were nonetheless unable to unseat him on the singular premise that they felt Bill Clinton sucked.

But this is not 1996. Back then, Clinton's clear lead in the polls and popularity amongst the American people was nothing akin to what we have today. This "President" does not have the strong majority popular support behind him that Clinton did when he ran for re-election. This "President" is vulnerable, rightly, on just about every issue that's he's touched. He is unable to show a clear success on virtually anything in his entire ignominious four year record. Not without spinning hay into gold, which they are very adept at doing and realize they have a receptive media on their side ready to display such spun gold to the American people without challenge.

Yet, this is not a popular "President" and he's clearly "fireable" despite the Mainstream Media's lazy Republican partisanship and their continued obsessive distraction with process over substance.

Kerry certainly needs to get his act together to help out. There are plenty in the blogosphere with suggestions on exactly how to do that, so I won't bother. But suffice to say, this thing would be much easier if he managed to not suck quite so much. But even sucking, he is better qualified, more prepared, more honest, more adult, less dangerous and fully capable of winning this November. An unbiased close inspection of the real poll numbers reveal that. Just as they did in 2000 when, at this point in the race, all of the polls were strongly against Al Gore and we know how wrong those polls ended up being on Election Day.

This year, the national polls are virtually tied at this point. Close inspection of the more important "Battleground States" show a slight lead for Kerry, though even those numbers bounce back and forth within the margin of error.

More importantly though, and even more so than in 2000, there are numbers that simply aren't figured into any of the polls. Beginning with the youth vote, many of whom now don't have landline phone numbers, only cell phones, and thus, don't show up in the polling at all. Neither do newly registered voters generally factor in to most of these polls.

There are many other uncounted numbers in the various polls, and various incorrect weighting of Democrats versus Republicans in many of the polls, particularly those that show an unbelievable lead for Bush over Kerry.

Believe such polls at your own peril. Many of them, by design, are meant to influence exactly such a belief. Nonetheless, this race is still completely winnable for John Kerry at this point. And that's even if he continues sucking and even if the Media continues to avoid doing their job of reporting on issues and facts to the American people and even if Florida is stolen again (where all of Jeb's political machinery is stacking against Kerry via systematic voter intimidation, grossly inaccurate felony voter roll purging, Diebold electronic voting blackbox chicanery, miscounting of absentee, military and over-seas ballots and the blatant defiance of court orders to add Nader to the ballot).

Yes, they will do "Anything to Win". But that doesn't mean it will work. Keep fighting for your country, for what is right, for the good of humanity and civilization. That's all that you can do. And you --- along with the Rightwing demagogues --- may be in for quite a surprise this Election Day. Never give up the fight. Good usually triumphs over evil in the end.

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